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Friday, April 22, 2022

April 22, 2022

One year ago today: April 22, 2021, beware of “expert witnesses”.
Five years ago today: April 22, 2017, and the woman?
Nine years ago today: April 22, 2013, a slower, creeping form of stupidity.
Random years ago today: April 22, 2007, old Wally could sure play crib.

           One of the more heavily advertised books on-line contains this picture or a box planter. They say it evolved from much trial and error, so I’m glad I got to the same conclusion by simply going ahead and building the damn thing. I despise liberals, which is not political. Liberalism is a mental cancer, not a political party, and even on libtard radio this morning, these people a yowling desperate. They have sunk so low their latest tactic is to prevent opponents from running, a sordid mechanism the Democrats put in place over years. But, everything backfires on them, so how about a morning coffee and let’s plan the day. We need more shelves.
           Musk needs more Twitter shares, reports the Daily Wire, who add that SNL has not been funny since 1980. (I did not know the show was still around.) And this week marks the 50th anniversary of “eco-pocalyptic” climate disaster predictions. Yep, by now they said it would all be famine, pollution, ice age, water rationing, ozone cancers, acid rain, drought, and breathing methane in underwater cities. Screw Wondershare Uniconvertor. It is not free as advertised and leaves an executable file on your hard drive after an uninstall. It is attributed active so you can’t delete it with task manager, even Agent Ransack won’t do the job. (Go into safe mode and delete the directory with DOS.)

           Out there in the partial overcast, I’m miffed because I cannot find my PVC pipe cutter. It was always in a box under the saw, but a month ago I moved it so I’d never have to remember where it was. And forgot. I’ve got other ways to cut pipe, but it’s all back and forth. Don’t you hate it when that happens? Isn’t it even worse when old people repeat trite phrases? You know, they are old and grizzled and imparting some new wisdom the rest of the world overlooked? Okay, I’ll knock it off. And not because you told me to.
           Maybe I could have been a tradesman. Things still go wrong and they did this time. It’s the bird mist timer, I knew better than to measure where to drill. I assembled the whole piece and marked it with a set square. It was still out. Three hours later, I’m still busy but my patience quota is much higher with dumb lumber than dumb people. Because the lumber has no choice. I also added a brace on the interior that could hold a small pan, as there is no drain under the mechanism should even a small leak take place.

Picture of the day.
Dremel wood carving.
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           I took pictures at sunrise, enjoy. These are a bed of wildflowers that took over the garden area of the yard. This happens while one is in Tennessee a lot. Read on to find out why this spot is back in focus. It’s doubtful food will disappear in the USA, there is too much of a parallel economy and the fact is you can buy almost anything you want off the grid. But of course, the citified people who don’t know where milk comes from may have a problem. A problem nobody much else is going to give a damn about, especially Democrat cities, but let’s get back to the yard. This flower is about the size of a silver dollar, I have no info.
           Trent has returned from Texas and tells of woe in the hospital system. TMOR, the Biden administration has been faking all the American COVID stats, there has never been any widespread illness of this sort here. It’s a scam, part of their big reset, and it is beginning to backfire on them. They promised the hospitals they would pay for every COVID patient, then backed down when the hospitals called every case just that. It screws the hospitals double, because goofs that they are, they lost most of their good employees by trying to force the jab. N hospitals have closed, but the remaining staff have been informed they will get no raises during this time of 30-40% inflation. Trent is getting out of it, moving to a large airplane manufacturer as a manager. Good, if you ask me.

           Later, I got the pieces fitted but not the best plumbing I’ve done. There was one tiny materials problem, one of the adapter from hose to line had a much shallower internal rim for the CPVC pipe, which I had previously cut to length. Of course, it was the part that fit through the hole drilled in the wall. Meh, I got the whole sunny but cool part of the day to work, 5-1/2 hours is plenty. I’m going to check the plumbing joints, then play “Love Me Two Times” on the bass, then drive to downtown Bartow for a brew. And call this what I hope will be a classic Friday for me for the duration.
           By nightfall, I canceled that plan and stayed up late reading a lot. I also got half the pipes glued before dark. With the Democrats systematically attacking the food supply, I’m revamping some of my plans. That soil in the back yard area is what they recommend for vegetables, though I strongly hesitate to grow anything tat shows above ground. That means I stick with my primary plan for potatoes. What I’m drawing up is how to plant them. No, Ken, don’t just grab a hoe and throw ‘em in the ground.

           The twelve-month growing season in Florida lets me plan better, and I will allow for the maximum time they say for potatoes, which is 120 days, planting to harvest. I don’t know how much goes under each plant, but the on-line experts say fifty pounds is not unusual. So, how long does it take me to consume that much? My grocery budget says at just over 60 pounds per year, I am not a big consumer. Double that for unspecified reasons, and I’ll need at least ten pounds per month. More internet experts say each healthy plant produces fifty pounds.
           Therefore, one plant produces enough for me for five months. So with good timing I would only need two potato plants, not eight. But allowing for my amateurism and bad luck, make that four plants, with one starting every three months. This is a lot like work. And if I’m wise, I might just lay a water pipe to that far corner. I will utilize the experience I get by installing the bird misters. Check back on this.

           Joyce Watkins. You may never have heard of her. I did because of the Innocence Project. She was wrongly convicted and lost 34 years of her life. These things are unfortunate, but that is not what concerns me from the standpoint of what happens in court. Whenever I hear of these cases of wrongful conviction, they fall into one of two categories. One is where new evidence, new witnesses, or some externality appears and overturns the verdict. This is horrendous and the system should make amends to the victims. However, there is another even worse situation that the Innocence Project is all too often finding. This is where they uncover crooked cops, corrupt judges, incompetent lawyers, and lying witnesses.
           The sad truth is these people must collaborate on some level to condemn the truly innocent. It’s often clear the accused never stood a chance. Yet we so rarely hear of these horrid wrong-doers ever being punished. Even then, it is somebody’s life sentence against their three-week suspension with pay. They should at least be prevented from ever being in a position to repeat the event. But it will never happen as we’ve seen how loathe the system is to eat one of their own.
           Nonetheless, the people who do this are wrong and it goes far beyond an ordinary mistake. These trials go on for days and weeks. Far too many cases of hidden evidence, coaxed witnesses, starting from favoring police testimony to the prosecutor and judge belonging to the same country club. I don’t know the answer, but I know when something is royally fucked up.

           And doxxing is in the news again. Because the ADL (Jewish sponsored Anti-Defamation League) wants the right to do it and prevent others from doing it. Doxxing is a curious thing, and my opinion is that it is not doxxing if the information is already available because the target put it there. This is vastly different from sneaking around and using trickery to get private information on someone. It is also a condition of employment in any civil service position that such information is automatically public because that is who they work for. There should also be a condition that the media must name names.
           It would mean no more headlines like “School Board Distributes Pornography”. It would become “John Smith and Sally Jones Distribute Pornography”. The fact they are on the school board becomes secondary. So, I say doxxing is not illegal if the information being revealed was obtained in a lawful manner. I am a lonely voice.

Last Laugh