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Saturday, November 5, 2022

November 5, 2022

One year ago today: November 5, 2021, $4.10 and climbing.
Five years ago today: November 5, 2017, some women like pickup lines.
Nine years ago today: November 5, 2013, Burns, Oregon.
Random years ago today: November 5, 2012, comments about the Internet.

           Another five hours of business material, there is very little hope of collaborating, particularly with his inability to travel back to my office any time. That’s where the computers are. Pardon me, four hours. There as a documentary on fishing he had to watch. It included a “mystery” which consisted of a pod of manatees. From a distance, of course it looked like a single long serpent slithering along. JZ is beyond a great cook, with a very Quizno’s “sandwich” element. Thus, we dined on omelets make of squash and mushroom. By early afternoon, the lack of office equipment had us over to the Pinecrest Library. They have, within reason, a free photocopier.
           Normally such a polite guy as me would not say anything, but JZ’s truck has become apiece of junk in no time. With his permission, I will publish some photos of the clunker. He knows his bad luck with used vehicles is legendary but his time, there is hardly a single piece on that truck that is working right. Here he is, slouching with a history book. Still feeling woozy at times from his medical, he says it is like chemo, where “your cells continue to react” weeks afterward. He’s fine.

           This adds to the explanation why he never answered the phone for weeks. Without a definite sleep cycle, he did what I would have—turn the phone off for a week at a time. I can here the millennial contingent hollering, what if you miss a call. Let me inform that mob of wannabe cowboys that nobody I associate with ever “misses” a phone call. The vastly underused Pinecrest Library allowed me on the computer for two full hours. Look here, JZ, my wealth has been growing steadily for 72 months, yours not so much. Then another hour on general research when my slight back pain returned. It’s them plastic chairs, methinks.
           Not all work, I read a book on birdfeeders and had JZ video some antics. That found me reading captivating material on birdfeeders, bamboo, and bananas. By this time we are famished, so much that I agreed to eat Mexican food, in this case what passes for it over at Taco Bell. I had the veggie burrito. You know, I said to JZ, at his age he should not be so concerned with prices.

           By this time you got two tired guys, so it was JZ and his library card to the rescue. He can take out up to ten movies at a time, so he grabbed six. The library no longer has late fees. You don’t bring them back, they lop a $30 replacement fee off your credit card. Hey, you complacent millennials had it coming, but in this case I support the loss of privacy because it’s caused by deadbeats. JZ got a good mix, considering the alternative is colorized re-runs. The TV is always on at his place, so find something you like. The guy cooks every time he goes in that kitchen, so this time it was meatball subs with raw onion as we watched this movie about some old guy who accidentally shoots some robbers in the woods and they track him down.

Picture of the day.
MiG 19.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Another several hours going over REITs, that is, Real Estate Investment Trusts. Sorry, world, I do not consider them to be special or even anything new. You pool your money with other like-minded investors and go after a market segment. In this case, it is multi-family rental units. I don’t need to be sold on the concept. Nor can I understand why others don’t readily get it. Here’s JZ driving over to show me the old address. I did not know the buy tore down that beauty of a mansion because, get this, vacant lots at the time were worth more than the houses.
           So, let’s listen t some politics. The left is really cranking up the rhetoric at the last minute and they are frantic. Democrats by the busload screaming they care but the other side doesn’t. When asked what is it they care about, they get back on the bus—that question is hate speech. It’s becoming obvious their standard cheating methods are not working as well as before and they are predicting a record (for America) 50% turnout of total voters. That’s more trouble for the commies, as most of the increase is what Biden would call far-right. Some of the more hilarious media broadcasts include:
• the Republicans are aggressive because they will discuss but won’t argue
• Republicans are evil because they wear red hats
• they have cheated by raising more campaign money than Democrat rivals
• Republicans just will not let Democrats lead every conversation
           The MSM and losing Democrats, mostly incumbents, are mean-mouthing the rally itself, rather than the issues. Once again, the joke is on them because Trump is not running against them. The radio was only one for half an hour, but NPR used the phrase “election deniers” more than twenty times. That means one of their tard “polls” has them thinking the phrase has more weight than it does. NPR had a full broadcast on the matter of campaign contributions. If a Democrat raises more, that’s because he’s not only popular, but he’s right. If a Republican raises more, it is from outside sources and meant to be used for election interference.
           As for the pending lunar eclipse, nobody around here is all that enthralled. At 4:09AM, if I see it that’s because I got up to pee.

Last Laugh