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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

July 12, 2023

One year ago today: July 12, 2022, at least no HOA.
Five years ago today: July 12, 2018, gone in a wink.
Nine years ago today: July 12, 2014, on robot finger-joints.
Random years ago today: July 12, 2004, Marco Island, ugly women.

           Today America learns the movie about child trafficking was complete back in 2018, but Disney blocked it’s release as long as legally possible. We also learn Biden’s crackhead son is hiding behind the Hart Law, which was intended to limit what government people were permitted to reveal. The promised J6 videos are still missing and the guy who plowed his car into the protesters has blamed his grandfather for being a Jew. The Rothchild banksters have declared Trump will destroy the New World Order. Nobody born after 1935 has set foot on the Moon.
           Here is an example of the propaganda appearing daily in American newspapers. It’s in keeping with how the weather channel changed the wall maps from green to red. Wapo (the Washington Post) has tried to cover the cocaine stash in the White House as being there since the FDR adminstration. Here’s a video of Biden on tour. His latest “rallies” have been complete failures with more camera crew present than followers.

           News from Tennessee. The Kaiser is about to sign a five-song package, he could be rich by this time next year. I’ve jammed with the guy and he has some serious talent happening. I do not know if my favorite “Beer-Flavored Kisses” is included. He’s got a house gig, by the way, and it’s five days a week. That, my blogger friends, is the big time in Nashville. Time for me to get off my tush with music as well. I’ve already burned through $757 this month, mind you that includes $150 for new phones and $95 for the service. But my system is supposed to absorb such surprises.
           FireFox is featuring a link to the Barbados slave reparation site. Claiming to be the world leader for slave reparations, they have so far claimed money from only one country. The USA. The reason? Well, that’s obvious, but they are saying it is because the US bought some of the sugar made on the Barbados plantations back in 1640 or something. Another quirk is that long after slavery was abolished, non-black slaves (east Indians and White “indentured servants”) have all become middle-class, while the majority, the Blacks, remain worse off than ever. I repeat, the most common delusion amongst the lower orders is that after the White man is gone, the welfare checks will continue.

           And in the case of Barbados, whose leaders probably cannot find Zimbabwe on a map, they think the plantations, distilleries, and fish plants will all run themselves. It’s the same old story, the island was a nothing until White men arrived and turned it into one of the richest in the Caribbean and like all people who succeed, they kept most of the money themselves. This fact of life often surprises the class of people who history shows us are truly stupid. I’m not taking side on Barbados but the is because I’ve been there and seen no evidence of poverty.
           To be clear, everybody who worked had money, food, and clothes. Same as America before welfare came along. I saw this same condition in every country I visited. I also noted who screamed the loudest for their free shit. They never learn. Reminds me of those New Yorkers who voted to tax their landlords and then bellowed when their rents went up.

           Now time to put on the thinking cap, we need phrase to denote a new class of Americans. The ones who lived at home during their entire twenties some thirties and are now appearing on the middle-aged radar with none of the requisite skills. While these XYZers by no means have a monopoly on inconsideration, here are the sure signs which, in combination, are dead giveaways of having lived with mommy & daddy too long.
a) never admit any mistakes or apologize
b) don’t realize most jobs are repetitive and menial
c) demand attention rather than earning respect
d) think others should do their work
e) no real experience at handling failure
f) major lack of perseverance
g) Incredibly high over-expectations
           These are certain signals of arrested development precisely caused by a sheltered parental environment. If you have any siblings more than ten years your junior, you recognize these traits instantly. They can only blame their grandmother so long because they can’t find a job. It’s scary these people are now landing in droves.
           Nothing beats the surge of millennials who are now complaining bitterly about false advertising on the Internet. Ha, serves them right. They are the ones who basically caused the decline of the brick & mortar stores, where you could examine the merchandise. This closure forced others to shop on-line against their will. That, for example, is the only realistic way I can buy electronic components any more. I have a tray full of useless PNP transistors to prove it. Now see how they like it when the tables are turned, when their genuine leather becomes plastic and their “free” stuff starts costing them ten times what it was ever worth.

           Taking inventory, I see the Hillbilly moved a lot of things in the shed, not realizing many were placed for a reason. On item he moved was a pile of old photographs. These and the negatives got ruined, but I was able to peel some of them apart. Whew, these were old pictures that had been sifted through and most were meaningless or long forgotten. I don’t know the same about the negatives. Oh well, if the last ten years is any foretelling, I’ll never get around to entering a fraction of that material. Before I forget, my ad for a person with a 3D printer has been answered by someone in Longwood. That’s too far to drive, but if he is a qualified operator, then he’ll have some interest in the Arduino. I sent a reply to that effect.

Picture of the day.
Eastern Russia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           One step out the door and I decided this was a great day to catch up on my studies. My kitchen A/C can barely keep that south side cool enough to walk through, much less do any cooking. I knew this was coming so before the day boiled over, I made a batch of muffins and some rice, and stuck an 8-pack of diet soda in the cooler. By noon that made me very happy. Let’s see if I get energetic once the shadows start to grow. My thermometer house says 94°F in the shade. I did get a little done y’day putting screens over the dryer vent and the two small flower pots. I figure some rodent made the first growth into a salad.
           This does not mean I can’t work outside, I’m not that bad yet. It means I’m not inclined to do any labor, like digging postholes, moving dirt, hammering nails, or crawling under the house. I caught the squirrel on the birdfeeder again and may put together the plastic rings I’m experimenting with. For all I know, squirrels eat plastic. Oh, remind me I found a big roll of chicken wire in the back yard with a smaller weave than the one I tried last month. It looks about the right size, mind you that would be pure luck.
           Later, an hour’s work late in the day still meets my daily quota, which was established back when I could not lift a screwdriver. I got the blade installed on my new circular saw and sliced the pieces for my shop saw canopy. The plastic cone I liberated may be too flimsy for the job. A second discovery is that pipe glue doesn’t like to work small parts. Shown here is the messy task of trying to get the first few rings together. Every piece has to be daubed at the right spot and clamped for up to five minutes. I have that small tin of tiny clothespins but I have never been able to find them when I need them.

           On the return y’day, I made a special trip to the animal shelter in east Lakeland. It’s near the city dump and used paint store. They save only the prettiest animals that are most likely to be forevered, but this time all the doggies were over 35 pounds, some over 50. The Reb, who has a better eye for these matches has said 20 pounds is my maximum. I can check in there quite often since it adds only a couple miles to my trips into Winter Haven, where I had to go to find batteries for this computer. Grrrr. I went to Bartow first and they were out.
           The dog pound has around 40 kennels with a chart of what is known of each animal. Ominously, all are fully grown and some are obvious strays chosen for having better dispositions. I am pretty much decided on a female, which I find calmer and easier to keep on a leash. The old guy who tends the place is the perfect salesman. He focuses on how great the pet aspect will be. He brought out his favorite, Clyde. The dogs are used to being viewed and go into their “pick-me” mode instantly. I avoided any large dogs that did a lot of barking.
           But Clyde was at least 35 pounds. To be level with you, I’ve learned from Sammy that I cannot carry a heavy dog any distance. Sammy, by the way, is having hind leg problems that from all appearance is age-related. As the pet is destined to be company, I’m wise to choose a gentle animal that I can pick up. It was a stretch to see “lapdog” written on so many of the cages. Maybe if you want your legs to go numb. Chooks is 55 pounds and a dead weight. Did I tell you one time he shoved me off the sofa to lie down?
           Here is the new “dumb phone”, actually a smart phone in a flip-phone case. It is the new super-secret phone and no, I’m not going to tell you the trick, except to say this phone never rings.

           By mid-afternoon, I still have not gone outdoors. A letter from Trent, he was visiting in Texas. He’s got major family out that way, while I no longer know a single person west of the Mississippi. Indoors means I’ve had the news monitor on constantly. What a hoot to see how the New World people try to play down what is happening with Trump. The strongest term the media will use is to say Trump’s upcoming string of victories will be “decisive”. Ha, more like a massive tsunami carrying everything before it. Heads up, I say, because the Left are very violent people.
           It was buried at the end of a report that Ukrainian women soldiers are suffering from “yeast infections”, but Trump’s trial for the bullshit charges against him has been slated past the 2024 election. That means the Left is now forced to try something else and it has become too blatant. Anything they do now will drive their own people away. Trump is already guaranteed a landslide and this latest foil is giving the Democrats massive headaches.
           What’s with people targeting and shooting doctors? Rumor has it the doctors were involved with the vaccine swindle. I know what I would do if a doctor had injected me.

           France is banning social media. This is a curious move, since the decentralization of the Internet makes it impossible to completely censor such news. The way it works is by targeting the service providers. Ever since the early Craigslist days, I was a proponent of allowing a flag only if it was accompanied by a post.
           Unchecked flagging destroyed many popular rooms on that site. Now I saw, when it comes to social media, nobody should be allowed to flag without a unique identifier. The way France does it is require social media to remove posts if they are flagged. Then if becomes a simple matter of hiring professional flaggers.

Last Laugh