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Saturday, February 20, 2021

February 20, 2012

One year ago today: February 20, 2020, Hmmm, I said it twice.
Five years ago today: February 20, 2016, borderline fraud.
Nine years ago today: February 20, 2012, conceerning my heart.
Random years ago today: February 20, 2010, who determines exceptions?

           Brrrr, cold again. This is now the freak cold winter of the century. We are the same latitude as Austin. Except they are on the wrong side of the Gulf and have a foot of snow. Trent was going to visit for the weekend but turns out it is possible for a Prius batter to not cold start. He says the car is just old but it seems to me this has happened before during a cold snap. Good morning. I’m on my second hot cocoa, reading that Nashville is only getting up to 39°F today. We’ll get up to 66 and that means I might get some work done around here.
           Later, I put up a shelf in the space above the bathroom window, otherwise just a dead area with no real view. Keeps the bog rolls up out of the way but within reach. And here’s a view of the driver’s spot the day I bought the Town & Country.
           Taking the spell to look at the NRIA, a real estate trust being plugged on Boss Hogg radio. Too bad, it’s one of those outfits that won’t give you any info unless you create and account. This just causes people to check their complaint files instead of their advertising. They say on the air you get a 10% return per month, which is too good to be true. Yet, they’ve been in business around ten years so we give it a shake. Birdeye gives it a 4.2/5.0. it seems they invest in real estate that needs upgrading. But dang, information is hard to get, so much for instant global communication.

           Here’s how I figure it works. If you target the right markets, real estate is one of the best American investments. If you let them do the targeting with your money, they’ll pay you a fixed return, but they scoop the capital gains. At that point, 10% could be realistic. However, the major complaint against them is too much legalese, fine print, and vague promises. Another complaint states that they do not improve or flip anything, but give homeowner loans to improve their property. So, I’ll pass unless more is forthcoming.
           What’s more lucrative is my old idea about housing auctions, or to be fair, bullshit auctions. My dead aim being Arcadia, Florida. The place where I finally discovered what a racket it was. We have 12 of those double-bullshit “pre-foreclosure” properties lists, where the “reserve bid” is $2,000. You can look up the details of my plan earlier in this blog, but basically I use a small amount of money, say $30,000, to leverage the amount the bank has to bid up into the hundreds of thousands. My goal? To bargain with them that I’ll quit, but they have to let me have six houses for $12,000.
           Two things have changed this time. One, I know how the system works, and two, I now have the $30,000. I’ve gone over this a few times but I actually don’t know if it has been done or if they’ve made some rule against it. Anyway, the concept appeals to me due to the leverage. If permitted this can be used both ways.

Picture of the day.
Ft. Lonesome, the whole town.
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           Today’s big event turns out to be the shelf. Not many blogs will get you a picture of a shelf full of bog rolls. A bit to cool for yard work and an extended afternoon nap puts pictures like this in the lead. But anything is still better than a nothing day. I finally got to use that profile gadget with all the pins to cut the shelf around the window trim. The room is getting near saturation for storage and every fraction helps out. I had Tampa radio in the background and it left a horrifying picture of what is about to happen to America. Irreversible changes from idiots who honestly believe they are making the country a better place. In reality they are watering us down to third world levels. And as Reagan put it, once America falls, it is the last hope of mankind.
           I opted to watch some documentaries on the H1, the rocket engine that powered the Saturn booster of moon-landing fame. If you look closely enough, it is really 8 long & narrow V-2 rockets strapped in a cluster, where Soviet designs strapped them on the outside of a single large tank. It was not stressed in the news of the day, but the key to success turned out to be extensive testing of every component, and there were a lot of them, the same way the Germans had done it. The true American innovation as the addition of hundreds of integral test points.

           When you see the banks of technicians in the control rooms at those work stations, that is what they are monitoring. Around a hundred sensors and cameras of every part known to have critical operational standards. It is one or more of these locations that caused so many of the scrubbed missions. It is the change to computer monitors that attracted my attention, the increased reliance of digital monitoring for the Mars missions. It is not the computers that present the danger, but the diminished caliber of the coders.
           Mark my words, we are entering a changed world as these badly coded systems encroach on the design. Humans were slow but tended to work in better co-ordination, relying more on doing a superb job than by avoiding responsibility. I’ve watched the identical change in mentality when the phone company “went computer”. To today’s crop of graduates, “programming” has devolved to a game-like degree. Designing a beautiful, lovely, 3-D, soft-touch, biometric, ergonomic screen button that says, “Stop”, has become to many of them just as important as actually applying the brakes.

           The cure for racism is, in New York, more racism. Some high school principle of as school with only 17% white students sent them home with an assignment for their parents to “reflect” on their whiteness. He provided a scale, which he devised tha,t ranged from a desire to dismantle “white” institutions a secret desire to be black themselves. He then went on to complain that the school and its staff were receiving “vile” threats. Must be from those white supremists, d’y’think?
           And how about the recent attacks on Nashville new country music? It seems it is mostly while males and black males are “under-represented”. Yeah, it was coming. Because every other area where success was based on talent and ability has been attacked for being racist, not we must allow in people who have neither. Biden has lost his mind, saying ethnics are too dumb to learn to use the Internet. Even if it’s true.

           Now we have his creepy-veepy in the White House fielding his telephone calls. My interest is the growing organization of the opposition. I’ve watched the phenomena world-wide how minority groups regularly grab power because all their opposition are rabble. What’s different this time is that usually the leftists control the countryside while whoever they are against has the cities—and that is the group that eventually loses.
           I witness a growing resistance to the Bidenista regemine, but it is not along traditional lines. There is no group, no shadow army, no headquarters. More of a general closing of ranks without there being ranks. Parler back on line, falling Facebook numbers, alternate news sources and people outside the cities continuing on with their lives in a manner that would get them accosted downtown. There are no Biden bumper stickers in this are, and the concensus is that you get woke you get broke.
           Creepiest theory of all? Biden is delaying the $1400 stimulus check knowing many people will soon have to use it to pay their taxes or face criminal charges over situtations.caused by the lockdown. As for the Democrats tout that they are pro-immigrant, some non-citizens living with US partners may get nothing. We knew the COVID death stats were fake, but the CDC violated Federal law by over-reporting the deaths 1600%. Says the Public Health institute a number of laws designed to prevent inflated “scientific public content”.

Last Laugh