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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

June 22, 2021

One year ago today: June 22, 2020, pricing the roof.
Five years ago today: June 22, 2016, remember the Slavonia.
Nine years ago today: June 22, 2012, ratings, but no $$$.
Random years ago today: June 22, 2008, that’s “cinder”, not “cylinder”, duh.

           Happy Barbarossa Day. Drywall, and if that’s all I get done today, I’m taking a holiday. I snapped this photo knowing how much you’ve missed reports on that computer wall. Soon to be the business center, it took an hour to sketch out the various networking parts. Since I don’t allow computers with business records to access the Internet, there are essentially two independent setups at each workstation. The sharing is necessary to cut down on the clutter. Behind this wall is the new sound-proofed shower alcove. I checked my e-mail first thing to find a message from Elliott informing me I’m a third rate hack at everything.

           That’s everything from his point of view. Which amounts to just the things I do that he’s failed at. They have words for such people. For instance, he never calls me a third rate Chinese speaker because despite living near Chinatown, he’s never tried to learn a single word. I had to grab a second coffee and point this out to him. Then I made egg foo yung for breakfast. Should I check on the Reb? She does not like being fawned. The solution is, of course, a third cup of coffee.

           What’s this, Boston Dynamics has just been sold to a non-American company? That’s a bit like selling a dog food company to a horse ranch. Somehow, you know something has changed for the worse. Robot dogs, my eye, the police models work only by intimidation but it won’t be long before drunks learn you can just kick the things over. The primary use of these toys is patrolling homeless camps. The threat, on the other hand, is very real.
           In one spot of good news, at least some ad agencies are recognizing that advertising in the wrong places is hurting business. For example, I never intentionally patronize any business or buy any product that uses Internet pop-ups. You’d think people would have learned their lesson with cable TV. The price was supposed to make the programming free from commercials and now look at the bloody mess of it. And rumor is consumers are finally getting fed up with nonsense like ads in games and software they’ve purchased. That would be the best news in years for the Internet and related operations.

           The Israelis announced shooting down a drone by laser just hours after I posted a similar blog, there is no connection. I was referring to a cost savings over launching missiles against either rockets or drones. By drones, that includes quadcopters. Anyway, this technology was in the US news something like ten years ago and quietly dropped. My only question is what are these lasers using for a power supply?
           Here’s a news photo of a laser dot at the wingpit of a drone. This seems to work fine until the terrorists learn to about reflective coatings. Will we see the advent of drone against drone? And watching an ad from the same outfit I bought the learning modules from (I watch for changes) brought up a video that typifies today’s mentality. The blurb said I guy who bragged about being smart (he didn’t) got the first question wrong on the millionaire. So, the implication is there was hope for all the dumb asses. Wrong, the first question was not trivia, it was about statistics—but was consistent with the “new” game show rules that you cannot win unless you are addicted to TV.

Picture of the day.
Canadian city police.
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           This is a picture of what I think is very clever. It is a 3D printed solar clock, but not electric. If you look closely at the shadow, the time is 14:20. Now some trivia, then I get to go pay my car insurance. Only 3% of the US population accounts for 90% of tweets. Yet it is called the filter of public perception. When even Canadians have had enough, you know there is going to be trouble. The Canadian Gestapo are using helicopters to track down “illegal” religious services and arresting more pastors. They’ll get theirs. Whitey McPrivilege posts on Gab, “Snooty cosmopolitan elites are so much smarter than everybody else, until they need their oil changed or something welded.”
           Also from Gab, half the Democrats in power today were elected in states using Dominion machines. And leerose1985 points out that Trump won by so much that in order to beat him Biden had to get the most votes in history. When fraud is uncovered, just let them Democrats now try to claim it wasn’t planned in advance. And I do wish somebody would tell these cornholers who keep announcing Fauci knew about Wuhan as if it was anything new, to pull their heads out of their arses. Every day for weeks now, and I can’t filter it without missing what I want.

           And it appears I want what most people do. The facts out of Arizona. Even dyed-in-the-wool Marxists can see the mounting desperation in DC over an audit that, if they had nothing to worry about, should be ignored. The general feeling is that a small core of power-hungry Democrats have been cheating for years and this time they went to far. Their claim that Biden got the most votes of any president in history was a foregone conclusion when Trump got 80 million votes. To win, Biden therefore had to get 81, so they cheated. There are only 131 million voters. And so far, every bad ballot has been for Biden. And every ballot found in ditches and dumpsters has been for Trump. What are people supposed to think?
           The news of the hour is that the Democrats threatened to send a hit squad of lawyers after the Arizona legislature and its leaders. This is how Democrats get away with things, telling the other side if they obey, they will get to keep their jobs. Not this time. Arizona is not caving, instead they basically quoted the first two Articles of the Constitution and the Thirteenth Amendment and told DC what they could do. The cheering could be heard from Dallas.

           I remind the reader I have not studied Political Science, I am watching the drama, not the underlying issues. I do have opinions on those issues but they are not my interest here. This scale of fraud is new to most people, my November guess that the outcome was not a given is correct. An example would be how I found it offensive when Democrats insisted the process was irreversible, as in the election has been “certified”, so there’s nothing can be done even if you are right. They spend years passing obscure laws to try to make it so. Well, too many States are not buying into that.
           There have been announcements that there is nothing in Arizona law that says if fraud is uncovered, that they cannot “decertify”. This word is new to me but I picked up on it right away. This sharply brings around six of the “swing states” back into focus. States where Dominion Machines showed count spikes after hours that were just enough to get Biden his alleged win. Followed by almost instant “certification” by Democrat legislatures during very loud public outcries.

           There is another rumor, that next year Trump will become Speaker of the House, replacing Pelosi. Now you see, up to this point, I thought that position was filled by election, but chosen from a representative of the party with a majority. I found it almost painful to hear Pelosi because she knows she is lying and twisting every point in her party’s favor. See, I would not have understood how she could get away with that otherwise.
           I say look out lady, for now I realize she carries no influence beyond this appointment. But can you imagine if a person with the awesome inherent power of Trump gets in there? Even now he wields decisive authority and is swaying the 2022 primary elections. From what I gather he has so far been a 100% success at it . Correct me it I’m wrong, but primaries are elections where only registered party members can vote to choose who they want to represent them. And the RINOS are being run out of town. If Trump gets them all, his Patriot party (the buzzword for the Trump MAGA party that is eclipsing the old-school business-as-usual Republicans), will have the reins. A majority of Americans fully expect this to happen.

Last Laugh