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Thursday, December 7, 2023

December 7, 2023

One year ago today: December 7, 2022, millennial windshield posts.
Five years ago today: December 7, 2018, Ernst samples chip dip.
Nine years ago today: December 7, 2014, that property in West Palm . . . .
Random years ago today: December 7, 2008, babes in the lineup.

           Happy Birthday, Eatmore. My first true love, but ten years too early, sigh, but that was over 50 years ago. A different world and back when America was a great country. Women were skinny, losers knew their place, and you could eventually work yourself out of debt and poverty. Most everything and everybody worked, those that did not were frowned upon, and you were free to do most anything you pleased. True, the danger signs were there, but the massive “cable TV” class were already causing more trouble than they were worth. Welcome to a frozen Florida morning, it is 42°F out there. I’m in the back room with three heater full blast and a mug of coffee. See that photo? That’s the most exciting happening this morning. Something bit a chunk our of my upper shin. This is the blog that dares feature a bug bite.
           I cranked the heaters and sat around in my shorts. Says here a tour group of Asians ignored the boatman’s orders and nearly drowned capsizing the gondola trying to take selfies. I would have paid to see that. The EU has announced a law that will take away your old car in the name of climate change. Do you know why Islam worships the Moon? Because it provides light at night, while the Sun only provides light during the day when nobody needs it. And how about JZ, who has a ton of uncles. They’re everywhere, but most he talks about the ones who are wheeler-dealers.

           And one of them bought a warehouse full of deer meat for $700,000 around a year ago March. The old owners could not pay the electric bills, so he paid that and sold the meat. He gave some of it away, it tastes like slightly strong beef. Anyway, this guy sells it last August for $2.1 million. I don’t know the actual details but that’s still a monstrous profit. He’s looking for the next deal and this made for lively conversation to date.
           You see, the guy is older than us and I think he should invest most of the money in having a good time with what’s left. JZ points out I’m investing again, yes, but I have a reason to invest. With no real bills to pay, I get along with everybody I associate with, and would like to make sure the Reb is fine if I’m not around. I see the issues, if they don’t have good women in their lives it wears on your mental and physical—but money doesn’t cure that. I’m not the one to dish out dating advice, but for me two things never worked. Waiting for it or going out looking for it.

           The question shifts to what do I therefore care how some uncle I met once fifteen years ago fares? Because dammit, JZ is influenced by it all. The human interest factor here isn't the remote guy, but the hilarious antics and analogies JZ & I come up with arguing the point. He knows better than to suggest I’m lucky to have someone, when he doesn’t take any of the excellent advice or great examples I present, thank you. That kept us on the phone an hour, what’s happening that I can waste so much time that was unheard of so few years ago.
           Start with Taylor Swift, he says I’ve been waiting for her ten years, but I’m quick to point out she is the exception. I don’t wait or search, he points out, but those are not the exclusive options. I still meet around two new women a week and he meets zero. I say that proves my theory of finding out where women [go to] meet men and go there to get met. But I mean for him. When I go there, all I meet are the hussies, leftovers, fatties, and golddiggers. So why would advise a pal to do that? Because he makes it quite clear he has no qualms about such women, as long as they show him a good time.

           Ah, I heard someone mention the Lock & Key events we attended some twenty years ago. How is it I met the one nice one and JZ met the 20 bad ones. First of all, let me say I’m glad you asked that question, but unlike a Democrat, I will actually answer it. The difference was JZ showed up empty handed, same as every other male that showed up. Don’t argue, I was there and you weren’t and I was the only man in the club who even knew how to dance.
           JZ again thinks the Brightline rail link is near my cabin. Wrong, it goes to Orlando, never closer than I-95 which is 60 or 70 driving miles away. America has never learned they cannot run commuter trains at a profit because the trains, like airports, are not really near the cities they claim to connect. The new Brightline station in Los Angeles is 45 miles out of town and the Las Vegas stop is at the airport. The line was built with a $3 billion grant from the Biden Administration, who just printed up the money, passing the cost as inflation.

Picture of the day.
Australian road sign.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           You can imagine the banter and yes-but going on [between JZ & I] for the hour. So I don’t know how JZ does understand having all that money isn’t helping any of them. I had all the women at that event in a ring around our table and instead, you remember what happened. The fat ugly one tried to drag him up to her hotel room. The one that said if he didn’t go she was going to die “the virgin Mary”. That’s the only part he remembers. So yeah, you got to show up with something to offer. Most over-30 women have met and heard every loser in the countryside with nothing to offer. They aren’t still single because their cat-people need them. The nice one I met decided I was too short for her liking. Nobody has it all their own way except in the movies, and old movies at that.
           This picture is the most powerful tiny motor I’ve seen yet. The torque is amazing. The only marking on it says Tech 6, so give me time to find what it is for. I measured all I had during a quick research hour on axial flux electric motors. You may be unfamiliar with these, they are the latest for EVs, but their high torque is destined for electric airplanes. Almost every electric motor you’ve ever seen is a radial flux type. My intention is to learn just enough to know one if I see it. I have another that looks like an old Sopwith radial and I have time to follow up just one. Where you are likely to encounter a large axial flux motor is from Rolls Royce who have one that is reputedly 95% efficient in that airplane they built.

           By mid-afternoon we had temps in the 70s so I partially returned to my chosen routines. That is, to get something accomplished every day, and by that I mean at least a couple hours of moving around work. Music and doing the books don’t count. I cleared the fence area around the compressor, I think I’ll install a small door. Then I mounted an extra set of outlets near the work station and put away some took boxes. My yard perpetually has at least five dead papaya branches and I straightened up a few spots in my horrendously untidy workshed.
           I have only the radio in there, a medium I formerly listened to most in the car. But all the stations went bad. The Mars One company is bankrupt, but I still like the idea of sending permanent volunteers ahead to Mars one way. Their task is to build habitats and fuel for follow-on missions. NASA hates the idea, as a one-way version undercuts their plan by billions of dollars, and them NASA people do like their government pensions. How about Laconia, New Hampshire, which has only two blacks and they got into a gunfight.

           A video of a styrofoam model jet caught my attention. Using model parts, this toy hit 130 mph. I’ve always been keen on building such models of styrofoam, but never did it since I don’t possess the design skills or time to devote to a new hobby. It’s that speed, that is military quality. The model carries a camera, radio control gear, and is expendable. I was struck by how trial and error wound up with a shape similar to the Japanese Okha suicide rocket. I use the term styrofoam loosely, I mean plastic structural building material of any type that’s suitable.
           I chose wood long ago because I have the tools to use it. This is why you would fnd lots of small wood models around here like this airplane blank that would normally be made from plastic foam core. Honestly, I quit watching the videos of the airplanes because I was put off by the scenes of guys who had unlimited money at an age I could not afford a hammer acting like having a $50,000 machine shop is “pretty cool”. Imagine what I could have done with such machinery!
           With no early experience, even today I have trouble mastering fine machinery. I’m aware some of the best American inventors had the common trait of not having to rely on others. Those who lacked this, like Telsa, wound up on the skids. I had once hoped that computers would provide an early substitute for the final production stage. Yet even today, I don’t trust 3D printers to do the job. I remain primarily at the concept and crude model stage.

           Caltier. Their monthly statement was messed up, royally. By now, my blog readers would spot the problem. Millennial-think. The $500 bonus has disappeared, along with 58¢ from the reinvestment file which I disabled a year ago. I know the “language” is C+, but I often abbreviate it to C and that is the problem here. They made some last minute changes without heeding my warnings. So now we know, folks, the management at Caltier does not read my blog. To their detriment. The “reinvestment” tag sounds good, but it isn’t. That is what some millennial calls by the wrong name, because millennials only grasp monitor displays, not investment systems.

           Laughs and chuckles are always welcome here. How about the gal who complained about a plank of wood. When she goes off camera to have a pee, she puts up a plank of wood and her viewership goes up 50, and when she removes the plank her viewership drops back 50. She asks why people prefer the plank. The comments are hilarious. One smart-ass suggested a plank of wood could be turned into something useful that keeps its shape.
           I’ll go for another camera rather than work with the smart phone. It takes great photos but you can’t fix them for blogs. It can be done, but I don’t have the sheer time needed to work through it all. It tells me my usual suspicions are right, the average “computer whiz” is no such thing. The pictures will not drag and drop from the camera to the desktop. The images appear, but you cannot resize or rename them without the phone attached. It can probably be done, but the fact it is screwed up tells you not many smart phone users have a decent blog.

Last Laugh