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Saturday, December 16, 2023

December 16, 2023

One year ago today: December 16, 2022, jets are 4-cycle.
Five years ago today: December 16, 2018, 96% accurate . . .
Nine years ago today: December 16, 2014, no matter what.
Random years ago today: December 16, 2002, sigh, another lost database.

           The evil tentacles of MicroSoft continue to infect the computer world. Intent on hold back progress another 40 years, MicroSoft is now “engaging” independent software developers to insist certain “security” updates be installed. The packaging contains no warning of this. My computers are mainly protected by the simple of expedient of opening only known sites and not opening any porno. As for the unlinked e-mails mentioned last day, how was it done? Well, in the early stages of Google’s invasion of privacy, they asked for a linking e-mail. Back then, you just linked it to itself which allowed you to use a second password. You can’t do that any more.
           Nor will I knowingly buy a used computer from a gamer ever again. They become incompatible with any software needed for work. Wilford’s begins to automatically download Adobe whenever it connects to the Internet. I’ve gone through every script and registry and can’t find why. How about Iceland where 25% of the population went on strike for “gender equality”. The results were not what they expected. The economy went on as if nothing had happened and HR departments reported an absence of complaints. Who went on strike? One hundred thousand women.

           Here is the picture “frame” the neighbor likes. He paints this type of scene right to the edge of the canvas. Consequently, he like the full area to expose. Shown here is the first rough attempt The frames left to right show the picture painted to the edge. Next is the backing, consisting here of mitered furring strips. The real frame would not have to be this substantial. Flipping it over, the next shot shows the mitered fit not as exact as I’d like, but held solidly in place by metal clips. They are called T50 staples.
           The final view is a cheap moulding strip that is tacked on with brad nails and glue. None of these show the finished product, be patient. It is this small lumber he has trouble cutting, but then, all his gear is shop duty. I will use a miter box. Normally this wood is painted dark black. The satellite shows a brief calm period tomorrow before band practice, so I’ve got the glue drying in preparation. Judging by the pictures he’s shown me, he is going to be very pleased with this work. Believe it or not, he sells these paintings for upwards of $50. So he makes more money than I do playing music.
           What? Well of course the above pictures are posed and cropped. You’re worth it.

           We have a constant drizzle since dawn, I’ve got everything important under cover. My birdfeeders get really popular at these times. It’s a pecking order from the cardinals down, though I prefer to call it sharing. To heck with this weather, I’m going shopping. We need everything and I also want a downtown coffee. I’m in that mood. Oh, and I wrote the Prez, turns out I can’t sing the chosen CCR song in C or D. This revelation is new, finding out that what I can sing at Karaoke doesn’t necessarily mean while I’m playing bass. This is part of why I love music, there is no cap on learning.

           How’m I doing so far? I’m developing a liking for Gab, the social site. It isn’t moderated and some of the replies are beyond hilarious, often borderline cruel and too soon. A rash of social media influencers who claimed obesity is normal all died under age 45. Here is a selection of the comment.
1) How did they live that long?
2) Imagine being the pallbearers.
3) How many were vaxxed?
4) It took four responders to remove each body, two abreast.
5) The Babylon Bee claimed their bodies were stolen & rendered down into lamp oil by Japanese sailors. Any idea if that's true?
           The rain has started and the forecast is three days. Expect me to do a lot of reading and maybe find more topics on Gab. I love uncensored comments, one of the natural targets is women at dating clubs. Now chasing the nice guys and nerds they would not date twenty years ago. Good luck, their demands show they have not abandoned the notions that got them into their mess.
           Deciding to use the spells between downpours, I dropped in at several Christman parties to check the entertainment and see about any work. Yes, there is something, but wait for details. I have four of the best gig-scouts possible enlisted, should they hear anything. There is the catering lady, the owner of the club, the Saturday lady at Kootes, and the barmaid in Bartow. You can’t get married around here without somebody knowing.
           It seems a small club across from the post office were asking about a New Year’s band. They could not find anything in their price range, so I’ll wager that means at least $500. I’ll talk to the Prez tomorrow, I say because of the location and influence, we should take it for $200. This is not cleared with the Prez yet and he has a family to consider. I’m an old hand and know that the celebration is the day, not the evening before. Remind me to drop into Kooters for an extra reinforcement on that one, their staff turnover often makes for conflicting messages. For me, any kind of New Year’s gig from a standing start in August is a feather in my bonnet.
           To clear up a standing misconception, I will explain something about the tax rates used in this blog. The rate is based on the net tax effect and it works like this. I have two spreadsheets, each has all the lines I fill out on my tax form. It adds and subtracts everything according tot the rules. The published rate of “max 20%” does not apply here as too much depends on definition, totals, and filing status. Here is how to determine the true tax rate.

           A) fill out one form as you normally would., note your total taxes.
           B) Enter the investment income at the proper line, note the change in total taxes.
           C) The difference between these two numbers determines the rate on the investment.

           This is how I know my tax rate on the investment in Caltier is 8.2311%. This is a less speculative investment than say, the excess funds or booklet publication we looked at—and abandoned once the facts about the time required emerged. No sense buying yourself a job, especially where you cannot determine success by planning and good work. I grew a liking to Caltier because it fit roughly in between. It’s a new procedure and I watch it like a hawk. The above method is far more accurate than what the so-called tax pros use.

Picture of the day.
Alziari, Nice olive shop.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Trump won Georgia. That means he won the 2020 election. What’s with this announcement three years too late? It’s another admission of Democrat desperation. If Trump was elected twice, that’s the limit for a President. These liberal leftists have no shame. I watched the 2020 and said at the time Trump must have gotten 100 million votes, but America has no election enforcement police. The Democrats planned decades ago that once their civil service declared a winner, the number of votes no longer mattered.
           There is a meme circulating that as layoffs continue due to the poor economy, the decision of who to let go is done by going through the parking lot and finding cars with “Biden-Harris” stickers. The justification is, they voted for change, let them have it. Ha, that would have devastated the corporation I worked at 30 years ago.
           Old Cher has once more announced her intend to skedaddle if Trump is elected. Along with thousands, I volunteered to pay for her one-way ticket. Others intend to flee, the prominent one being Biden’s crack-addict son. Too many pictures of him with nine-year-old girls and there’s the matter of him drawing a million dollars out of ATMs while being an unskilled laborer. The corrupt system won’t seize their passports, but the justice is they will not be safe any place else they might run to.

           The wind has arrived early and I hear something rattling outside. I can’t find it. Moderate wind is welcome as it keeps the heat index close to actual, but it has a nasty reputation. We’ll stay tucked inside. My book on German policy pre-World War One is a great source of detailed information but also slow reading. One entire chapter concerns how the trade unions of the time regularly ran out of strike funds against the upper class, who owned the banks. Interesting because the way they dealt with it was not going after the factories, but shift their influence on to politicians. Ah, so that’s where it comes from.
           More news from Georgia, the fake ballots have been counted and it is rotten Fulton County at the center. We know that location from our look at the excess funds business. That went nowhere because of the huge amount of time required, most of it on the phone. No thank you. A lot of Americans don’t understand the law feature that separates cases from future evidence. The announcement of the ballot fraud follows on the heels of a conviction against a lawyer for claiming the ballots were bad. This does NOT mean his fine and conviction are overturned. It means they stand until he gets a new trial, which could take years.

           Remember when failing Feather Press suddenly received a government grant, upon which they paid Jill Biden $800,00 for rights to her book? Then the book sold “less than 250” copies on opening week. Well, it turns out 100 were bought in a single Visa transaction. Do you think she still has them in her attic? I prefer real books like the one I’m reading on the German of 1905. Here’s something I learned.
           The German trade unions were more organized than in France or England, if only because they had the addition threat of Russian communism on their doorstep. Rather than industry-wide strikes, the German unions would strike at on factory at a time. The remaining factory workers would continue, providing fund to support the striking workers. By this method, they were able to convert entire industries one factory at a time. It worked well until the companies formed the “Central League of German Industrialists” who committed one mark per worker to a fund to support the factories. Against such money, the unionists quickly capitulated. However, it is a costly way for the factories to win and they did not break the unions.
           Instead, the unions developed the technique of nation-wide shutdowns. Unfortunately at the time, the communists were advocating a similar tactic for their own selfish reasons. The two factions were often perceived as the same, much to the dismay of the unionists. The reading is a bit intense, so wait patiently for how this turns out, we are talking 350 pages. Almost a third of what I read every week, not counting articles, posts, newspapers, just books. I just read a 1956 newspaper clipping about police raiding a “non-virgin club operation”.

Last Laugh