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Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 26, 2021

One year ago today: December 26, 2020, regulation is lacking . . .
Five years ago today: December 26, 2016,the Dundee water tower.
Nine years ago today: December 26, 2012, what confidence looks like.
Random years ago today: December 26, 2006, each billed separately.

           Whaddaya know? If you strip away the headline and read the body of the article, here is Liberty One saying what this blog has advocated since the 1990s. Forget winning the election unless you can replace the administrative class wholesale. Winkle the Democrats and Leftists out of key positions and replace them by people loyal to your cause. I did not say right or wrong, just loyal. It just so happens that even the totally incompetent would do a better job.
           Former advisor Bannon and others have supported the formation of a pool called Association of Republican Presidential Appointees. This is a resource of around 4,000 people ready to take over. This was sorely lacking for Trump in 2016, when he discovered the Deep State was not Democrat politicians, but their servants. He will not make the same mistake twice, though I wonder if he will be President limited to four years, or kingmaker that outlasts every Libtard alive today. Bannon refers to the potential appointees as “shock troops”.

           This photo is the clearest available to date of the ammonia clouds on Jupiter. The Webb telescope launch seems to be spot on, so keep this photo in mind. It was taken by the Juno spacecraft, launched in 2011. Note the term “spacecraft” and not orbiter which is what it is. Like a mini-Webb, Juno extends three long arms equipped to bounce microwaves through Jupiter’s cloud cover to a depth of some 300 miles. Juno has two cameras the automatically activate every 53 days at perigee, taking those familiar strips of images that are later stitched together.
           Mind you, it took five years to get to Jupiter, so these scenes are not that old. Back in ’11 I was ready to jump on the “Eyes on Jupiter” website thinking it was interactive. Nope, just a simulation with very poor graphics anyway. Who remembers the so-called sounds of Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons? It was actually radio waves converted to human hearing range. I believe the unspoken mission was to discover if Jupiter has a solid core, which I believe it does.
           We already know there is abundant water, also hydrogen, oxygen and carbon free in the atmosphere. Trivia, Juno is what Wiki classifies as a “backronym”, a tag from an existing phrase. In this case, it derives from Jupiter Near-polar Orbiter. For some reason NASA strongly denies this association. Unlike the nuclear powered Galileo earlier, Juno is solar powered.

           According to DC, the biggest problems facing the US for 2022 are rampant pay inequality and climate change. They better come up with something quick or they’ll get drowned out. Desmond Tutu has died and it seems a lot of people confused the guy with Nelson Mandela. Both opposed apartheid, so who cares. The Africans who are not a majority in the area showed up as migrant workers, became the majority, claimed the place was their homeland, and caused the white population to let them have most of it. Which they promptly turned into a horrific wasteland of gangs, murders, and rapes. It’s the same old story, pure rotten ignorance in thinking once the white man is gone, the welfare checks will continue.
           Has NASA finally taken the advice of this blog after all these years? Seems they recently figured out that any sign of life anywhere else in the universe blasts all theories of biblical creation out of the water and nullifies the foundation of all religion that suggests man is in God’s image, not to mention the destruction of the position of man as unique. NASA has finally took to consulting religious “experts”. The plan appears to be having cover stories and scripts ready for damage control.

Picture of the day.
Hotel in China.
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           In my ongoing battle with that engine light, I’ve read that the cause may not be the catalytic convertor, but the oxygen sensor. In the process of researching how to bypass this sensor, I’ve discovered a sensor fake kit, an O2 simulator. Instead of replacing sensors, you connect this device in-line with a cable, and it sends a constant “everything normal” message to the on-board computer. Hmmm, do they make one for the entire vehicle? You see, I’ve always felt that vehicles should have a sensor or computer kill switch for all functions that don’t disable or damage.
           I’m sure there have been fatalities because some driver could not start his car due to a emissions control issue. I’m not saying disable the controls permanently, but a switch that would allow the vehicle to limp to safety. I’ve got my first load of laundry in the dryer on the deck, it is more solid than the house and does not wobble as before. Progress, but I’m too whooped to finish it today. My grocery bill has gone up 34%.

           Two hours. That’s the record amount of time I’ve been on phone calls in a long time. The Reb & I will have to get some form of video conferencing if only because I even have an aversion to cradling a phone to my ear. The amount of material needed to cover is enormous but I see how a dumbunya could stumble through the process. But I’m not surprised that few of the testimonials say they did it twice. I finally got JZ on the phone, he’s on the short list of people who get the really good information on matters like this business. He understands the process, but has fallen so far behind he’d never be able to handle the basics.
           I’ve learned a lot about skip-tracing in the sense it is still done the same, but the resources are better thanks to the Internet. One site has caught up to me by printing the address of when lived near the Hollywood golf course, around twenty years ago, but I did have a phone hooked up there, the last time I ever did something that foolish. There is a newcomer on line, Nuwber, and it gets vicious reviews. Oddly, it is just an aggregator, it pulls information from many sources and that pisses off a lot of people, judging by the comments.

           It’s a laugh, because the joke is on them. Nuwber can’t delete info because it is not the source. Furious people scream and threaten that all their information is “now in one place”, but exactly what did they think was eventually going to happen. I do feel sorry for the ones who protected their info, but had stupid relatives who blabbed all their personal data. I took care of that situation in my life back in ’89. Nuwber, I think, is the beginning of a new wave of total asshole sites that these millennials have unleashed upon themselves, and it serves them right., for they allowed the technology to take root.
           So, now I have Joanne B in my sights. I’m about to begin gathering the necessary documents, I think there are five of them, plus a couple agreements to be signed by the people we hire for the paperwork. I don’t know if the primary agreement should be signed before I do all this work, but I figure I’d best have the system down pat. What is at stake? Hang on, Binder B, County C002, Claimant P019 (see, I really did spend the time to get organized). We have the amount of $10,486.77, not a bad chunk of change.
           Telephone work exhausts my brain, so to replenish, I posted some comments on a group that discusses military battles. Some lady from Germany picked up that I knew the German way of looking at some things, and sent me a group of links to documentaries, some made by German companies with English subtitles. Included was that old movie, “Sink the Bismark”, which I saw when I was maybe eight years old. I used to play the Johnny Horton song on the jukebox once a day on my paper route. I was busy doing other things, but that movie was well made with great acting and the clarity of the scenes was incredible. Maybe it has been digitally enhanced?

           What’s this? A New York Times reporter gets the booster shot and dies within the day. Let us at the barometer of public opinion, not as shown in the lamestream media, but at street level on some uncensored source. Let’s go on Gabster and see what’s in the comments:

                      1) It was his “patriotic duty”.
                      2) Could have been worse if he hadn’t got the jab
                      3) When commies die of their own medicine, they can’t even complain.
                      4) And they say there is no good news.
                      5) I approve of this message.
                      6) Nothing to see here folks. Go home.
                      7) Adios, motherfucker.
                      8) Take one for the team.
                      9) That’s just saving us a little bit of rope.
                      10) So maybe the vaccine isn’t all bad.

           Other than a few notes of condolence for the wife—providing she does not go on to become a shill advocating the shots, there is 0% sympathy for these liberal liars. The reality is, America is unlikely to mourn if the shots kill all the takers, they are the sheep that don’t belong in a good country. Forget what the fake news tells you, liberals and communists are a much-hated minority in America. Their fake news reporting has caused untold hardships and misery. Newspapers like the NYT don’t have customers, they have addicts.
           The New York Times is especially despised for causing measureless sorrow and heartaches to millions of families. Few care when such people die, some even rejoice. Want to cure the pandemic is a week? Turn off all the television sets.
In other news, the U.K. is proposing laws to prevent those who express “racist” views, meaning only white people, will be banned from attending sports matches for ten years. This would include such crimes as “homophobic chanting”. The law is poised to extend to on-line posts and require anyone convicted to turn in their passport. We will have equality if we have to kill all the white people to do it.

Last Laugh