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Friday, November 25, 2022

November 25, 2022

One year ago today: November 25, 2021, money, politics.
Five years ago today: November 25, 2017, mostly hot water.
Nine years ago today: November 25, 2013, 6 types.
Random years ago today: November 25, 2007, the Kenney Tunnel.

           It’s now been a while since I built several boxes using the biscuit joiner. There’s more to it because around half of the planks have shown signs of pulling apart. I’ve added straps to keep the tool cases functional, but each such move adds weight and complexity. My thinking is that I did not pay proper attention to the boards and their alignment because I focused on the joinery. I’m ordering a new miter lock bit this trip and look forward to that as an alternative to complicated dovetail work. I can see this will require the boards to be straighter to begin with. We shall see, as I need another six boxes and I want to tackle making them to a pre-planned inside diameter. It’s 5:30AM and I’ve got me a morning coffee. You should do the same.

           This photo shows my attempt to fix the KIA armrest. See below for details. Let’s check the news feeds and get on with the day. What’s this, once the constraints are off Twitter, the platform tilts in the opposite direction? It is now the leftoids being called out, but they can hardly say much because they are not being banned. Let me scan down, what will it be? Gab, let’s highlight what Gab is saying. Some upset with the election in Alaska. The difference between imaginary Internet money and the US dollar continues to shrink. I further agree that vax takers and maskers are so easily manipulated it is dangerous to have them in your inner circle of friends. There is a rumor Ghana will be the first country to buy oil with gold instead of US dollars. The DC bigmouth who passed a soft-on-crime bill was shot to death this last Tuesday.

           I’m crawling back in the sack at 7:00AM, and why not. I see that Cheney woman has gone off the deep end over Trump. Even her J6 staff are quitting after being told nothing they found about the incident will be recorded unless it is anti-Trump. Billions continue to disappear from the stock market but it is all paper gains and loses, so it serves them right. To me, with hard cash, it just looks like prices over there are falling. I’m back, but missing two items. Taking inventory, I’m missing a 386 computer and a $20 bill. Holiday or not, y’day was rushed and I did pay bills. And I lost a twenty, somebody’s lucky day. However, where is that computer? It was part of that matching set I bought in Tennessee last year and I need it for parts. I’ve left a note for Agt. R to contact me about that lumber, saying I’ll pay for the gas, lunch, and a helper.
           I found the computer, it slid under the passenger seat in the car. Bob’s e-mail clocks up 3,000 Americans per day are losing their houses—usually due to over-borrowing and over-spending, same as in 1982. I bought a house with a mortgage when I was 21 and learned my lesson. So can they. The Ukraine kickback scheme was been exposed and I believe the leftoids may, to change the topic, actually release the client list for Epstein’s Island. (At the same time, while I do not dispute what they say for a second, I still have seen no proof whatsoever that any of the women on the island were underage. Nor were they raped because rape victims don’t keep going back to the island every year until they are in their late twenties.)
           Rumors of widespread anti-violence in China, all concerning people pushed past the breaking point. That is one odd situation since there is no such thing as a small revolution in that part of the world.

           The KIA armrest remains “broken” because it was designed by a millennial. See the first panel, I’m pointing to where the armrest should be. It slants downward so far it is useless. You cannot use it with your elbow for driving unless you are one of those rare individuals with 30” forearms. It cannot even be used when parked because you have to leave over too far to make contact. The on-line instructions say loosen the 14mm bolt and reset it. First, it is not 14mm, but a much larger 5/8” and the second panel shows the lugs are not adjustable. What sort of cucktard comes up with these designs. I checked the other three armrests and they all have the same rotten design. I will cut a stick and prop it up where it should be. This entire millennial mindset of doing everything in isolation has become insufferable.

Picture of the day.
Suez ferry boats.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Continuing to work on the van, I took out and redesigned the sleeping tray. It now rests in the front of the car with the passenger seat folded down. This solves several problems, including ease of getting in and out of the vehicle and unlike the hatch, the side doors can be opened from the inside. I call it a tray because of the shape. True, I am now slipping high up near the windows. The rear windows are tinted, I’ll figure something for the front. Otherwise, the sleeping tray can be access by both rear doors and it is easy to get into the remaining back area.
           I also build a small set of shelves which are removable. I have not leveled it or strapped anything in place but it has a nook for the Yeti. I will attach bungee cords and a small railing to keep things in place but it is mostly designed to keep things handy and up off the deck. It’s a squeeze at my age but I can get into rear area directly off the bed. Ultimately, there will be several small additions to this shelf which include a possible, I say possible, coffee maker. I have not yet begun to test the Yeti, but I will put in n older computer as a permanent station with Internet access via the Coolpad.

           So, somebody got to Musk, he is allowing censorship in the sense of blocking any Holocaust deniers. He words it as any deadly event such as 9/11 or Sandy Hook, but it’s all about the 6 million. I doubt it will make much difference as questions and criticisms are flying that the thing is a hoax to an extent never seen before. Good luck trying to stop that now. A man in New York has been sent to prison for something another person did. They modified a condo before he bought it and the HOA said he had to make the modifications. He didn’t have the money and now he’s in jail. He had nothing to do with the modifications, it all happened before he bought the property. This is New York, and part of the problem is that almost every law in America has a counter-law citing the opposite. So you are at the mercy of how the judge got up that morning.
           Those who study such things report 60% of Internet content is duplicates. A lot of the code, HTML, and topics are an exact match. Cut and pasted. (Yes, I know it is copy & paste, but why be a nerd?) This blog addressed this as the biggest problem back in 2005. There are no standards and it was too easy to copy. You can read back if you want why I ceased publishing product reviews. I’d work two hours on a quality post and be swamped by 40 or 50 posts that quoted the product label information. Ah, but this blog is nearly all original content. So you, my readers, have good taste and the rest of the world, well, they must like bubble gum.

           A quick glance around central Tennessee shows prices have slowed but nothing worthwhile on the market for less than $320,000. Rents have soared but not as much as Florida. That’s an anomaly in the market, where people rent in Florida a much higher prices than they would make mortgage payments on the same property. Unless you want to live in Memphis and get mugged twice a week, nothing is in my price range. The general feeling is that something is going to give shortly. It was a lean Thanksgiving and heading for a nothing Xmas. Major retailers like Target are having serious problems.
           Not as serious as the airlines with pilots dying suddenly in the cockpit. Does this cause airlines to address the vaccination problems? No, you see, woketards cannot admit even one mistake because it begins an unraveling process. Instead, they are pushing for a change in regulations which currently say there must be two people in the cockpit capable of flying the plane. They want one only, which totally ignores the peril.

           Examples of woketard-think:
Filling the tub with the shower head because it “uses less water”.
Wants the Moon colonies to use only wind power.
Does not believe French fries are potatoes.
But nothing beats the lady who thought the nail in the top of her tire was not the culprit because everybody could see the tire was flat on the bottom.
           The default opinion in America when anybody drops dead these days is that they have been injected with vaccine poison. I want to clear that up with my overseas readers. America is not what you see in the news. No way the majority of Americans are jabbed. The media will not mention whether these athletes on the field or pilots on the plane suddenly dropping dead are vaxxed. But they are and everybody knows it. What’s more is that every country has its losers, but in America such people are free to band together and vote themselves welfare. It was only natural that a political party would arise that took advantage of that attitude, plus we have the example of Canada right next door.
           That example is politicians who will promise anything to get elected, then once in, do as they please. This has been going on in Canada since 1967, when I lived on the border and 99% of the news I got was from Canada. When I say I hate liberals, I know what I’m talking about. Both America and China have announced plans to build nuclear powered moon bases in a few years. There is some chance the Chinese might actually do it. Contrary to the belief the Moon is a big empty territory, the only places suitable for inhabitation are the north and south poles. Everywhere else is subject to the hot and cold of the Moon’s orbital cycle.

Last Laugh