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Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25, 2023

One year ago today: August 25, 2022, it was spaghetti city.
Five years ago today: August 25, 2018, every imperfection.
Nine years ago today: August 25, 2014, the most counterfeited.
Random years ago today: August 25, 2003, unstable dropouts.

           More wiring and some general cleanup, the heat said don’t work on the 200V line. So we put in some silo wiring and listened to Tampa radio. Trump’s mug shot got more view that CNN and Fox, it’s gone viral as a symbol of defiance. It’s hard to tell what’s going on as big media is putting a negative twist on everything. That could be a good sign. So is another two papayas turning yellow. But they are yellow and still hard rind and lots of it. Just the very center is pulpy nice fruit. I’m going shopping, hop in the van and lets go get some cold drinks for the fridge.
           A rat got behind the wall of the silo and shredded the insulation making himself a next. It will be a major task now fixing it now, as I had to throw the shelves up before I was finished paneling. There’s another coat of white paint on the latest planter, but I’m having second thoughs on it’s durability. I may make a square base instead of round to get this thing happening.

           Good news with the avocado plant, it has sprouted a new leaf and is looking healthy. I am spreading some of the ashes from the old incinerator in the new north garden area. It may not fly no matter what I do as the area may not receive as much sunlight as I calculated. While it is bright and lit up most of the day, there is not that much direct rays.
Homeschool is a big deal in some places, who can blame them? Well, the queers, that’s who.            It seems there is an unspoken rule in the schools against kids with “the look”. Nope, can’t even look queer, which is the way it was and most of the country liked it that way. Disney is blaming their empty theme parks on climate change. Italy is a step closer to banning lab-grown meat. And if Trump’s drive through Atlanta an indication, the Democrats have lost the Black vote. (Some say that is why they need all the immigrants.) One source says arresting Trump just made him more “relatable” to Black voters.

           However you interpret things, the Bidenistas are in big trouble. They are, predictably, planning repeat of the 2020 steal. But this time around everybody know what to watch for and they will have to cheat on an incredible and embarrassing scale that will fool nobody. That’s why I think Trump will announce a third party at the last moment. The only recourse will be for DC to call out the armed forces, which most people think would not obey such orders. But who’s to say, the way they’ve turned the military into such a freak show. Then, it would only take a small but dedicated core of the real professionals to trample the rest.
           Starting around noon, America gets treated to the disgusting spectacle of Fox News trying to pretend the debate without Trump was not only a huge success, but it blew Trump out of the water. They claim the ratings “exceeded all expectations” and that Nikki Haley (born Nimrata Randhawa) stole the show. In fact, she is considered Kamala Harris Lite. Polls show the highest rating (a lowly 7%) also went to a Hindu, a con man who got into America to assist building a database that would blacklist vax refusers.

           Quinoa. The product has changed. It now contains warnings to rinse and check for impurities. I like it as it is, with just butter and salt, so that is my mention of food today. Hot weather kills my appetite so that’s a bit of good news. I was on the phone with the Reb and it would appear her chasing around days are not quite over. Wish I was there to take the pressure off, but she’s the toughest lady I’ve ever known and all will work out. She phones, but if I’m out in the shed, that’s a missed call. I’m kind of your anti-telephone device.
           Trump’s arrest is not lost to America. This is a clear case of “an American Presidential candidate being jailed by his opponent during an election” and I’m surprise how little has happened—but it will. Americans may anger easily as individuals, but as a group the dynamics change. What Americans do not understand is how anyone in Fulton, Georgia, even has the power to arrest a President, former or otherwise.
           In other news, Carlos Santana, yes he’s still around, made some comments about the transgender crowd. He was cheered, but then apologized. They got to him. It shows how success in America takes two paths. What you have and what you make. And if you choose the latter, you will always be at their mercy.

Picture of the day.
Portofino Harbor, Italy.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here is the mug shot the radical left pinheads thought would be the end of Trump. Instead, it instantly became the symbol of defiance to the corrupt Deep State. Big Media planned this would end his campaign, now a common criminal etc, but his popularity is through the roof. The photo has already been used in countless memes, 90% in favor of Trump. It is plain stupid what the left tried here, arresting a former President during a campaign. They are now officially in panic mode.
           Downtown and back, more than two hours. I’m reading a few chapters on the electronics of sensors, a topic that sporadically interests me. Ray-B is back, he’s in Winter Haven. Sadly, he’s a believer in all the COVID ganda and thinks he’s got it. (He has the flu.) I can’t contact him as my Internet service (Boost Mobile) is acting up again. Let me see if I have a number for the guy. Yes, and it still works. He’s got something, I did not at first recognize his voice, wow. He had a rough trip in from Texas where he last e-mailed. He reports some issues he’s got to deal with and that has nothing to do with me, so we talked music.

           Now, for the things I say about nobody in my demographic knowing the things I need to know, Ray is by far the most tech-savvy. It’s smart-phone based but still a better involvement with operating systems and menus than I’ll ever have time to invest. I could have sworn he’s the guy who told me how Patreon works, but he says no, he doesn’t use that service. I’m stuck now as I can’t even fathom anybody else who would know.
           My understanding is you sign up for a pool of money that people contribute based on their interests and talents. I’m probably wrong, but that’s what I thought. Then, each artist gets paid a share of that pool depending on what portion of the market the statistics show they generated. Maybe it is the way the videos ask for support, but I’m at a loss who I talked with. It mus have been someone with some talent because they mentioned making “$19 or $20 some weeks”. That certainly wasn’t the pack of no-tech musicians that I know in Florida.

           I would want to monetize making a podcast of this blog. It is a different media and I know that means altering content to match your audience. The blog not so much, as the presence of so much text means a number of factors, such as people who both know how to read and enjoy it. I would not expect the bunch I’ve met on-line to read at all, but they might listen. Once again, I’m stuck with a new idea and not one of my hundreds of acquaintances knows a damn thing that can help out. This is like episode 100 in my life on this. So much for the computer generation.
           Yep, my e-mail is out again. The connection is there, but Boost never makes it, always timing out before there is traffic. And always on a Friday after quitting time so you get nothing until Monday morning. And they wonder why they get no support in return. If another carrier came along, I’d switch in a wink. Ray and I would be a deadly duo, but he’s got plans to go back to Miami (actually Cooper City) where he has contacts. I fully understand why people will stick with a far-from-ideal business plan, but twenty years later they are still doing the same thing.
           Ray knew Wallace and Theresa, including how they were incapable of keeping promises. He asked, but Wallace would have to be over 100 by now and Theresa in her 70s. They had a lot in common, those two. Wallace because he was Canadian and Theresa because of how she processed brain waves. I will list the three top elements of that (to me) brand of existence.
1) Your priority on meeting anyone is to get as much private personal information and identification as possible. (It is an innate obsession with Canadians.) At first you think it is just the natural curiosity of strangers, but they don’t feel comfortable unless they have you “on file”—and go cantankerous as hell when you don’t comply.
2) Any that pops into their heads becomes part of the conversation and must be discussed to death before getting back to the original topic. I suspect they are raised from birth to believe this is normal.
3) Get used to them apologizing all the time. To them, “I’m sorry” means nothing and certainly not that they are sorry. They find nothing wrong with saying sorry, then repeating the offense and saying sorry again. Quite endlessly.
           Maybe it’s wartime censorship, but there are few videos showing any details of the construction work on a Panther tank. That’s the Pzkfw V Panther of WWII. Around 6,000 were built but the maximum strength ever was around 900 in late 1944. I can’t believe I got suckered into watching another monster movie, thinking it was a war movie. “Devil’s Tomb” is a collection of clichés, the most worn-out they could find. The team of soldiers goes underground to rescue some lady’s father and discovered the base taken over by devil-worship demons who just won’t die. Even the scenes where the female soldiers get called by hallucinations of their long dead children, “Mommy, Mommy” and despite being murdered hundreds of feet underground, believe it all. Do not waste your time on this movie because in a sense, you already have.
           My emergency phone, the one with the Redlands area code, is getting telemarket calls from China. Remarkable in that the English is perfect “Floridian”, saying my phone has been used “inappropriately” and will be cut off in two hours etc. I used the time to take apart one of those business card readers. It has a small servo motor and possibly a useful light. The rest is all SMT, for surface mount technology. The parts are too small to be salvaged or repaired.

           Because I’ve not continued developing my microscope mount (I’m more likely to buy a real microscope), this the best video I have of the tiny components. Plainly built by a robotic hand, this dooms a lot of solder jockeys. I still find it odd how many of these cheap circuit boards contains a serial number. This one is S/N 0101205003967. Some budding archeologist in the year 2525 can chew on that one. Some of the chips have numbers. Hang on, let’s see if I can hold the camera steady enough.
           Sort of, here are the clearest photos. For those not into electronics, you can look up the numbers on these chips and find the data sheet. It is full of tech jargon but will usually tip you off what task the chip performs. The circuit board also contained a timing crystal, but why I do not know.

Last Laugh