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Sunday, June 27, 2021

June 27, 2021

One year ago today: June 27, 2020, 2/5ths of a fan.
Five years ago today: June 27, 2016, outnumbered 40 to 1.
Nine years ago today: June 27, 2012, railways, politics, or freeways.
Random years ago today: June 27, 2004, interesting Mars comments.

           China released audio recordings of the wind on Mars, but just you try to listen. Every site I tried wanted a membership or to enable cookies. Up yours, millennials, and I shun products advertised on youTube. So there, and predictions are there will soon be a lot fewer millennials on-line. That’s because so many of them have not yet figured out the Dark Web is a sting operation. Below I’ve reposted the picture of JZ plunking a coin in the laundromat slot, for some reason it generated 600+ views. For this species of blog, that’s like going viral.
           Caramelized walnuts. Expensive and terrible-tasting. I figured out later they must be for decorating cupcakes or something. Short of lab-grown meat, I’ll try most products for the novelty. This tiny container was $8, so never again. They do not taste like caramel or like walnuts. That might explain why JZ likes them. Either that or because they cost so much. (I didn’t notice the huge price tag until later.)

           Steak and eggs for breakfast, I could not find the energy and crashed until noon. What, you want me to make something up? I finally did rally, so I hopped in the van and drove out to visit Agt. M. I should give you an update. His son, now just over a year old, is on his way to fame and fortune courtesy of the robot club. During the process of getting Agt. M to learn on his own how to protect savings, he’s landed in the middle of those very things that caused all former savings plans to fail. They were not protected, and that is not something you can learn from a book. It’s different for each person but he’s grasped the concept that the money is already spent—in the future. Steal now and you are robbing the future.
           It was supposed to be a ten minute coffee meeting, old club style, but we were there an hour. To those who think it is easy, you have not tried it. You must diversify, and to me it is fool who hands his money to a broker and says do it for me. Today, the issue was the silver. If you keep it, you must hide it. Hide it in one place, you could lose all, hide it many places and you increase the chance of discovery. If you sell it, you must find out where you can do so for cash. The worst place to sell precious metals is usually at the jewelry store. What’s that? You get the idea. These are decisions that always lose money if you delay.

           It’s amusing to see how huge the cybersecurity industry is poised to become. Why? Because I addressed that issue back in the early 1980s. I lamented back then how in the rush to be first to market, so many places left the whole issue of security completely out. Encryption wasn’t a common word at Apple, IBM, or MicroSoft in those days. Everybody’s password was “guest” and “disk-swapping” was a play on words. Alas, this blog was hand-written back then, so even I could not dig out the details. But I recall some basics.
           One was that a file could, by default, only be “played back” on the computer that created it unless it was unlocked for another specific computer. Each user got a key when he bought a computer or some similar scheme. Disks for mass production could only be unlocked by a deliberate reformatting. At the time, nobody considered such things as they were too inconvenient. Today, they’ll pay millions for their own data back and how convenient is that?

Picture of the day.
Central Bank of Kenya.
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           The trip home was great, gave me time to ponder. I’m still running symptoms of a mild cold so I opted to stay at home at least a couple of days. I should be in Tennessee. It turns out opening a bank account for a minor has been screwed up like everything else. Some banks won’t let you do it before age 13, others go as low as 6, but it’s really a joint account. Or a custodial account, or a small variety of terms they don’t really explain well. One sure fact seems to be that banks cannot sock minors with any fees, but careful, some will charge for a paper statement.
           Next, I researched pet fostering. I’m still not sure, because most search results crow about the benefits without explaining the nitty-gritty. I gather the pet has a present home but that is going to change. That’s the dog the Reb calls “Charlie”, which is going to clash with the title of an arrangment I’ve had on my books for over 28 years. Let’s say, to me “Charlie” is one of my prized code words. This new dog belongs to a couple who got old and frail before the dog did.

           I may be wrong, but through a process of severe anthropomorphism, some societies have figured out pets need some sort of transistion to a new home. You heard me. They operate by determining if you are a good match for the pet. I little doubt this involves answering tons of questions that are none of their business. Some go so far as to tell you what pet you are allowed to adopt once the current owners croak or whatever. However you slice it, the animal that gets into our care leads a charmed life. No wonder ancient societies hate us so—our pets live better than their kings. I make no apologies for what America once had because we did it on our own. If you leftists want to improve some place place full of violent racists, why are you not trying to take over Jamaica?
           Have you seen the latest Trump rallies? Once again he has trouble speaking as the crowds chant, “Four more years”, “Trump won”, and if he dares to mention Pelosi, “Lock her up”. The liberals are desperately trying to tie their loose ends together before the impending mid-term disaster. The RINOs are running scared and the Democrat apparatus is reduced to knee-jerk reactions to Trump’s moves. Increasing numbers of politicos are refusing to be internviewed by the mainstream media, particularly the detested CNN.

           You guys with nothing to hide, take note of the guy who was arrested after 14 years because he was stupid enough to give his DNA to one of those ancestry trace places. I don’t know what his crime was, that’s not the point here. This report is from the Jimmy Ruska amalgamator, along with these gems of millennialism:

                      1) Canada proposed a $16,000 fine for white, er pardon me, hate speech.
                      2) Three Japanese arrested for making a fast movie.*
                      3) Drone flyers must pass an on-line test, an ominous precursor to licensing.

           But, we do got five fewer bozos, referring to people who go hot air ballooning. If you want to go up in the air in an uncontrollable craft near the power lines, fine. But when the predictable happens, don’t expect as much sympathy as if you’d used your brains. People over 60 should have known better. Not that I follow dumb jock sports, but I saw this freaky newscaster with extreme hooker hair and had to listen what she was saying. I just know this hairstyle represents something and what ever it is should go back there. It looks about as natural as her eyebrows. And she was reporting the five deaths in Albuquerque, who went ker-SPLAT.

           *[Author’s note: a fast movie is where you take all the action scenes and central plot of a movie and condense it down to five minutes. Since 1990, considering the product coming out of Hollywood, this has become increasing easy to do. I’m wondering how they can even get five minutes content out of the re-make crap they call movies these days.]

Last Laugh