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Friday, June 3, 2022

June 3, 2022

One year ago today: June 3, 2021, he got 26 years.
Five years ago today: June 3, 2017, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: June 3, 2013, at my peak weight.
Random years ago today: June 3, 2012, Alpha males?

           Nothing to report, so let’s look out at the world. San Francisco approves driverless taxis, which will generate law suits for decades to come. Musk’s latest satellite is too big for current boosters to launch. At home worker sues for payment of his electricty bill, forgetting how much it used to cost him to drive to the office. Tesla is telling people they will have to waste time at the office instead of at home. And here is Toyota’s “hydrogen cartridge”. Enough to run a single microwave for 3 hours. They don’t mention driving to work—can a car even carry enough of this massive tanks?

           How many “civilian” guns are sold in the USA? In the past three years, over one million per month, a new record. It’s anti-gun election season again. Taking those guns away is all the leftists and their puppet media talk about. Nobody wants to say it, just take the guns away from the blacks and the problem solves itself. As for the NRA, none of it’s five million members has ever been implicated in a mass shooting. On the other hand, black shot 51 of each other in Chicago over last weekend. Americans know this and are not swayed by massive gun-grab propoganda.
           Life goes on as we walked the dogs two miles this morning. Nashville can be dull for fine dining, instead you get that atmosphere wher they try to “inject” class into an ordinary setting. We could not think of any place to go tonight, although we might have tried Drusie & Darr if it was not Friday. Long line-ups don’t do it for us. It’s a resturant in the Hermitage Hotel downtown, so think around $60 per person for us, plus drinks. We are not desert people and I rarely drink while dining. We would not get there until dark, so we’ll wind up some place nearby. She wants me to stay at least a few more days but gosh, when it is said and done, there is a reason why so many men like solitude and it has nothing to do with how nice the lady is.

           The dogs got a second walk as the Reb & I had details to go over. It seems the pay for tax returns has taken a leap since the days I last worked for H&R Block. I can do these returns in my sleep, all except the most complicated corporate returns, and even then I’ve passed the tests. I just never worked for any corporations after my courses finished and have no desire to do so now. Bob, the lawyer dude, has put out feelers for people interested in this work, but we have not made a dollar on the other ventures yet. However, the reasons for that are not anything to panic over. It is just work not done yet and as always, it will get done when I do it.
           Without going into a ton of detail, a lot of the money made in these operations is the calculations of which deals are worth pursuing. Tax accounting is especially bad for this and I’ve always been amazed by how many “professionals” don’t know how to calculate the profit. The effect is that they work on every deal that comes along, which turns the business into little more than a full time job. They rely on hitting the occassional big item to cover their other inefficiencies. The funny thing, I could say the same about repairing lawnmowers. The trick is to know which can be repaired with $20 worth of parts in 15 minutes and flipped for $100. That’s why I leapt at this opportunity to fix these things when I should have been out dancing with the Reb.

Picture of the day.
the interior of Iceland.
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           The mower is a no-go for now. I got the pieces correctly identified and ready when I noticed a different plastic component on the replacement carburetor. The point is, I recognized the problem, this is a carburetor for a mower with a manual choke. It’s a baby step but that makes around eight times I’ve removed and replace a carburetor without a hitch. I don’t know if the plastic part can be swapped out, so I’ll wait until next session, probably tomorrow, to find out how this is dealt with. Meanwhile, I’m going to get my mentor a bottle of Dewar’s Scotch, which I found out from the neighor. You know there is a bad reputation with Dewar’s from a time when whiskey was associated with mass alcholism in Scotland.
           At the time (1898) Dewar’s built a “linear” production facility special for the purpose. They had invested in a new technology known as continuous distillation, meaning the process never stops. Actually, it does but at the time it was high tech. Dewars is blended, meaning they use different scotch batches to seek a consistency. While blends are unthinkable to afficianados, Dewar’s then ages the mix a second time, making it almost as expensive as the claimed top brands. There is more than you need to know a the Gentleman’s Gazette.

           We opted for a movie at home. Everybody was tired after a pretty full week. It was a good choice, we both fell asleep during “A Murder of Crows”. There are so many movies like this I’ve lost track. But it was an interestingplot twist, even if I did remember seeing in moments before the movie was over. Jimmyr reports Norway is looking at nuclear power for cruise ships. Now, couples can be bored crazy without harming fragile environmental coastlines. The same source says most particle emissions come from car tires rather than the exhaust. Reason for the late findings? The particles are so tiny, less than nanometers, that old deviced could not even detect them. The levels are 2,000 times higher than exhaust fumes.

           Ha, did you see the MSM trying to depict that 35-ish balding idiot the Democrats planted at the De Santis speech trying to claim he was a student. Student, my eye. Bastard rats like that are incapable of learing anything. It’s all about their insane obsessions with forcing other people to do things on command. I like that old analogy that if a Republican doesn’t like coffee, he won’t drink it. If a Democrat desn’t like coffee, he’ll try to ban it so nobody can drink it.

Last Laugh