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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June 16, 2021

One year ago today: June 16, 2020, no, no, doctor.
Five years ago today: June 16, 2016, men like me, I mean.
Nine years ago today: June 16, 2012, Billie-Bill & Alman.
Random years ago today: June 16, 2004, Happy Birthday, Iran.

           More news for those with nothing to hide. Wells Fargo is now freezing bank accounts of anti-left “activists”. In this age, who would keep all their money in one basket, anyway? I know, somebody dumb enough to let Wells Fargo know their politics. Here is the sequence of installation for the white shed A/C. Not as easy as it looks, but whatever is in the Florida heat. This is one of the big church units that came from a meeting hall. But even on full blast, it just barely beats the sun on the tin of the shed. It’s good news, the shed is now dry, cool and has electric lighting. No need to hike all the way back to the house regularly just to cool down. I have a second unit destined for the red shed. The lumber cost more than the appliances.
           More news out of Georgia of election fraud. I don’t understand why the authorities don’t arrest any one of those illegal vote counters on the video and squeeze her till she spills the beans. Then widen the dragnet until you get somebody who turns State’s evidence. They do it with schmucks to sell weed, why can’t they do it with people who steal elections?

           Why yes, that A/C installation looks professional. It’s called experience, that is A/C number four I’ve installed. Oddly, this large units don’t cause any visible power drain as does my electric saw. At the same time, they don’t blast out as much cold air as I imagined from appliances this size. These are Kenmore brand and have parts inside with Sears stickers. They are whisper quiet, which I like.
           Sleeplessness had me up at 3:30AM so I threw on a DVD “15:17 to Paris”. I thought it was an action movie. Naw, it’s these guys to go through boot camp together. It’s now more than an hour into the story and they’ve just got on the train. It says the heroes portray themselves as the plot is based on true events. Ah, here is the explanation, the movie is from Clint Eastwood. What’s this, the newsfeeds are alive as Putin questions Biden if he ordered the execution of the DC lady protestor and the fate of 450 people being held in jail without trial. Things that are only supposed to happen in Russia.

           There is another item that sticks in my craw. This claim that Bill Gates is a genius. A more likely explanation is that winners can re-write history. I’ve already said he is well-informed as any billionaire should be. Folks, I grew up in the era when Gates was touted as “the smartest kid in the world” and it is just not true. Computer whiz, my eye, he had a private terminal connected to the Lakeside computer and something no adult had—endless hours to play on the thing. As far as we know, his only “program” was a game of tic-tac-toe, and that code already existed.
           On top of that, it is only coming to light recently what everybody already suspected—that it was the offspring of the wealthy that were getting into the Ivy League schools. I heard several radio broadcasts of Gates while I was working the orchards in Yakima in 1973. There is no way that boy scored 1590 out of 1600 on any Harvard aptitude test, you simply cannot bullshit me on that one. Does not the record speak for itself? Let me ask the same question another way. Can you name me anybody who scored that high whose father was not an influential lawyer? Whose mother was not a bigwig over at United Way? I’m just sayin’.

           I’ve found a partial solution to not having blog pictures on some days. It’s that 1923 French dictionary that doesn’t mention sex but devotes a full page to the 19 different styles of ostrich feathers. This book is illustrated with what looks like woodcuts. In a pinch, I can scan gems like this photo I cannot figure. I’m too busy to bother with Google translate, but help yourself.

Picture of the day.
Gough Island.
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           Nanotechnology. From Australia the announcement of night vision via a thin film applied directly to the lens at ordinary room temperature. It takes infrared light from heat emitting objects and tranforms it into the visible range. Meant to replace heavy night goggles, they say it will one day be applied to regular eyeglasses. Take my money. This news comes on the same day Alibaba admits to a 1 billion user-name data breach.
           Yep, now it’s in the billions at a time—and they can watch you in the dark. Millennials, serves you right. What little privacy you have left is illusionary, for you can be sure one of your compatriots is working on a smart toilet. And chop a little more firewood for next winter when some bureaucrat decides to save the planet by turning down your smart thermostat.

           Those 450 people rotting in DC jails could get life sentences, as the Democrats have compelled themselves to create a crisis out of that mostly peaceful protest. The Republicans are too chicken-shit to do anything and Trump is likely standing back to drive home the message that anyone who still doesn’t vote Democrat could be next. Actually, as soon as Trump is back they will all be pardoned. Already we see other countries shying away from making any arrangements with Biden, knowing those will be shredded. Texas was the first to reaffirm its stance with the Constitution giving the States all powers not explicitly granted to the central government.

           The A/C pictured this morning was installed last night, today I got the 2nd unit into the red shed, shown here. It’s not quite finished yet, but this angle display the relative large size needed to combat the hotbox effect. I had no choice but to mount this in the direct sunlight so I’ll have to build a canopy soon. I ran the unit for ten minutes and it gets the shed down to the low 70s. So technically, the shed are now better climatized than the house until I fix that attic fan.
           Let’s take the afternoon off. This unit took four hours less but will require I run in a special plug. The power switch is broken on this one, so I’ll install a flip switch as well. I worked up an appetite so say goodbye to the rest of that chicken pie before anything else. And catch up on some news. Ha, what’s this? CNN agrees with me? Um, that means a complete 180° for them, since they would never agree with my reasons. They say Trump is launching a slow-motion coup. He has raised more than double the “war chest” funds than both the Democrats and Republicans combined, at some $85 million.
           You can say it, this blog was again right six months ahead, but I never thought I’d hear the Commie Nut Network admit it. Trump was, they said, a footnote, buried, never to be seen again. In other great news, Hungary has banned the teaching of queer material to children. Caution, I did not say it was wrong, I said we don’t want to hear it. A lot like youTube advertising, it’s the wrong message at the wrong time. When is a good time? Never. Don’t want your religion, your politics, or your preferences. You can stop the problem any time by getting out of the line of fire.

           TMOR, here is a description of how American racism works. San Francisco has decriminalized shoplifting below $950. Almost instantly some, but not all, people began walking into stores with trash bags, filling them up and walking away without paying. The stores, noticing which items were being stolen the most, put those items in lock boxes. Sure enough, some libtards walk in the store and complain. All the “white” products are on the shelves, all the “black” products are locked up. To morons, that's “RACISM”!
           So the stores, rather than lockup everything, proceed to shut down. Walgreens closed 17 locations. End of problem? Not really. Enter the libtards again who complain those stores were all closed in “black” neighborhoods. To morons, that’s “SYSTEMIC RACISM”!

           Whenever I hear a libtard say "systemic", I ask them to spell it.
Last Laugh