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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 12, 2022

One year ago today: April 12, 2021, they don’t miss it.
Five years ago today: April 12, 2017, except, he never practiced.
Nine years ago today: April 12, 2013, Amelia Island.
Random years ago today: April 12, 2005, she was 58.

           Mrs. Red is getting quite tame. But I’m sad to conclude for the past few weeks she has been feeding alone. I no longer hear the distinctive chirp of Mr. Red. We may have to conclude she is a widow. Let’s check something, okay I’m back. Yes, six years is a good life span for northern cardinals in the wild. Mind you, wild isn’t exactly the case here in birdie paradise. Here is the mist timer and fittings, both before and after fitting. The top panel shows the brass hose couplings and the two CPVC adapters. They are friction fit with washers, an arrangement that I’ve never trusted. Also shown is the obligatory cup of coffee. The chicken and rice are in the oven.
           This adds four inches to the length, which in turn means a redesign of the drilled plates that hold everything in place. That’s a quick job which I’ll tend to this morning. After a hearty breakfast, no sense roughing it, and I’ve hit another batch of darn good coffee.

           In the quiet moments, I’ve been giving a new tune the “treatment”. This is where a bass line turns out to be played somewhat differently than it is heard, which usually occurs when lower guitar notes clash with upper bass runs. This is your chance to shine, if only because take it from me, the rest of the band cannot be expected to do it right in this circumstance. I’m playing what I call a “shadow” lead riff, which happens when a studio overdub would otherwise be left out on stage.
           The tune I still working on is the Pretender’s “Back on the Chain Gang”, a delightful song to play where the bass line professionally messes up a number of times. Instead, I put in strong notes to drive the beat and add the shadow riffs during the chorus, again to “make it sound more like the original”. Too bad I don’t know any guitar players who could keep up.

           This book, “Orbit”, at around the half-way point I believe it has been made into a movie and I’ve seen it from here on. It’s familiar and now I must read it as I don’t recall how the movie ends. This guy stranded in space starts pouring out his life story on a laptop, not realizing the world is reading it in real time. Hmmm, he also doesn’t realize what a seasoned bloggist he is without a day of experience. Of course, there are no ordinary heroes any more, he’s remarried and his kids hate his new wife, whose father is a Pewterschmidt, and everybody is named Jerrod or Alistair.
           And here we go with another round of mask mandates, starting of course, in a shit-hole like Philadelphia. Democrats are stupid and so are their tactics, which evolved over generations. They can’t come up with new ones, so they will try the old ones again. Ballot fraud is one of their cornerstones so they have to bring back those drop boxes. Yep, drop boxes, it would be a pity if anything should happened to them.

           Disney faces cancelled reservations approaching the half-million point. Zuckerberg announces no more political donations but that won’t save him. And the rest of this morning I am reverting to a pre-COVID activity. A coffee and Dunkin and the crossword. Except I’m not paying $3 for a shitty libtard paper, I downloaded the crossword for free. It’s bizarre how people think who don’t do crosswords. It ranges from my family who think you are making up words to “fill in the blanks” to my best pal, JZ, who thinks the reason you can do them so fast in ink is because you’ve been doing them so long you’ve memorized all the answers.
           What they all have in common is they don’t think anybody could “be that smart”. My challenge is no longer doing the crossword, but how fast I can do the crossword. What the Washington Post nowadays calls “tough” crosswords I complete by doing only the across or only the down clues. I was the only person in Dunkin today, they have excellent air conditioning. I worked the puzzle but these computer generated examples lack something. Or is it that they are written to some kind of agenda, which would not surprise me. The clues have taken on a semi-distinct political correctness. And we all know that gets followed by woketard.

Picture of the day.
Bill Gate’s horse ranch.
(Former owner Jenny Craig.)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Freaky, the screams to the dying in Shanghai. They are locked down without food, in some cases for weeks now. The media (I still use the term newsreels for a reason) show thousands of people on their balconies, some committing suicide. Meanwhile, propaganda drones overhead ceaselessly blast orders. This is your New World Order, though in America such drones woud amount to target practice. What I don’t understand is China already had complete control over these people’s lives. Why starve your own subjects? Then again, how wise is it to believe anything coming out of China?
           Today you get a yard update. Somehow I could not get started and I’m not going to report on that. Here is the French marigolds, you can see the tiny secondary pattern of flowers emerging. I guess that is part of it but for all I know these could be carrots. Not so with the peach tree, which is busting out all over with leaves. I know from before until I see those peach blossoms this tree could just be reacting too being pampered.

           Few things relay the decline in content more than a change of the on-line rating system. Don’t quote me on actual sites, but it is said TiVo and Netflix anyway are abandoning the five-star rating system. Why? For once, they did not say it was racist, so they missed that slot. You see, five stars gave people a chance to express an opinion that some things plain stunk. These operations know the crap that is coming out these days, homo crap and Disney grooming, so they changed to a thumbs-up thumbs-down system only. They changed that. Now users have the option of a double thumbs-up. If you ask me, that’s banking a lot on how successful the producers have been in brainwashing their audiences.
           Another change, but not enough to call it a trend yet, is an increase in thank-you notes I receive as comments. Hmmm, I dunno. But it is happening enough to get blog mention. They seen sincere, often thanking me for explaining something specific, like how the Deep State is not in Washington, it is in your town hall and school buildings. I get around two per day, some referring to events I wrote as long a four years ago.

Last Laugh