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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28, 2023

One year ago today: February 28, 2022, another J6 suicide.
Five years ago today: February 28, 2018, more electrical.
Nine years ago today: February 28, 2014, beefy upper arms.
Random years ago today: February 28, 2001, I gave misleading information.
(It wasn’t illegal back then.)

           The charade continues, with DC announcing the creation of thousands of EV chargers nationwide. You will have green shoved down your throat. It takes hours to charge these cars, can you imagine planning a cross-country trip with that? Pardon if I get who is involved (Volvo?) mixed up, I’m dealing with the principles, not the screw-ups behind them. The chosen test corridor is from Denver to Seattle, with 60 stations, averaging one every 20 miles. Just don’t ask me if they ever got around to it. Meanwhile, we get barraged by fake ads of how soon renewables will “take over”. Because they'll make it illegal to do otherwise. Remember unleaded gas, then ethanol?
           It’s too early to run power tools, so I’ve sketched out a way to more thoroughly test relays. Shown here is a setup to discover the properties of the “dead” pin. (The testing was inconclusive.) The literature is woefully incomplete. For example, is the normally closed pin connected to ground, or does it connect to ground when it is activated? These tests quickly get complicated and you can barely see the relay being tested under all the clips on the lower right.

           Since I’m testing between other chores, which helps me think, I’m back and forth through the yard a lot. I finally rigged up a perch on the suet feeder as I’ve noticed Mrs. Downey struggles a bit. It’s a trade-off, big enough for her, too small for the squirrels. By the way, today is 30 years since Waco. The left is putting out propaganda that it was all their fault because they could have let themselves be investigated. The legality of said investigation is not their concern. They could have just waited until the next time Koresh came to town, but that doesn’t make headlines.
           A Vermont girl’s basketball team withdrew from the games over some tranny freak who was strong-arming the finals. In typical American fashion, the airwaves were plastered with pictures—of the girl’s team (all White, by the way), not the freak. Because in America, even freaks have rights.

           I’ve scheduled to watch “Broken Arrow” with John Revolta later, and to re-read some 100 year old chapters of “Gold Coast Pioneer”. I’m a bit intrigued because he constantly writes about companies folding and paychecks that don’t arrive, yet he manages to live in hotels, buy food, and get around with horses and buggies.
           That situation reminds me of Theresa, how it looked to her like I had no money but always managed. Toots, it’s because when I was working, I didn’t blow all my money. I spent years setting up infrastructure. That means things like my car, computer, and bass were not only paid for, I could support them with or without a job. Something she’ll never grasp. But this Hortt guy in the book, he makes no mention of infrastructure. Only that he was often flat busted broke. Maybe I’m curious to find the lie.
           I’ve always had it in for people who tell stories of hardships and journeys and adventures they could not possibly have undertaken without tons of money from somewhere. It’s not the money, but the way they go through hoops to not deny it, but avoid even mentioning it. When I was young and broke, I slept in boxes and abandoned cars. I went years without new clothes and often rented firetraps, never living in a nice place. What I’m saying is these people never relate tales of such desperation and I like getting to the bottom of it.

           Finishing up the lighting, here is the demo of the two 100Watt bulbs. The wiring is now mostly interior. They cost $5.00 each, so this bullshit of them saving money is entirely academic. I’d have to leave the bulbs on longer than their rated service life to break even, much less save money. The one enduring trait of the Internet is it taught the XYZers that it is okay to advertise lies on-line if cleverly worded.

Picture of the day.
The real Motiti Island.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Hello, my little Turkish periwinkle. Nicest flowers in the yard, or in the pots in the yard. Transplant them and they wither. I must have learned to like taking pictures somewhere along the. My long wait for affordable digital cameras did not pay off until maybe 15 years ago, some 25 years after I started writing. Do you think the backlog will ever be key-entered? Not at the rate I’m moving. There is never really time to delve that much into the past. Unless I win the lottery or get paralyzed from the waist down, there will never be time.
           It was also monthly test the tools so I got out the electric chain saw to keep the gears from rusting, in the process testing all the new outlets and they work fine. The cloud cover burned off so the direct sun made it a short work day, though I’ve laid out the lumber and measurements for that kitchen A/C canopy and set up the stepladder. That will get done yet. And one of the papayas is just slightly starting to show a tinge of greenish-yellow. It’s hard to tell, they are like twelve feet up there.

           Later we had another first. I worked past sunset outside, and it was to finish a project I would normally have to quit. Not much to see, just a couple long cuts that took a quarter the time on the table saw as setting up sawhorses and cutting with a circular saw. It was mosquitoes that got me but that’s one of the reasons the work area has four plugs. One is for the most effective way to curb the mosquitoes without slowly poisoning yourself. A nice big fan. And a radio. Things got efficient because of the layout and I had time to move the old sawhorses to the back yard and get the burn barrel ready. Not tonight, however, fore there is but one lone Yueng-Ling left in the fridge.
           One layer of foil is tacked onto the A/C canopy and the plywood is cut. All the yard plants are tended to and watered and I see a squirrel has got through the tough plastic bottles I brought from Tennessee to thwart them. It was okay on the shelf, but once they tipped it onto the ground, it was game over. They got around five pounds before I noticed. I had looked y’day for 150W bulbs which are the size best suited around here. No luck, they may not even make them any more, everything on-line says “equivalent” and we know what that means to a gimptard.
           There’s an on-line place 1000Bulbs but that’s probably asking for trouble. Plus, their ads read funny with details that tell you they are not on the level, such as stating their product is “shaped after” standard bulbs. Home Depot has some for the equivalent of $15 each or 2 for $25. That’s the real “green” them lazy people are after. Goes to show, when they lack the skills to earn money, they’ll vote themselves some pie.

           The neighbor’s work shed and trees jut way over the property line. There’s a spot where I could run a diagonal antenna wire almost 100 feet or two 50 foot dipole wires. I’ve no time for that but it’s nice to know for when the big trouble starts. I stayed home and drank tea and had a SPAM™ sandwich. And listened to some ethnics trying to say Black crime rates are high because White people cherry pick the statistics.

Last Laugh