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Monday, April 11, 2022

April 11, 2022

One year ago today: April 11, 2021, give ‘em a ribbon.
Five years ago today: April 11, 2017, the early days here.
Nine years ago today: April 11, 2013, Ormand Beach, by sidecar.
Random years ago today: April 11, 2007, alcoholics & imbeciles.

           That would be interesting. A proposed law that if you call anyone a racist, you must prove it in a court of law or face three years in the slammer. I’d like to see that, two-thirds of Canada in jail within a week. CNet reports SpinLaunch has put a small object into sub-orbit, meaning it didn’t go all the way around. This is the old spinning centrifuge concept of throwing a satellite into space as an alternative to rocket power. These contraptions still require enormous amounts of energy to spin up to 5,000 mph, but computerized control of the flywheel has brought this into the realm of possibility. And a million ash trees are due to die from a tree boring pest—the result of American cities planting one species of tree only throughout their total urban landscape.
           My own yard has issues, like my dead elm tree. It came back once, so now it is in the back yard with the primo soil to see if we get a resurrection. I also trimmed the frost damage off the agaves and planted some shoots they put out. Then I cleared four of the misting nozzles which was easy to do with the new air compressor, I want to run they off one tap for convenience, but there are no instructions how to join these pieces. It’s uncanny how often I find situations that nobody on the entire Internet has bothered to address, I mean, the only other explanation is they are all a bunch of shallow non-entities.

           Regular visitors are Grandma Red (Cardinal), who is losing all fear of me but still skittish. I have no desire to tame these birdies, but if they do so themselves, I’m happy. The misters draw bugs, butterflies, and that smaller finch-like birdie I have yet to capture on file. The misters make a wonderful difference and if placed near the planters, have almost a greenhouse effect in the sunlight. This Madagascar periwinkle shows the revival effect on cuttings, these seemed like goners a couple days back. I hope you can see the covering of water droplets, these closeup photos don’t turn out as well as I’d like.
           Help yourself, this is a cinnamon, oatmeal, and brown sugar cake from scratch. Eggs and flour, a moist morsel, though I left out the raisins because I ran out of white sugar. While baking, I moved a bunch of yard plants around carefully watered my peach tree. It is sending out eight or ten new leaf sprouts per day, all that deep lincoln-lime healthy green. Pictures soon.

           The Roman pipes are having some effect. You can tell from inside which of the pipes are in direct sunlight. There is a detectable air flow but I hesitate to say enough to make any real difference. It’s a start and that’s all that was asked for.
“Orbit”, the book, it’s keeping me interested because the author knows his space lore. The plot is somewhat wooly but his descriptions are excellent. The construction of the capsule, the fart motors, the food supply, and which systems are now automated. There are sub-plots, the civilian approach to space travel, NASA intransigence, the Russians want money, and even a peep into how the US has always had the muscle to take out individual objects in space.
           What’s happening is the orbiter is going to collide with space junk, an old Soviet era rocket shroud. How could this be, when all large objects are monitored. Yes, but the original flight plan was for six hours, he’s been up there three days. I can’t give the book even an average review when I say for technicalities, it is quite well done.

Picture of the day.
Moscow’s Hungry Duck Bar
(Now closed.)
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           Here is part of making pipe holes for the bird mister. This gauge shows ½-inch CPVC has an outside diameter of 5/8ths, and a drill bit I rarely use for anything else getting its first attention in years. See the stubs along the top of this plastic gauge? They are for measuring bolt diameters, but most peple don’t know why there is that collar. Can you see how they get a bit wider half-way down? Each bolt fits one size, but coarse thread fits all the way, fine threat stops at the collar. If you spotted the “AA” next to one port, that is the size of bit for an AA battery, as I often have to make my own battery holders special for that diameter.
           Adding up the budget this month the conclusion is plain. Thanks to Joe Biden, trips to Miami must be limited. It used to be a $36 round trip by motorcycle, for which I was paid ten times that amount for my blood. With that study canceled and the gas bill now $125, we will only be making that trip when necessary. The damage done by these retards won’t disappear along with their orchestrated tie in the Senate this November.

           Their operatives are everywhere and unbelievably, so many Americans are not hip to the fact. They don’t give it a second thought that their town council or school boards might be hard-core Bolshviks. Why, that’s just Sally, she lives up the street. Which is exactly how Sally wants them to think. The leadership is changing hands, but not the moles and operatives.
           Even pro-Democrat sources are gearing up for a bloodbath. Rumors are the Patriot Part (the America First contingent of the Republicans) are slated to gain 60 of the 100 Senate positions. Ha, the way things are going, Trump needs only point a finger and that could be closer to 70. The fact is, even staunch Democrat strongholds see the mess they’ve made of things and knowing full well they are degenerates reliant on government handouts, are voting to make themselves look better. I doubt it will work this time. They’ve been too exposed (by Trump) and memories are long. Millions are now very aware of what they tried to pull off.

           The bird mister timer had fitting for a garden hose. They don’t match CPVC. Knowing the pieces are available, I drove to the big store and got the piece, not exactly cheap. Four fittings, ranging from $3 to $9. This piece is to be fitted inside the house without a corresponding drain if anything goes wrong. It is designed to outlast me, so let the next guy worry about it. Anyway, whoever buys this property will arrive with a bulldozer to pancake the place.
           Return tomorrow for pics of this assembly. For now, here it is hand-fitted while have a brew on the way home. This intentionally blurry show tells a story. This is the original old club on Hwy 60, with my favorite bar maid on the left. The others are regulars. Shown also is my Budweiser, plus a second Bud. I’m alone and I don’t drink with both hands, so you figure out what is going on. This is, by the way, the club where I had the crowd on their feet last weekend. Closest thing this town has seen to a Karaoke standing ovation.
           The entertainment scene (a 1960s term) has changed and I don’t know how. The club begrudgingly has live music on some Fridays and the main reason for the Saturday Karaoke is he’s the boyfriend of the other barmaid. I can’t define what’s changed, but this is the situation I tried for years to be ready for. A simple, well-rehearsed duo would have it all their own way. I’m not a singer, I’m a bass player, but you should have seen that show. I normally avoid performances in the places I’m likely to hang out. I’ll never be anonymous in that place now.

           AirBnB jokes aside, the fake pandemic did not really flush out this market as predicted. Rumor is they all just sold to Blackstone for a profit. This, because I noticed an uptick in rental advertising again. A few people are waking up to that trillion dollar swindle last year. The Democrats gave them each $1400 and split the rest up between themselves. As this blog put it, they bought them dinner with their own money. My $1400 is still invested. I looked again at real estate here and Tennessee, but the best I could manage is some vacant lots. Don’t laugh, that is still an investment that holds value.
           You saw it here first. Blog readership here is at an all-time low for the decade, down by two-thirds. The good news is that seems to be an overall trend and many a blog would like my numbers. As ever, I write it too to yet another trend out there that will peter out in a bit. Meanwhile, here’s what you saw, it is a clock mechanism that you load with a spindle of yarn, see at lower left.
Over a year, it slowly knits you a six-foot scarf, which here is in the place of the pendulum. That’s it, one per year.            I do believe I know a lady who would love just such a gift. I’m a lucky man. Yeah, and the harder I work, the luckier I get. At my age, I’m still building shed? There’s every possibility this will never end. Later, I cannot find this clock, it may be a special order from Scandinavia. If so, I can bet you $1,000 what race of people over there are not producing this product.

Last Laugh