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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 2, 2022

One year ago today: November 2, 2021, 4-1/2 million, they said . . .
Five years ago today: November 2, 2017, because.
Nine years ago today: November 2,2013, the middle of Utah.
Random years ago today: November 2, 2007, the Design District.

           A lot of men in Florida could use dryer balls. So today I bought a set at the thrift. Read on. That ONN tablet was $150 down the drain. Except,now it gets converted to a super gift for little guy. Then, for all I know kids these days get presents like that all the time. I’m heading to Miami soon, along with his guitar. I always seem to have one more guitar than I think I do. This should solve that. Again, I wonder what the outcome would have been when I was eleven and my old man brought home a cheap guitar. Had someone taken ten minutes to show me how it was done. But that’s an old tale from the trailer court. Today, we do some zooming around since I don’t know when I’m leaving, but I will get to Miami. Good morning.
           My ventures at building small boxes has me pining for some spare time. Ha-ha, I just got that, “pining”. While I could not use the miter joint bits, I could size them up and match them for the next unit I’ll buy, which I will settle on 3/4” to match most of the lumber I ever use for the purpose. All this while listening to the unrest in Brazil. I’m leery of calling in the military. That could have been part of the plan. You cannot trust soldiers who go political.

           It was the waste of a nice morning to have to drive into town, but I can report I got a haircut, my groceries, some banking, and a visit with the thrift gals. So much misinformation, they have a relative with some form of terminal cancer and he’s taking everything, including now Ivermectin. He’s swearing to them that it is curing him. Stupidity is just as equally spread over the world before the Internet, but now it is spread so much more thickly.
           Score, I got enough lumber to finish a nice canopy for the compressor canopy for 75¢ per plank, brand new. Thinking I’d be back by noon, I limped home at 3:00PM and managed one hour of work today. I do have a theory on that. The established rule is that work is not the same as exercise and the shape of many working men confirms this since I was a lad. But my theory says any work is better than no exercise at all. One hour’s good work effort is, I figure, as good as eight hours of idle TV surfing.

           The mid-terms dominate everything and as we knew, the far left is still clinging to old tactics that no longer work in the Internet era. It would appear they are taking a stab at the oldest trick of spreading lies and confusion just before the deadline. The hope is that enough people will be swayed for the left to win the election, and admit the “errors” afterward. It isn’t working, no matter what they cook up, the pro-Trump contingent is not budging. Nobody is buying that Pelosi’s queer husband is a Trump-backed assassination attempt. Today they announce an unspecified but “huge” increase in social security benefits—but only if they retain power. Possibly they think everyone forgets they are the ones who started taxing social security not so long ago.
           But, it isn’t working this time because they left it too late to try something else if it fails. And it failed because every time they tell a lie, it is exposed virtually instantly on-line. People on social security will need more than an unspecified increase to afford $8 per pound butter. The panic is fun to watch, they are now dragging Obama back to plead that the mid-terms are not a “referendum on Biden’s performance”. Too bad that is exactly how things have shaped up. It is truly amazing how many of the proletariat think Trump is running for election in these mid-terms.

Picture of the day.
Pre-Internet British smut.
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           I’m stuck with no travel computer for a bit. The model I want isn’t available or something. Or, there is the off chance they figured out somebody such as myself was actually using the tablet for what it was (a computer) and put a stop to that. The rain clouds are coming back in the afternoons, so I set up the saw and cut as much perf as possible. Had to stop to put tarps over the rest. When the storm hit, I was ready to test some small appliances on the Yeti. As explained, product claims these days are carefully worded to avoid mentioning shortcomings or defects. We found one.
           The power supply cannot operate a device which requires an impulse to start. It should easily run my 10A chain saw, if you could get it running first. Well, another such appliance I had hopes for won’t work. This is a one-slice toaster. It’s a cheap-arse piece of gear but when you need one it’s hard to beat. I think Wal*Mart now sells them for ten bucks. Anyway, I wonder if a capacitor might work. Later, I mean, I’m still finding out what it can run and the important thing is a table fan for now. The radio Lem donated may find it’s way in the van, as inside the house fadeouts are a constant annoyance.

           How do I just know you want music news? Maybe I psychic, or what really happened is Piano Dave gave a call. I would have appeared to drop off the radar with the change in phone providers and he possibly misplaced this new number, but anyway. Here’s the update. That Elvis tribute that’s been runnning the ad since before the flood found both him and our old guitarist standing in. Same as me, those tributes I will play but they are not for me and won’t commit. The same problems reared up, the guitar player who won’t play rhythm still was using rehearsal time for practice. No, no, you practice on your own time. So that venture went the same.
           There are no such problems with me, but I hesitate to play along with only a keyboard. I feel age always affects piano players first because of the amount of gear they have to hump. That’s where Dave is back in the picture, I seem to have guess right on that one plus he has experience with rhythm. He spelled it out for me, his wife needs medical treatment that could call him away without notice. I don’t see that as insurmountable if you explain that to the club owner that he’s taking a chance. This would be an instant band as we already know all the material.

           Why the optimism? Well, you see, things have changed, and what I say next may come across as bragging. Even if it is, this is fact. When I played with that band, it was plainly obvious that I had far more management experience, enough to make a major influence and Dave in particular picked up a lot of my ways of doing things. Examples, the three-hour gig instead of four-hour, and telling people who did not practice that they must write it down and play off sheets until they catch up. Dave & I were on the phone just 13 minutes to get all this discussed and open the channels of communication. Like myself, there is no way in hell he can ever ‘retire’ from music.
           He heard about the gig at the brewery. If I did not make it clear at the time, what happened is Wilford knew the club, the crowd, the owners, the staff, and it was his hangout. Neither of us would have thought he’d get a case of the frights, but that is what happened. Thus, I carried 90% of the show as a bass solo, the crowd thought it was novel, the owner’s husband didn’t like it. So I said to Dave, since he never knew when he’d have to tend to an emergency, we do the same in reverse for music. Let clubs know we are okay with short notice. That’s how the brewery gig came along. Dave had a dozen questions, so we decided to talk next week. Give me a chance to go to Miami if I must.
           Wilford reminds him of the sound we had with Dominic, but agrees that that bout of stage fright is a solid barrier. It is truly no laughing matter to those who get it and unless I hear from elsewhere (highly unlikely) that he’s conquered it, it’s a chance I cannot take. It’s too small a town.

           There is some financial sputtering going on. Amazon has dropped below a trillion, Musk wants to charge people to be verified, T-mobile is hitting users with a $35 activation fee, and Charter hiked prices on nearly 10 million users. All is not well in BigTechLand. To me, it makes sense. I warned long ago these companies had no depth. It was like just-in-time supply applied to the business financing. Roughly twenty years ago, I was quoted in the Miami newspapers warning about certain aspects of business that were far too vulnerable to government interference. Thus, it makes sense to me why these then-new companies opted for a highly slick money model over having a deep infrastructure. When they go under, there are zero assets. Hence, they can afford to take more chances.
           That’s what’s happening at Twitter. Must is trying what looks to me as dozens of tactics that worked for other on-line business successes. Many, such as charging people to view videos, will not be popular and will give rise to extended piracy.

Last Laugh
