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Sunday, March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022

One year ago today: March 20, 2021, the computer wall before.
Five years ago today: March 20, 2017, he had disconnected the odometer.
Nine years ago today: March 20, 2013, 100 pages of indoctrination.
Random years ago today: March 20, 2012, perceived value: $3,000.

           Great, apple Sunday and I have no eggs in the house. The good news is the scoot has slashed the gas budget so well, I’m using it to go get some when the stores open. A social media society has recognized a woman as the swimming champion. People are wondering what happened to all the feminists who have been demanding equality for the past fifty years. Nowhere to be seen. It is now generally conceded that there was election fraud and many of the guilty are further breaking the law still trying to cover their involvement.
           Texas is building the wall, which is not the real news. The governor went to the federal surplus sales and bought up all the Trump wall parts for a few cents on the dollar. He got most of it before the Biden people caught on and blocked the sales. Ha, love it when libtards get taken. The Russia scare is not taking, so the Democrats have to come up with some other crisis. What will it be? The border again? Another mass shooting? The virus mutant fizzled, nobody is worried about climate change. Impeach Trump again, naw, he’s untouchable. What will it be?

           This photo shows the interior rear wall of the silo, after it was reinforced to one foot on center studs. This involved removing the tarpaper from the outside and inserted a stud between each existing unit. You can see the amount of shelving in this small area is substantial, yet there is lots of room to work standing up or sitting down. Not all the shelves are storage, there is a six -foot work counter. Just now it’s piled with stuff while more shelve are being place on the south wall.
           That, plus the hot dusty work today had me thinking of an ice cold beer. But once I got inside with the A/C and a coffee, I’ve decided to study some circuits and, well, drink even more coffee. I thawed a chicken pie so the week is starting off fine. I even tried a few rounds with the post-hole digger in the shade. That was a no-go. But I did measure it out for a double gate, reinforced by digging the posts three feet into the ground, a foot deeper than usual No sign of the hillbilly when I need a bit of help.

           The rolls of insulation are called Fi-Foil and they must have got wet. They are simply a foil-backed paper that reflects radiant heat. On-line sources show it as both inside and outside, most show an attic with the reflective side facing inward. As the stuff unrolls, small pieces tear off where they got wet, but I have more than enough to do the whole place with three layers if need be. I’m going to run in the octoboxes for the laundry lights and call it a day.
           I also picked up a new angle grinder for $15 from Harbor Freight. I may also recover the sidecar with a new tarp. The old ones are turned into camouflage. Wait for pictures. Is this view a repeat, or just very similar to before? That’s the view getting better every day, the back yard bird paradise. I’ve found a way to shorten the stem on the birdbath, as it juts out a little too far from the wall. By taking it a bucket or two at I time, I’ve poured some of the best dirt in the yard into this area. It is not a patio or a garden, it is to attract birds and I may put a couple chairs. It is only bright and sunny because the pistachio trees have dropped their leaves. Normally it is bright shade.

Picture of the day.
Combination laser cutter &
3D printer.
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           What used to be Australia is sinking ever deeper into the communistic New World Order, they now have government-sanctioned censorship. It’s the usual, “we have to fight misinformation”, but applied only to whatever isn’t in line with government policy. So sad they went down without a fight. No doubt anybody who tries to run on a platform that removes such repression will be stopped from saying so. This photo shows lunch and fulfills my blog directive to mention food.
           The whole neighborhood was out working in the yards today, so I got some six hour in myself. Howie had one heck of a time with a tractor he’s been restoring for several weeks. When I heard the thing finally roar up, I was first to congratulate him. Mainly I worked on the north side of the building, finishing most of the roof rafters on the laundry deck and roughing in some of the basic electric. I’ve got plenty of copper pipe, I round another eight feet that somehow got tucked inside a ten foot PVC section.

           Chatting with the neighbor, we’ve decided to check if the other has things like grinder disks. Turns out, like myself, the smallest package you can buy has more than I use in a lifetime. I have a dozen packages with one item taken out. He’s a staunch Republican, I’m middle-of-the-road Libertarian, but we certainly agree the Biden regime is the worst in American history. They don’t even pretend to represent anyone and are unashamed of their behavior. They openly play the stock market and some of them have dual citizenship with “other countries”, namely Israel.            Like many of my contemporaries, the neighbor is not that savvy when it comes to computers and the Internet. The topic was Trump’s account being suspended at Twitter, while terrorists and dictators are allowed. The outrage in 2015 was not so much about Twitter as the fact that the fossilized Democrat party missed the entire Internet boat. They knew it was there, but had no idea someone like Trump could use it so effectively that it clobbered them. They were incensed but their reaction reveals more about their character.

           As soon as they realized the Internet was for real, instead of learning to use it, they immediately contacted their dirty tricks squad to find out how to abuse it. Oddly, they are still fooling some of the people all of the time. But there is always another outlet they can’t control, this time it’s probably Gab. It’s a Christian-owned site that’s gaining users by the hundreds of millions. It isn’t a free-for-all like other sites have become and what little “censorship” they have is generated by the users themselves. You see it all the time.
           Losers from other sites show up and try to spew their nonsense. They just get blocked or stifled with comments they can hardly like much. They soon drop out, because unlike Twitter or the other sites, there is no authority they can whine to and get people ejected. It’s a fun process to watch, how they show up with their narratives, but within a day or two at most, they are all posted on just one or two locations out of the hundreds available.
           Another form of censorship is the way blocking and muting works. I block most religious sites, they heavily plagiarize the Bible. These woketards think they can go after Trump or conservatives like before, but they quickly discover their taunts and threats don’t work. It seems to take about a week for each on to clue in they are being muted—and few things infuriate a Democrat than your refusal to listen to him.

           Here’s Cash in his natural mode. He’s an outdoor dog, but plainly was raised inside, the way he takes over. He sleeps in the choice locations only, shown here were I can’t make the bed, put on my trousers, reach my bass, or open the dresser drawers. He’s also blocking my laundry hamper for good measure. And look at that shiny, glistening fur. That don’t happen by accident, either. Sure, I miss the critter but I don’t miss the cost and effort of quite so big an animal. He is, I admit, one very smart dog.

           Boost Mobile has bullied their 3G users such as myself, with their “upgrade”. That is something they promised Virgin Mobile they would not do, but millennials only keep promises when it is convenient and they never do it in secret. It’s not like they offered me a new phone, instead I get endless robot calls and messages that my service has been “moved” to a new and better system. How is it better if the phones don’t work?
           I think that virtually everybody’s identity has been stolen, so much so that it could not be an accident. Tyrants for centuries have dreamed of ruling over a class of people who were constantly under surveillance and all the financial, communication, and social activities under strict surveillance by a national police force answerable only to the supreme leader. Centuries of warfare showed this could not be done without the cooperation of the underlings, so what has changed? The cooperation. When computer came along, it made it possible to dominate humans electronically. Surveillance is just one facet.
           People were duped by the hundreds of millions into putting their profiles on to computer files. Existing systems from bank account, to driver’s licenses, to airline tickets all began to feed the beast. It was gradually sold to the peasants as safety, efficiency, and crime prevention and created a mountain of data that is daily sifted through to be used against you. I know of no major computer system that works only to the benefit of the population.

           Another batch of hand-written journal pages shows up. This is from the earliest days, while I was in college or shortly after, so forty years ago anyway. No way I can key-enter that on my own. It would be curious, however, to compare my reminisces to what I wrote at the time. An examples would be my near-career as a programmer. Tell you what, in case I ever find those notes, here’s my version of what happened as I recall it today.
           At the time I began work at the phone company, I was the only person of 15,000 who had ever worked on a computer. My background was programming, and the phone company was just getting around to having their records and billing computerized. I thought it was a golden opportunity, although the starting salary (they were all management positions) was half what I made in the union. The company put out a bid for programmer trainees.

           Technically, I should have been a shoe-in. I had the qualifications and experience. But there was a female person, Lynn McLean. She was not my type, in case you ask. Anyway, I had dismissed her as competition. When my co-workers said she was a good worker, I joked saying maybe so, but she “could not tell a big potato from a small potato”. Anyway, some eight weeks later, the results came back. They hired eight people as trainees, one was Lynn, and I was rejected. This is the point at which I took stock of my situation and decided to “mine” the company for the benefits and pension, which I still have today.

Last Laugh