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Friday, June 18, 2021

June 18, 2021

One year ago today: June 18, 2020, 0.908%.
Five years ago today: June 18, 2016, the Palmdale parrot.
Nine years ago today: June 18, 2012, my original e-bike.
Random years ago today: June 18, 2013, pond scum.

           I’m picking up supplies today in Winter Haven, in my nice air-conditioned van. If it still works, that is. I’ll be wearing a mask for its correct purpose, to prevent others from getting what I have. Did you see that study of children’s masks after a day at school? Mildew, parasites, bacteria, you name it—but no viruses. Only a moron things masks can stop viruses. She also blames Trump for the border crisis. From the French dictionary, it seems back then most people who could afford it got shaved at the barber. I can’t see it. The only time I did that was in the Philippines back in the 80s because it was so cheap and she was so beautiful.
           This front yard mushroom is also a sight. Just one but there will soon be a hundred. What should have been an hour in Winter Haven became three and a half. Every red light, every lineup, every lazy driver. I did not even stop for my traditional coffee Instead, I went to the Thrift and found no DVDs, just a paperback on Remo Williams. I liked the movie so much I never looked for print.

           My university math professor stopped answering his phone a while back, now the number goes to NIS (not in service). Internet or not, there is no easy way to check if a person is gone these days. He’s had the same number for 40 years, so I’m not hopeful. Let me place this, that would put him in his mid-80s if he’s still with us. I’ll ask Mitch if he can check in as he lives only 30 miles away. The professor’s name was Habib and we used to have a whale of a time chasing women, because I was the only white guy most people had ever seen who could speak Egyptian. In reality, I knew about 100 of the top used phrases, plus counting and the easy stuff. If he’s like in a nursing home, I’d like to know.
           You did not know this but Mitch is a first class finger drummer. I’ll ask him for some footage, see if I can make you a clip. He’s the only guy from my old computer days that got a job in that field and it was all mainframes. He can’t use most contemporary crapware but between us we keep on top of a lot of funny stuff. Like, how come, on certain e-mail brands that give you limited free storage, when you delete all there is still 37 megabytes of data in there you cannot access?

Picture of the day.
American pinball arcade.
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           On the same street there is a fish store. I checked in out. Wow, I cannot afford to shop there. Most fish I recognized was $20 to $30 a pound. Here is a photo of $400 worth of salmon. Suddenly I feel luck that I prefer salty cold-water fish. I finally decided on a serving of Mahi Mahi, which I last remember from Hawaii in the 1980s. The shop owner, trying to convert me to a customer let me smell most of the fish. No smell, and he assured me that is the mark of freshness. I think Alaine told me that about shrimp a few years back. I’m certain this must bee a unique store in the area, but I could easily scarf down one of these $40 salmon steaks for breakfast. That, and I never could cook fish.
           This was accomplished in air-conditioned comfort. There is a spot where my two sheds meet that is still leaking. I figure it is because of a siphoning effect from one of the roofs, which has a very shallow slope. Check back tomorrow as I try to fix it by installed a ten-foot gutter, which if it works, saves me a lot of headache. The Bad Boy guitar player canceled out again, so that is a non-starter. Elliott sent footage of a problem out west, the street buskers have discovered backing tracks and battery powered amps. He says the noise is so loud as to be offensive. I watched the video, and he’s right. Of course, the shredder who is not playing to entertain, but to impress, is blasting a club volume and claiming people telling him to shut up, why they are suppressing his boyhood talent and motivation.

           For the record, it was nine years ago Ray-B and I were kicked off Hollywood Beach for playing acoustics. I’ve got a dry cough, so I stayed in the office and worked on my studies. The course is a bit goofy, in that they want you to use templates they have on-line, which are really just spreadsheets. Some, you fill out on-line and save to their cloud-like memory. Others, you download a copy and work on them locally. The problem is, there is no indication which is which and an all-important piece of work has disappeared. These worksheets we fill out together take on a lot of value of their own, so much that I would not care to have to repeat any. It involves Google, Zoom, Chrome, and Amazon, sites I normally avoid. Especially Zoom, which likes to knock down my audio when a session is closed. Up yours, Zoom.
           NASA is running a contest to name the man-shaped dummy they will send to the Moon. This is brave territory for you budding commedians. I’m not entering anything as the “mooniken” is much slimmer than Kamela and the name “Ken Sanchuk” is already taken. Actually, there is already a short list, which NASA will put to a vote. My vote says if there are any non-white non-male non-normal names present, the election is rigged in their favor.

           The Arizona audit has finished the hand count. However, the public is getting weary of all these interim reports, when what we want is facts. They are now focused on the validity of each ballot and rumor is they have over 100,000 suspects. Just in that county. Biden only won the state by 10,000 or so, which throws the Democrats even further into panic mode. They are sticking with some the lame position that the goal is to make it harder for minorities to vote.
           They seem to forget who the minorities are now voting for. After watching the Democrat tactics on this, I now hope that fraud is found and some state-level bureaucrats are caught. It now seems impossible that they were not up to something—and it goes back long before 2020. There’s little doubt the Democrats had a well-oiled vote-cheating scheme in place but made the mistake of thinking they could pull it against a real opponent.
           I don’t care for Trump going on about the virus and vaccination. The fact is, he knew from day one the purpose was a Biden power grab. That’s what he meant when he called it a hoax. Instead, he has to pretend he championed the vaccines, which have become a deadly mistake. The motive appears to be he wants people to know the reason he halted so many of his successful programs was because of the virus. The reality is, he knew what the radical left was going to make of it if he didn’t.

           On the day he stepped down (without conceding defeat), the talk here was that it was a wise move to let the left walk the plank. They’ve done just that, no one of the political moves has borne any fruit and most are disasters. They make fools of themselves at most everything. The talk in the news that Trump is pulling a silent coup is nothing new in my circles. He’s changing the old Republican party into something new, which is often called the Patriot party.
           He counseled people to be wary of donating to action committees that were RINO fronts and it worked. He’s got $85 million to fight this mid-term, not that he needs it. His word is enough to rout most of the traitors, and he’s starting with those who voted for impeachment. It was while wondering what work a failed politician could return to that I hear of a program that seniors returning to college or university can take courses for $10. I must look into that. I could spend the rest of my life in school on that ticket. First step? Find out if I’m a senior.

Last Laugh