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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

June 15, 2021

One year ago today: June 15, 2020, my rumble speaker.
Five years ago today: June 15, 2016, the hardest lesson.
Nine years ago today: June 15, 2012, one stent is $77k.
Random years ago today: June 15, 2015, mostly shop talk.

           This just in. Biden runs scared from Putin. Old Joe backed down from his four years of pointing the finger at Russia for vague things like “collusion”. Now Biden is saying Russia is failing to conform with international norms, admitting that he can’t enforce his sick brand of leftism on even the world’s formerly most Marxist nation. This blog is not politically based, again my comments are on human nature, but damn there is just no much human nature going on these days. I have some words to follow, for I am that anti-liberalist. Happy Jason Derek Brown Day.
           Trivia. Do you know the real reason the kangaroo is on the Australian coat of arms? Because it can’t walk backwards. Now you know more than their current crop of politicians. But stay friends with the Aussies, and you know why? Because just you watch, Biden is going to start a war. Armed conflicts are great distractions for liberals and their policies.
           Get you focused on the war, we gotta win the war—so you won’t notice what’s going on behind your back. You can tell I have not had my morning coffee. Instead, I was listening to Marjorie Taylor Greene on the radio. No wonder I don’t like that Pelosi person. There’s no way she doesn’t know she’s lying about Trump and spreading sedition. She seems to regard herself as immune from consequences.

           America has troubles and they are stemming from one source. The left cannot operate in the open and they are being forced to in order to ram their agendas through before what is plainly looming. The dam is about to burst. They’ve had to overextend themselves and botched it badly. They were so sure their polls and propaganda had worked that Americans would come flocking to their cause, similar to what the Soviets thought in 1939 when they invaded Finland. This is how Marxists think. Now they’ve gone and alienated the armed forces by trying to neuter them with a woke agenda.
           Right now, I doubt most of the army would obey orders to fire on fellow Americans, for Trump it would be a “who would shoot his Emporer” moment. Hell, I doubt Biden would dare to walk among his own troops. Events have assured a massive Trump tidal wave as the past year has opened millions of eyes to the sheer depth of corruption, from local school boards right up to the President himself. They are all on the say out The backlash has begun with local elections and the socialist media is going to have one hell of a time finding anything wrong with the audit. The audit is so plainly after truth that pro-Trump claims are already met with howling laughter and bitter resolve.

           While there was no mechanism to remove a President, there is now a powerful group that will move to decertify the election. What happens after that, I’m not sure. But Iike many, I’ve got the feeling that in a fair contest, the non-liberals are a majority in every state. And the few localities where the Democrats have a marked lead are festering welfare shitholes, but we’ve always known that. And those leftoid college and university faculties probably don’t recognize they have also been put on notice. They won’t be outlawed, just their taxpayer funding cut off and we’ll see how many of them are loyal to the cause.
           The old media has also sewered themselves by backing the wrong faction. It’s not surprising since they are liberal owned. It’s a joke how they are still trying worn out pre-Trump era tactics that are not going to work any more. Like their pointing out some of the lawmakers who toured the Arizona audit were present in DC on January 6, implicating they are insurrectionists supporting an illegal action. Ha, they are there to learn the right way to conduct the proceedings and the activists are the journalists who I think may soon be groveling for mercy.

Picture of the day.
Michigan murder reports.
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           More wasted money, as NASA announced a flight to the “dark side of the Moon”. The Moon has no dark side, it is another publicity stunt, like the Shuttle fiasco. A return to manned missions is the only Moon program that makes any sense and a trip to the other side will not find anything materially different. The plan that makes sense is to the Moon’s polar regions. Those are the only spots on the surface that don’t experience the huge temperature swings and dark phases. NASA says it will plant new seismometers but last I heard the old ones were still working just fine. The launch is scheduled for November.
           Furthermore, NASA has contracted out the next manned mission. Any issues with that? Yes, the same as before, that NASA’s job is to launch rockets, not fix the American social system. The people sent on this missions should be the most qualified available, without any regard to color or gender. NASA has a real problem with that. They’ve show they are highly biased and will not launch a crew that is all white males. You will never convince any thinking person that of the hundreds of qualified applicants, of the 18 on the short list of the “most qualified” that 9 of them are women. Statistically that’s as impossible as a Biden vote spike.

           This photo shows the four RS-25 engines to power the first stage of Artemis. They shoot out gas at 10,000 mph. If you recognize them, think Saturn V from forty years ago. They were also used on the Shuttle and will continue using the “strap-on” booster rockets. Hydrogen and oxygen remain the propellants. Once ignited, these engines cannot be stopped until the fuel is gone. They were built in California for the Shuttle program and are part of around 15 engines pulled out of storage. They were designed to be reusable but will now be destroyed by the Artemis launches. But the delay caused by the Shuttle lives on. Most of those engines have already flown into space, and the Artemis must, by law, use the Shuttle worforce.
           After that, hopes are pinned on the Space X Raptor engine. It is privately developed, uses methane, and is priced at less than $1,000,000. Using 3D printed parts, mass production could bring the Raptor down to $300,000 each, about the price of a real sports car. These powerplants are rated for over 950 uses each, against the Shuttle’s 12 launches. The trick is “full-flow” combustion, which in layman’s terms means the fuel and oxygen are mixed together before they are injected into the combustion chamber. Think of it as fuel injection for rocket motors.
           Here’s more info to chew on. Using methane prevents crust buildup in the motors (known as ‘coking”) and will lower the cost of fuel to less than 1% of the launch. With commercial airlines, fuels cost are over 30%. The projected Super Heavy would use 40 of these engines for each launch. While this brand of engine has not yet been used to get into space, at least one has been used in a third stage. The Super Heavy is designed to be built in 12 hours. And, methane is far easier to get on the Martian surface than hydrogen. Once again, American private industry outdoes the world—if you will only let it.

           MicroSoft screws you again, ending Win 10 and support for it by 2025. To most people that forces an upgrade, but not for me, and I’ll tell you why. Because, for business and practical functions, MicroSoft has not introduced a single major new business program or app since Win 95. These new versions do little but move commands around, forcing business to retrain their staff. There is no gain in productivity, but there is an erosion of functionality as the last few generations of coders go for the latest versions without a thought of backward compatibility. For that matter, I’ve met coders who don’t know what that is.
           Each new version introduces what by any real standards is institutionalized spyware into your computer. The install now has hundreds of thousands of bytes of code that serves no apparent function. And upgrades can eat my shorts. What? Really? Okay, then upgrades can pay me to eat my shorts. And Torvald, the carb-face Linux guy, proves he is a leftoid pro-censorship bonehead by lecturing on how vaccines work. He actually states that his “experts” are better than the anti-vax “experts”, plainly not understanding the real issue is not the vaccine, but forcing it on the unwilling. Imagine, some dude who uses words like distro and ubuntu telling other people they don’t know what they are talking about. Torvald, stick to unix, it’s design for those who can’t spell or type.
           While all this yak-yak was going on, I installed one of the monster A/C units in the north wall of the white shed. Took all day, had to rip out pegboard, cut metal, and the appliance weight close to 80 pounds, so that was fun.

           Biden is beyond senile, that reply to the Putin question was not even a decent showing of his half century experience in political squeamish answers. He’s soon to be replaced by Harris, but her recent performance has even the deep left worried. Biden’s upcoming meeting with Putin is already known as this year’s Great Train Wreck. They must feel the pressure of the Arizona audit, they’ve really made asses of themselves on this one. For a laugh, watch the left backpedal whenever Trump is proven right, which he usually is. The MSM is now having to duck facts coming from departments they thought they owned.
           Or the BLM founder having to build that fortress wall around her house. Why not dig a moat as well? I’d advise all RINOs to start filling out resumes, but don’t expect a job in the shithouse they’ve created. No wonder they are desperate to raise the minimum wage. Putin intends to ask Biden about throwing protesters in jail without trial, known as “weaponized legalism”, using the law to advance their own agenda. Texas is building the wall, they should ask for public support and I’ll send them some money. (But not to keep illegals in our jails, they should be sent back.)
Before I continue with that, here’s a picture from last month from atop the workshed roof. This gives you an idea of the extent of the square footage once the walkways between the sheds are covered over. If the city gets antsy, it could all be temporary. Meanwhile, for puttering I never had it so good. I say again, the bird life in the mini-sanctuary has become prolific. The favorite diet by some 30% is the pre-shelled sunflower seeds. I am considering putting a small rain canopy over the newest feeder as the cardinals don’t use it. Instead the smaller birds have staked it out.

           TMOR readers, the individual states have more power than the central government as provided for in the US Constitution. Until recently, they had little experience using it, as the Democrats of any stripe have slowly been building a dependence on Federal money grants, which always arrive with attachments. The states, led by Texas, are increasingly flexing this muscle. And the horrid CNN has lost 75 % of its audience since Trump left. Bye-bye, you will not be missed. And the revolt against CRT is a bigger issue, as many states are now chucking out the left-wingers who have infiltrated the school boards.
           Here’s one for trivia buffs. The Zuck, who makes a big deal out his $1 per year salary, now pays $23 million per year on his own security. Despite no apparent threats to his person, ever since his support for Biden’s voting tactics during 2020, he perceives his life is in danger. Fancy that. He’s such a leftist, he thinks the other side are the bad guys. Facebook says the “attack on the Capitol” is the reason for increased security needs. If we thought it would do any good, we’d advise him to spend another $23 million and do something about his haircut.

Last Laugh