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Sunday, April 10, 2022

April 10, 2022

One year ago today: April 10, 2021, that science museum, sigh . . .
Five years ago today: April 10, 2017, there’s no gold, I said.
Nine years ago today: April 10, 2013, my sidecar trunk.
Random years ago today: April 10, 2011, some soldier I’d make.

           Food riots in China. Providing you believe the news, there have been indicents in Shanghai. If there’s not food there, the rest of the country must be a wasteland. Meanwhile, I watched the inanity as the police in California pulled over a driverless car. Few things more effectively demonstrate how the USA has turned the roadside pullover into a terror tactic. Police should not be stopping vehicles for traffic offenses, only to turn the incident into a search and destroy mission if they possibly can. The stop showed how powerless and puny the police were unless they have a human driver they can bully, cajole, and entrap. That’s all the proof you need that a traffic stop is 1% about the car.
           Finally, I took the day off for real. I slept most of it, taking time only to bake a cake and a double helping of fried rice. Cramped for space, I’m considering building a small shelf where I can put my Yamaha keyboard. Since my wrist injury of the 1990s stops me from playing much, I tend to haul it out when I need it. If it’s already set up, them it gets used. I still prefer working out tricky bass lines on the keyboard, when I say that I mean where notes are likely to be missed or played by pattern. It’s a mistake that I don’t make when on the keys.

           My total yard work was to water the plants and look things over. This picture show the inlets and outlets of the Roman A/C. A mounting bracket will straighten it out. The best response from the old robot club is that the pipes are too short to generate enough airflow. Suggestions usually involve getting a fan to draw the air up, but that seems complicated and could be only as effective as a roof vent. Bryne, the guitar guy, says use a 12V fan powered by leftover solar cells but my experience with those is they are far from carefree. He also suggests the 12.5/64 drill size is a 6mm metric, which he proved by some complicated math.
           The robot club is still quite alive in spirit. Now that I have the space, I don’t have the time. That last shelf is still not up and I have things I must now throw away because they were not stored properly. The book I’m reading, “Orbit”, is technically interesting, as our stranded civilian has to work through how to fly the thing. As they reached orbit, a chip of space junk went through the hull, between the pilot’s eyes, and took out the communications gear. Lots of tidbits, like why spaceships do not require two pilots in case one becomes incapacitated. (The FAA decided “aviation” did not include “space”, meaning they will not assist in any emergencies.)

Picture of the day.
Britney & boyfriend wearing masks.
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           A virtual club meeting later took less than ten minutes to come up with improvement to the Roman A/C. But also lots of criticism primarily because the pipes are so short. The plan is not for perfection, but proof of concept. Even if there is not much cooling, the pipes may produce air movement. To any occupant, that has the same effect. The north side of the silo is in permanent dense tree shade and always cool on hot days, which are literally around the corner.
           We’ve always known that these type of heaters quickly begin to cool as fluid begins to move from inlet to outlet. The pipe does not have the thermal mass and in most instances is quickly drained of heat. The knee-jerk reaction is some form of coating that can store enough heat to impart at least a small but steady heat transfer. Once again, it is a suggestion from Bryne that tops the list. That black truck bed coating material. Off to the Internet to watch some videos on how this stuff is applied. O’Reilly to the rescue?

           The emphasis is on prepping the surfaces to be coated. We likely have everything beeded for that, even if we have to and the PVC to roughen the surface. It is important that anything tried is passive, we know from experience the first utility that goes in Polk Country is the electricity. And we have learned from the cPods that solar panels are neither carefree nor efficient, not by a long shot. But that’s a tale from another trailer court.
           The sun is nearly directly overhead on the hottest days, so a reflective lining behind the piping is not as effective as imagined. A better plan would be to angle the pipes out from the bottom to catch more of those rays, and that option is build into the design. However, that is expensive and complicated for now. All we seek is some indication how well such a system works or if it doesn’t, why not?

           It’s not real A.I. but it has uses. One is 3D printing, where some controls are finally making a difference. Industrial 3D printers use laser powder bed fusion. It’s exactly (for once) what it says. They use it to make parts too small and intricate to machine. My bet is it works similar to eye surgery lasers, which ensure the heat never stays to long on one spot. Somebody has coupled these technologies and apparently it makes significant differences by minimizing warping when small pieces are blasted by the beam. I’ll say it again, I avoid 3D printing due to the difficulty of designing anything to print.
           Car theft has become a billion-dollar per year industry in Canada. Many of the cars are routinely shipped to dealerships in Africa. Thank Trudeau for that, the one thing they never report is how security cameras show the thieves are 100% non-whites. Cars boosted are out of the country in a matter of hours, often being resold in places like Nigeria with the original license plates still on the vehicles. Serves you Canadians right, you had a good thing going, an underpopulated white country with the world’s biggest resource-hungry economy right next door. But no, you gave it away.

           What a bunch of idiots Canadians turned out to be. Jamaicans in Toronto, how stupid can you get? That’s one thing about Canadians, they honestly believe it they act nice you are not going to notice they are stupid. We have the same crowd here but they are a much smaller proportion. But I understand why some people become liberals. Talentless, boring hacks with nothing to contribute, it’s no wonder they wind up like that. Disney has stopped publishing pictures of its grounds showing what looks to me like a 90% drop in attendance. Satellite photos show empty buildings and none of the former lineups. I visited DisneyWorld once back in the 2000s and rate it as little more than an expensive shopping center.

Last Laugh