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Monday, September 19, 2022

September 19, 2022

One year ago today: September 19, 2021, inflation on the way.
Five years ago today: September 19, 2017, fire the UN.
Nine years ago today: September 19, 2013, “daw-brush”.
Random years ago today: September 19, 2004, bankster portrait.

           Hot, but not enough to stop things completely. A big breakfast of roast chicken and toast. With coffee, naturally. Yep, another good drop by the way. First crank on the radio and we hear Biden has declared an end to the pandemic, but not the mandates and lockdowns, told ya. Anyway, there is o way they are admitting defeat, so they’ve got some other trick up their sleeve. It’s always the same, a situation where they can attack the other guy whether no matter what he does. With the pandemic, if you did nothing, you were a murderer, if you did anything, it was not enough and you were stopping them from taking over and doing better. So, what will it be this time?
           In the shade of the linden trees, I got twelve cuttings started and built three wire covers. To fit over the plant trays so you are not just feeding squirrels. Two are salvaged metal fan grills. I also planted two avocadoes directly in soil after watching several videos that confirm it works better than the toothpick and water method. All that does is make the roots sprout earlier, but one transplanted into soil, the shock inhibits growth. Direct to soil takes five months to grow a foot high.

           Now those water pipes again. The entire assembly can be lifted out of the countertop and that what I’m planning. Here are the male and female coupleing side-by-side. As for solder, I’ve determined there is still some water in the tubes no matter what I do. I was under the false impression if there was just a little standing water, it would steam away, but no such luck. The system [even] with the leaks does work quite well and I’m going to go with that. With the pipes lifted out of the way, the wood pieces that got scorched can be replaced. Remember, they are made from fence panels. The faucets were a bigger task than planned. It’s the old story, now that I’ve done it once the hard way, I’m finding all kinds of items and fixtures that would have helped.
           Check back later, as I won’t start that job late in the day. I settled for chicken avocado salad on toast, with onion and radish bits. A touch of horseradish. Coffee, as I’ve temporarily lost my taste for peach tea again. The Almanac says this is big season so I got out the hand sprayer and doused all the good plants. That means the peach tree, the agave cactus, the devil’s backbone and all the potted plants. That’s plenty for a morning, so it was back inside for another coffee. Somehow during my $70 shop last day I didn’t buy any cookies. Now I suffer.

Picture of the day.
Professional sports.
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           Siesta, and I was out solid. Three hours, fees great. The cool afternoon this days is 5:00PM to dark at 7:30PM so I was out there the full time. The sawhorses made great work tables so I move the lastest pair over to the planned garden area. You want sunlight, they got sunlight. The neighbor said he had a sheet of plywood I could have so throw it over the fence. He didn’t tell me it was warped and bowed. I set it down with some weights and a little hope. From the blog that dares, who else would send you pictures of sawhorses and bent plywood? Any one of these could go viral any moment.
           Next I strung out the electric chain saw and slashed up all the linden branches that fell on my side of the fence. It was a fire pit full and me with no Yueng-Ling. That was a good hour of exercise and gave me time to plan ahead. Even if there is no predictable reason to head for Tennessee, this is around the time something usually comes along. I want the water taps working before then, so time to get off my tush. Inside for the evening, I wrote a long message to the Reb. In it I asked about such social media as she may be familiar with.

           She’s quite aware that in my own circles, I have nobody to chum with about computers. You know this, I don’t know any real programmers or people who know how to do useful things on a computer. I know some doing the gig economy thing, but I don’t find that very creative. A survey of dozens of on-line sites shows what’s most suitable is a short series of snappy comments. Ha, that always reminds of the rant & rave sections of Craigslist before it went pansy. People were at each other’s throats. Didn’t somebody wind up getting shot over that?

           The paranoia and panic on the radical left defies understanding. They have place a “Harmful” warning sticker on the Constitution. Biden has been caught dumping oil from the strategic reserve on the market to lower prices just before an election. It’s insanity, they brag gas is down 20 cents when it is really still up $2 dollars. Texas has authorized the National Guard to arrest illegals and ship them back to the border. How about those Chinese electric bus explosions? A Supreme Court Justice says big tech may not have the authority to censor.
           What will become of these FBI whistleblowers. They are still anonymous but it is clear they know too much. One said there are more FBI agents directed to find White supremacists than there are White supremacists.

Last Laugh