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Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24, 2024

One year ago today: June 24, 2023, unpopular billionaires everywhere.
Five years ago today: June 24, 2019, weather station symbols.
Nine years ago today: June 24, 2015, no more butter.
Random years ago today: June 24, 2009, at the shoemakers.

           Up early, I got a full morning in before the heat caught up. Skipping breakfast so I could have a milkshake, that was a treat. I’ve got my taste buds back for vanilla shakes. I managed to shim and square the movable door panel and it is also quite rotted. It was bad when I first saw it in 2019, I reinforced it with pieces from the old lawn swing. It was built from hand sawn treated lumber, so by how, those were the only pieces left holding anything together. I got Chooks out for moral support and JeePee into the playpen for his sunshine time. By noon, I could zonk.
           But instead, I ran up to the lumberyard. Yes, these are the big event nowadays, I sure notice the contrast when looking back in this blog. And I notice the A.I. apps that succeed are once again those that manage the largest initial audience. There are now some 300 text-to-video offerings on-line (I made the mistake of asking a millennial type) and find that the one I originally chose (Synthesia) is still a contender. Some of the other have marketing plans from Jupiter, you know the ones I mean. Free, but not free, some with “credits” you use up, all generate the material on-line as if you know they don’t keep a copy they “own” in the fine print.

           Since I was working alone, I finally squared the second door so it fit into the space available. The surrounding lumber has warped and sagged so I ruled against taking the whole thing down and bracing it. Up to the lumber place, I scored a couple dozen fence panels for back home and enough extras to fix the back fence. Did I mention I found and plugged the leak where the dogs were getting out? Half the scrap lumber in Davidson county is now in that back yard and the bamboo makes it impossible to make repairs without risking exhaustion. I’ve grown a year older fixing that damn door. Untreated, unpainted lumber works great – for about five years maximum.

Picture of the day.
Wal*Mart entertainment.
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           I suspect there is no such thing as a quick door fix. Guess who I ran into at the lumberyard. Wild Turkey, as he was with his grandson, who looks like some movie character I cannot place. Maybe not movies, but one of those how-to videos. It will hit me, and remind me to walk the pooches over for a visit sometime soon. Not today, not in this weather. Later a little shade let me scout the back yard to find where the dog is getting out. Ha, where isn’t he? Entire sections have finally rotted away, it is approaching the point of no return.
           I bought fifteen fence panels. Even sawing them in half is not going to complete the job. I may have to use pieces salvaged a second time. Every hour I had to get back into the house to cool down and I saw something I haven’t seen in 30 years and would not have thought could happen. There was not formal blog kept during the 90s, but I often related I was disappointed in the path computers were taking. Instead of maximizing tasks for what a computer would do, the rush was to “automating” existing manual systems.

           I designed all of my own posters and artwork in those days, never thinking it was something to make a career out of. That’s what I saw today. The company was with an on-line group designing a small leaflet cover. I was appalled how little has changed and that what used to be a one-man five minute job. Two grown men randomly trying fonts to see no which was best for the task, but which one they could agree on. They used fonts without knowing much about them, they were even unaware what a point was, only that 11 points was bigger than 10 points. High tech stuff for millennials.
           Part of what got me was how little the process had changed. In 1994, you took each component, modified what you needed, then placed it on your layout, careful to group items that might shift. I imagined all this would be simplified by now where instead it was quite the chuckle listening to these men got at this. Adolph Hitler predicted this, by the way, how western societies would lapse down to this level. People creating jobs out of doing things that reasonably talented and productive people should be doing for themselves. Specializing in the simplest tasks rather than the highest skill attainable.

           The talk remains the upcoming debate. I’m incredulous to learn it will be on CNN. What, to stave off their bankruptcy? The list of conditions, such as “no audience”, has the world chortling at the farce. The understanding it the Democrats want no witnesses. Unless they channelize and direct everything, Trump is going to kick Biden’s arse. Biden was a zero to start with and it’s been years since he could string a few sentences together without spouting political slogans. That is not going to work this time around.
           Keeping the debate private is a first. Seems to me they are planning on their old trick of editing footage of whatever is said to their own advantage. With the A.I. capabilities now, that could prove interesting. Their obstacle id people are now aware of what Trump would or would not say and are unlikely to believe the sort of things the Left would now have today.

Last Laugh