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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

One year ago today: March 9, 2021, real estate remains crazy.
Five years ago today: March 9, 2017, not motorcycle weather.
Nine years ago today: March 9, 2013, that dashing fellow.
Random years ago today: March 9, 2011, do not overplay!

           Silver is pushing $27, a good sign. There is a ceiling at $30, if it breaks that, $30 becomes the new floor. Cash spent the night in the shed, a pity, but he gets a good breakfast out of it. The Saturday gig is confirmed, but this band has always had bad communication. In frustration trying to ID this bug, I tried to post it on Craigslist. I see they must still be having problems with user accounts, as they’ve made it as tricky as possible to log on. You must use a time-limited link sent to your e-mail. If you know this critter, leave me a comment.
           The morning proceeded along barely since I could not get moving. Rare, but happens, so we had breakfast. The doggies gets fresh boiled chicken and old me, I have to settle for oatmeal. The opposite of what the retirement planners tell you. Did I tell you he gets fish oil? And he gets vitamins and minerals, possibly the only supplements he’s going to get, since no hillbilly.
           Seven hours later (it turns out), he would still have been locked in the shed. Instead of lying on my bedroom rug and farting without waking up. I’ll tell you what else stinks. The first conviction of a ballot harvester. These people should get three consecutive life sentences. They enabled racists and killers to get into office. Instead, probably because is a fat Latina, tomorrow they will give her a suspended sentence. No jail time. Whatever happened to make the punishment fit the crime?

           Remember the Sony Walkman? I got one for work during the two years I did data entry. They were $400 items back in the 80s, a result of some Sony techs plugging a set of earphones into one of their dictaphone devices and were astonished at the clarity of sound. They quickly miniaturized both the player and the headphones, and sole them by the hundred million. You still had to record your own tapes and the metal oxide brands that worked best were pricey indeed. But, you didn’t have to buy entire albums to get one song.
           Sony announced a return of the Walkman, beginning at $1,600. They are really glorified MP3 players. I’m satisfied with my $30 unit, the clarity is just fine. New Scientist report finding Shackleton’s ship in 3008 meters of water. That the expedition that got iced in and abandoned ship. The thing is, ice pack usually forms over continental shelves. And those are not 10,000 feet deep. Something doesn’t jive here.
           Speaking of details, I thought Tyre was supposed to be an ancient island seaport off the coast of Lebanon. I know it is now joined to the mainland by an isthmus of sand, but is it still regarded as an island? The area itself, says Wiki, is a ruin built out of ruins. It is home to at least three refugee camps. Another question, isn’t there a maximum time one can claim to be a refugee? I mean, once your grandchildren are born in a new location, you’d think.

Picture of the day.
Fake Rolex, but which?
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We’re in for some shennanigans now. Biden’s weak stab at World War fizzled and Americans are focused on gas prices. This economy cannot work as it does without gasoline, the entire grid is geared to that level. Prices in Florida are below $4 for regular, but them Democrat strongholds are paying through the teeth and getting no mercy. The DC rats cannot allow a headline like that to last long, they’ll have to orchestrate something. They are the stinkbugs of society, and that reminds me, a colony of stinkbugs has taken up residency on the trunks of my dormant pistachio trees. Don’t know if you can see them, but there are four big ones in this photo.
           I’ve decided to trim the silo corners with 1x3” furring strips. I’ll coat them with linseed oil and fasten them tight in place to minimize warping. The shed only has to outlast me. We’ve got afternoon rainstorms already without having enjoyed much of a decent winter. I don’t know who to blame this week, Biden, Putin, or Trump. What’s in vogue? Here’s where I get to name-drop. I got an unusually high number of favorable responses, nineteen in a row. Somebody is reading my writing and I recognize the guy’s profile pic, tiny as it is. So I send it to the Reb. Ah, Neeson, the actor from “Shindler’s List” is one of my fans. Readers, you are in good company, just don’t expect Kamela to make much of an appearance.

           The rain stopped from 2:00PM to 5:00PM, so it was back to work. I’ll never be a heavy duty labor type again but compared to what was diagnosed in 2010, I’m delighted just by the level of activity. One thing I finally started was the upgrade of the chest of drawers. It looked great, but when I got it home a number of faults appeared that I’m only dealing with five years later. These photos show that I was right about the units being very well-constructed, as these metal braces show. Yet the drawers would not slide out properly. The center panel shows the problem. A previous owner had installed these child-proof clips wrongly. And the knobs kept falling off. They had been replaced and the new pieces would not screw in far enough. This was solved by countersinking the screw from the inside.
           It’s been a while since I had to buy certain things, so I wonder if my puttering has finally reached the critical mass where I have enough spare parts to do things without a trip to the store. What do you think? There’s a photo around here of a manual water timer I bought on sale for ten bucks. With that and a bucket of ½” CPVC fittings, I may be able to install my bird mister (or dripper depending on how I fare) only purchasing a couple of adapters.

           Still feeling energetic, I unloaded the 1x3” furring strips and gave them a heavy coat of free linseed oil from the recycle. Here’s your mini-lesson for the day. Boiled linseed oil isn’t really boiled, instead they add chemicals that emulate boiling. This makes the oil dry faster. I’ve found two contradictory sources, some say the boiled oil is ideal to paint over (Hunker), others say it is difficult to impossible (eHow). We’ll soon know who the millennial is. My plan is to use the strips to cover the sometimes ragged wood ends from all that pallet siding. I do not care for the aroma of linseed oil.
           Where is my fake book? Never mind, found it. While I have the band’s list on MP3 for learning, they rarely do faithful renditions so the fake book is necessary up on stage. The one thing I can’t pencil is the way they change keys. E, A, makes no diff to these guys. My excellent desk lamp fried the bulb, which is one of them quartz thingees. That get too hot. What gets me is they do not stamp any marks on the bulb itself to indicate its replacement, this one just said C348 which is a manufacturer’s lot code or something.

           Hillary has announced she is not going to run in 2024. Smart move, or another ploy? The fake media are working overtime to reword the statistics but they’ve worn out their bag of tricks. Their favorite this week appears to be claiming Biden’s dismal ratings are higher than Trumps at the same time of his Presidency. Yeah, in a poll conducted by the Washington Compost, maybe.

           Maybe I should start posting recipes. Our Feb 28, 2022 depiction of that Texas chicken pie pulled in 632 clicks. I was aware before I bought my first digital camera that pictures had this effect, so why did I take over two years to buy that Argus? Because of my pricing rule, I don’t buy leading edge electronics until a standard emerges and I can test a unit for less than $100. I don’t think any mass produced electronic gadgets are worth more than that.
           I loved that Argus. It took the standard Kodak 26 pictures, but that is way more than a blog requires daily if you think it through. While I can’t say people clicked to see the pie, I know to the fifth decimal place what is normal viewing for food pictures. It’s amazing the slot cookbooks have in today’s America. Walk into any book store.

           It takes time to process the pictures you see here, but I picked up what DMCA was up to around the same time as I paid $9.95 or so for that Argus. It is first mentioned by name here on September 2, 2007, around the time the Digital Millennial people were slipping that fast one past Congress. Instead of protecting copyright and patent like the law intended, they succeeding in granting themselves sole discretion to determine the reach and authority of anything they decide, without controls or oversight, what is “infringement”. These are the people who want to institute “pay per listen” to any music you hear. The horror is how they would monitor that activity.
           It would not hurt this blog much, as probably 95% of the pictures are private property and much of the remainder is somewhere between humor and how-to, both fair usage for now. I’m dismayed by how many of the links published over the years have done dead. If you have time, follow that link, as the post opines on some considerations of the day about digital camera abuse. By sheer coincidence, it mentions recipes.
           Check out this video link.

Last Laugh