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Thursday, June 17, 2021

June 17, 2021

One year ago today: June 17, 2020, political wisdom?
Five years ago today: June 17, 2016, remember the Exocet?
Nine years ago today: June 17, 2012, an anti-loitering device.
Random years ago today: June 17, 2008, this thorny roseweed.

           Fingers crossed, I got my A/C back again. The labor was $200 but I think we got it this time. This was a total of $880 total so far, which includes 3 recharges, but I point out once more this is not a burden. I accept this level of repairs as part of buying used vehicles and the high cost of labor these days. JZ is about to get a letter with pics of the repair, since he’s my chief critic about such repairs. The same dude who drive with a broken rear window in his truck for three years, ha! The repair took longer than required, so the shop let me have the parts at cost.
           That’s the parts that the other shops said did not exist. The rear A/C cutoff kit. Tell you what I think. This shop also said the lines could not be blocked until I gave them the diagram and directions. I think they spotted a lucrative market, a quick way to make $200 that obviously nobody else in the entire area knows about. It works fine, but I’m going to test it before saying much. Again, we fixed a problem but not necessarily what caused the problem. The compressor that was replaced, I still had to pay the labor. So the actual cost without recharges was $430.
           Today's pictures are from the 1923 French dictionary because I find it interesting what they found interesting.
           Did that make my day? Yes, I took the van for a 51 mile tour of the Auburndale area and stopped at the Cove for brunch. A Cuban sandwich. Comfortable, quiet, I told you that van rides as nice as my 1985 Cadillac. However, blog rules say I must report I’m feeling pretty unwell. Sore throat, cough, and headache. If it’s the Chinese virus, it isn’t that bad but I’m also fatigued. While I’ve never been athletic, I work every day to some extent. This month the firepit, three shed roofs, two air conditioners, moving lumber, raking leaves, there is no day passes where I don’t get in some physical tasks. So yeah, I get tired and darn rights I’m crawling back in the sack for as long as I feel like it. Here’s your picture from the French dictionary. ZZZZZ-zzzzzz……
           I think I’m coming down with something, quite odd since I have not been near anybody in a week, social distancing has always been my habit. What’s the latency time on COVID? Anyway, no fever but sniffles and sneezes. Part of one day, I had an unusual pounding headache that lasted ten minutes. Since then, I’ve heard of this as a symptom. If this turns out to be COVID, it was at most an hour’s downtime and a few days of mild discomfort, as in a slight sore throat in the mornings, like you would get from falling asleep under the air conditioner.

Picture of the day.
Shark Valley, FL
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           How about that? Most Americans did not know the Democrat party is holding 450 Americans in jail without trial until Putin told them. And how about those women suing PornHub? Not suing for showing their videos, but for “profiting” without their consent. Does that mean it is okay if they get a cut, or does it mean bad guys can sue if video of their crime video is shown on TV? One positive is the Unsubscribe Bill which says companies must make it easy for people to cancel after a free trial period. This misses the point that there are still people stupid enough to sign up for free trials—and in the process give out their credit card number. That’s your typical example of the great American IQ die-off in action.
           On the other hand, there are now 450 more people who know the condition in our jails is inhumane. Maybe they’ll say something or do something? Jail just toughens up the criminals, what’s more is I’m truly surprised these criminals don’t become more organized both supportively and politically when they get out. What’s this rumor the Democrats are trying to upset the audit by cutting off the electricity and saying it was caused by a UFO? It’s got to be a joke. For the radicalized Democrats, Arizona is a ticking time bomb. Or the community behind Juneteenth that say white people should not get the day off or celebrate.
           Then, there is the new government in Israel, again I care less about their politics than the human behavior. It’s some kind of brittle coalition of factions with nothing in common but to get rid of the existing order, and now that cause is gone. The former leader is accused of fraud, corruption, and scandal, but they did leave out Russian hoax. He vows to return once they’ve made a mess of things. They most certainly will, since such a coalition will only ever agree on obscure things like universal health care and climate change. This has such a familiar ring to it.
           My studies. Since last day I’ve learned to brainstorm book ideas. As well, how to find books with high demand and low competition according to a formula. It may not be the right one, but I had nothing to go on before except instinct. This time-consuming effort has convinced me what I thought was right—the Internet is flooded with short, shallow booklets and they are selling like hell. Amazon is a tidal wave which swamps you unless you can get up and ride it. Such books you do not necessarily publish in your own name and there is nothing to lose by finding a market niche.
           There’s not much new in my lessons and there are tons of analytic sites that go over every aspect of Amazon. That’s the first statistical proof I have of the copycatting I’ve pointed to. The plan is to apply the analytics in a somewhat innovative way, that is, books targeting topics that are not yet saturated. That’s their words, not mine, as I noticed the decline in authorship really began to bite around 2002. This blog is better written than most tech manuals.

Last Laugh