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Thursday, February 3, 2022

February 3, 2022

One year ago today: February 3, 2021, my “therapy theory”.
Five years ago today: February 3, 2017, cowards at heart.
Nine years ago today: February 3, 2013, at the map show.
Random years ago today: February 3, 1982, typical hand-written source.

           Let’s read the news from England, the only source even remotely accurate for most of us. Facebook is livid about Apple’s new privacy feature. I differentiate between Facebook on computers and Facebook on smart phones, but both are evil. Facebook is losing both revenue and customers. What I find amazing about the metaverse is how many users are absorbed by cartoons, but then, they are mainly public school indoctrinates. They are so clueless, the Brits are talking about having social media cover their losses when scammed. (I could see them policing the hosting of scam sites, but they are talking about paying for other people’s gullibilities.)
           A second Canadian city is about to be swamped with trucks. Toronto. The desperate CBC (government-owned Canadian Broadcasting System) actually tried to claim fed-up Ottawa citizens are “fighting back” against the truckers by publishing this photo. One lone “turd in a Touque” who a local bartenders report as having “high frequency” adjustment problems. And Europe moves closer to banning consent pop-ups. The pop-ups don’t warn people their info will be sold and tracked several times a day if they consent. Good. Advertising has become evil since the first dollar was made on-line.

           The truckers can’t give up now, or they lose everything. The government has spent all this time getting every license plate. The truckers are marked men, if they back down, in a couple of weeks they can expect that early morning knock on the door. The government tried to smear them saying they were stealing food from the homeless. Now here is the scary part.
           The RCMP are pretending to negotiate. I say pretending because the RCMP never keep any bargain. It is a setup. Canadian law is worse than American for letting the police lie to get information. Anybody who thinks you can negotiate with RCMP in good faith should be required to read “Fifty Years In The Furnace”. The truckers are already marked men for life.

           This is a better view of the new front tire. Possibly the fork had been bent or replaced. No way would the brake go back in place, so out it goes. I spent the morning doing household repairs and realize I don’t have a decent carpet for my east bedroom. I threw down the utility carpet but that’s only good for keep the toes warm, which isn’t needed often because you recall the floor is insulated.
           I rearranged some supplies in the sheds, listened to a Reba disk, and drank a lot of coffee. This went on because I had to lift up an entire sheet of flooring to fix a tiny corner that was not lining up right. This while listening to how Facebook stock fell 24%, or $200 billion, the largest drop in history. Is this a trend or a buy opportunity? Myself, I’d like to see it drop back to its true value of maybe $30 per share.

Picture of the day.
Earthquake pylons.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Meet Eddie, the edible cookie printer. This is new to me. It might be all over TV but how would I know? It uses edible ink to print custom messages or pics on cookies that slide into the unit one by one from the carousel. The purported cost is 6¢ per cookie, but you can bet your ass that is a millennial quote. Your cookies will cost ten times as much. As usual, the company does not list the printer’s price, they want your credit application, whoops, I meant contact information first. The cheapest model is around $3,000. It’s a 3D printer. The business model suggests a selling price of $5 to $6 per cookie.
           The weather is back to normal while the rest of the country gets hit with a massive cold spell. The prepper ads are out in force, selling everything from sleeping bags to baby wipes. My plan remains the same, have enough food to outlast the unprepared, after that I say it is impossible to stock up on everything imaginable. Get trade items instead. We are probably okay way out here, it is more the people who live near Democrat cities that need to worry.

           This isn’t the greatest pic, but that is the sheet of plywood that had to come up to fix that misalignment of the flooring that left a gap near the window. The drill is seen lying on t he sheet with the fan in the background. Here is the spot the recliner chair is destined, with a full view of the back yard and bird feeders.
           In posting some of my old hand-written logs, I ran across a mention of the Breakers, a one-time major west coast live music location. It’s downfall is you could not get there without driving through Canada, or by plane or boat, which cost a fortune. I left before the decline, but it was sad to learn how the place went downhill from changes in laws, exchange rates, and liquor control boards. Since I’m posting April of 1981, it won’t appear on the Yesteryear links, but here is the Tale From The Trailer Court.
           My note does not make it clear that I could regularly haul the clean laundry through the staff door, plunk down at the bar and have a few rounds, and listen to some “really great bands”. Then later, sometimes much later, I would discover I had been at an April Wine or Steppenwolf concert, as it were.

           A glance at Arduino offerings shows no significant changes. This photo shows the most popular models. We have three of them, but the most common is the Uno, second from the right. Other’s prefer the Mega, at center, but its only advantage from our viewpoint is it has more pins. I’ve ceased following the sites for new developments since there aren’t any. That’s harsh, but everything they say is new isn’t really. While I am a fan of adapting the Arduino to processes that need the improvement, I don’t rate those as new.
           A good example if that process is the electric train controller I saw in Colorado. But it isn’t new, it merely replaces the rheostat and from a programming point, that’s pretty easy. Shower monitor, fan controller, light relay, nice, but it’s all been done. I’ve also seen the Arduino adapted to some games, like the joystick that tilts a marble maze. But I’m not impressed unless the game can play itself.
           I’ve noticed as well so many of the projects have an aversion to building models. They wait until they have a slick 3D printed frame, while I use mainly cardboard and wood. I’ve considered a laser cutter for cardboard but my complaint remains the same—all existing models are designed for mass cutting and are far too complicated set up just to make one piece. And cardboard isn’t tough enough for gears.

           What’s this on the message board? Another gig? Good, but I told ya, this band is no longer rehearsing. I’ll wait for confirmation, since it is likely another veteran’s club. The band is much better at this kind of sound. I just don’t want anybody I know to hear me at it, know what I mean? The reason for no rehearsals is common, nobody wants to set up the gear to practice, same here. But, I’ve long since l learned to rehearse with minimal gear while noticing others don’t seem to manage with that. This band cannot practice without the full set up. On the other hand, I can work with anything. A guitar, a bass with no amp, a keyboard, and a couple times I just scribbled the notes I wanted to play while listening to the other parts.

           Told ya, the tyrant Trudeau is not conceding a thing. He’s declared the truckers are a bunch of liberals terms, along with his crony ministers and police chiefs. They still need to create a violent incident to start busting heads. Their fake “confederate flag” ploy didn’t work when it was exposed the agent brought along his own photographer. These Canadians are slow to anger, but let’s see what happens when they start taking casualties.
           Some sources say they have the supplies to stay in Ottawa for months—and regardless of who is behind any of the government mandates, it is Ottawa that enables their enforcement. Who can last longer? We’ll see, but the embarrassment factor for the country is so bad, the state will pull a fast one. They’ve already sent police to seal off all exit routes.

           This just in. The CBC tried to say the truckers were starving and stealing food from the homeless, but thousands of photos showed the truckers were feeding the homeless. So now, the media is saying the truckers are gender-biased because the food they are giving away has no gluten-free options. Is that the best they’ve got?

Last Laugh