One year ago today: March 27, 2021, another final gig.
Five years ago today: March 27, 2017, cavalry horse harness.
Nine years ago today: March 27, 2013, Coral Gables by sidecar.
Random years ago today: March 27, 2005, cheating at Minesweeper.
That’s interesting; Arizona has passed a bill requiring proof of [US] citizenship to vote. What’s unusual is that such legislation would never happen if the Democrats were having things their own way. The Democrats are experts at blocking laws but anybody watching quickly learns they only have the brain-thrust to manage one thing at a time. And they are too plugged up stopping that ballot audit. How about the bursting crowd at the Trump rally last evening? No way the Democrats stand a chance without massive cheating and this time, it’s in the open because of Trump people know what to watch for.
Our view is somewhat better, this is a mother of millions plant courtesy of Alaine. I’m pretty sure she made the flower pot from seashells. Sadly, once the plant outgrows the pot, it has to be broken to remove the container. Let’s check the newsfeeds and move on. The CBC, government controlled media in Canada, has announced they will teach courses on disinformation in a video by people wearing surgical masks.
Somebody came up with a useful idea. All those people walking around with tracking devices they call smart phones, may finally be useful. This should be interpreted to mean prior to this, most of them were useless, but you already knew that.The idea is to connect them and report the weather. Instead of weather stations, we’ll have more coverage where there are more people. It does not qualify as an invention, but shows somebody is thinking. What we really need is an Internet that divided all links as free or pay, then we’d truly know what people think of advertising.
That weak-as-hell feeling from y’day was my signal to resume afternoon naps. Aha, I hear somebody pointing out that naps are not going to help one iota. That signal is my imagination. There’s no connection except I think naps in the summertime are a great idea. Now we talk a little about the follow-on music matters from the gig last evening.
There are two people in the existing band that could play rhythm guitar if they wanted to. The existing lead player and the keyboard guy. This should relay some idea of the difficulty of the entertainment field, especially for those who do not understand why I don’t just go get a guitar player. They’re out there, by the millions. Yeah, well so is the perfect woman for every man in the world. But where is she? Here’s a setting where both these guys know I can sing and play. They’ve complimented my bass-playing and style to no end, they’ve heard what the audiences have to say. Plus they know I stay committed even if something better comes along. Joining up with me would be a shortcut to stage work. What’s the obstacle?
It takes no definite form, but it’s some combination of ego, attitude, experience, talent, and a big helping of daydreaming. I finally asked the guitarist what it was he had against strumming. His reply was he wanted to play lead, to which I told him of dozens of lead players I’ve known who also filled in the strumming when they weren’t picking. Nope, is all or nothing for that guy, which explains why he’s pushing 50 and has only ever sort of been in one or two bands.
Parson is a bit the other extreme. Years ago, he relates, he asked people if he should play guitar or keyboards, and for some reason they said the latter. Things must have been highly different in 1950, you tell me. Anyway, he says if he ever goes into a duo, it must be a tremendous effort with harmonies and who knows. If you think this is odd, it is because he knows that is precisely what I want to form. But, are you ready, like most guitarists, he does not think it is possible for a guitar and bass. He wants two guitarists. Competing not matter what lip service they give to “cooperation”, it is always Simon & Garfunkel.
Bricklayers Local1 Union life members.
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Tired or not, I drove to Winter Haven to get that shelving material. It’s cut and in the van with the non-perishable groceries. Where’s my energy? Not where it belongs, instead I bought a paperback by Nick Petrie,”Tear It Down”, a mountain of legal action and face-offs. That’s what I want for this evening. Peace and quiet. How tired am I? Let me make my third cup of coffee for the day and ponder that.
The chapters are short, I read the first seven and realized this is probably a mistake. It is a woketard production. The protagonist is Latino, the lady in trouble is black and gay, all the things Hollywood loves that contribute nothing to the plot. But it’s the newest unread book in the house, so let’s see if things pick up. Do we really need to know if these people are married or single or have had anything up their arses recently?
Speaking of losers, have you seen the clips of Biden having pizza with the soldiers? He was embarrassing them. Unlike the throngs reaching to shake hands with Trump, the people around Biden had looks of shamed resignation.
I cannot locate plumbing flanges for the copper pipes, nor can the lumberyard people tell me what connections are needed to attach these cut-off valves to copper pipes. It looks to me like one end is half-inch and the other is three-eighths. I’ve decided to bring the pieces right into the store and let them match it up. This photo is one of the four valves that will soon be in operation.
That shelving is another milestone, in that it completes the planned storage for the silo. The last of the boxes in the house, some of which have been taking up space for six years, are out to the shed, freeing up space for finishing work.
While everything works, there has been very little trim or fancy work done inside since I replace the interior drywall. After vastly oversleeping my nap, I got up and cut some cardboard strips to serve as spacers for the foil insulation. Starting with the shed is the plan so I’ll know what I’m doing by the time I get to the laundry canopy. And the pistachio trees are beginning to grow leaves.
That papaya tree in the fenced area is not getting the required sunlight. I’m taking the neighbor’s word it is papaya as in edible. Since it has big leaves and grew well enough in the shade, I think the spot for it is near the side door or by the new back yard area. Return soon for progress reports.
I’ve had two garden failures and have analyzed why. It isn’t the soil, since I’ve got enriched mixtures and the sprouts come up fine. Part of the problem is the garden area being so far n the back yard. Yet, the bushes, cacti, and plants near the door thrive and the reason must have something to do with seeing them every time I come and go. Leave that back yard for a few days and you find two foot weeds have taken root. I need to move the garden box to where I pass it on every foray to the sheds.
Second is the trips to Tennessee. I come back to find my hard work has withered away. I must get a timed watering system or plant only those species which will behave themselves once established. I happen to like things that grow underground, as in carrots, beets, and radishes. That should help If the plants need extra sunlight, I happen to have some extra foil I could use.
If you have time, here is a video depicting various historical figures brought to “life” with A.I. The video is just as interesting at 2x speed and I dunno. While an amusing application of the technology, this is pretty meaningly and portends its further use for more “art “ of this sort, of which Hollywood may already have to much.
No news from the Webb telescope had me using the time slot to look at Artemis, or whatever NASA is calling its Moon lander. I’m more interested in Gateway, the space station that should have been orbiting the Moon since 1980. Am I allowed to say the prices for these programs has “skyrocketed”?
Did you know that 3% of the US population is responsible for 90% of the tweets. This does not help the liberal cause, who rely on the illusion of being a majority and who worship the bandwagon effect. I heard a new term, that liberals are classified as “D+43”. Maybe it is a typo or some television term, but I certain agree liberals are all D+ types. The latest millennial claim is that theyare 10% smarter than their parents, because the parents were inhaling fumes from leaded gasoline in their youth.
Here is a video of the 769 athletes who have died suddenly on the sports field since the days of COVID vaccine. Or am I still allowed to say that? Senn Penn threatened to melt down his Oscars and nobody cared. People who calculate such things say growing your own vegetables (in a garden) saves you over $600 per year. Twice what I already spend on vegetables.