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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024

One year ago today: June 26, 2023, booed off stage.
Five years ago today: June 26, 2019, cheap, but lots.
Nine years ago today: June 26, 2015, is he wrong or racist?
Random years ago today: June 26, 2007, remember the Argus.

           The Reb returns today, I wanted to let the dogs roam in the back, so I tackled the fence shown y’day. Problems. The whole back area has rotted completely away except for the long 2x4”runners. I mean totally rotten, they crumble if picked up. Worse, some of the sections have since overgrown with bamboo. They cannot be repaired without clearing the brush. This is not the greatest way to spend a heat wave, but I was out there all day. You may have to return to see pictures, because I got caught in that freak rainstorm.
           It came up with a three minute warning of wind out of a clear sky. At least in Florida, you get lots of notice she’s about to hit. The expensive tools got inside just in time. Cancel cleaning up any of the sawdust and shavings and all I wanted done before she got back. I found myself inside with my book on the Admirals, I picked the chapters on the weapons, which interest me more than the personalities. I’ve picked up some sea lore and stats that I may use in my planned upcoming A.I. text-to-video. One of the things I will do while here is set up the account, which proved impossible to do from Florida without breaching some of the rules.

           The plot involves a lot of the work these four men did to advance the cause of torpedoes and carriers. They had it rough, as the prevailing sentiment was that only a battleship can sink a battleship. In this process, the book passes on tidbits I’ve not found elsewhere without deep research. For example, of all the money and expense of these ships and the thousands of shells fired, only 300 of them ever actually hit anything. And of those only 42 sank or put an opponent out of action. But when they did, most of the targets went down with only a few survivors.
           Part of the problem was the nature of the war games between the big wars. Mitchell did sink a battleship with bombs and U-boats torpedoed 3,000 Allied ships, but each was open to interpretation. In these instances, the ship was stationary, did not fight back, and was not loaded full of fuel and ammunition. And the fact the Allies sunk only 178 U-boats was not considered a kill-ratio because most of the vessels were not military.
           I find the parts about the admiral’s lives and loves kind of boring, I mean, I do not find much interesting in the social lives of military personnel, the book is very well-written. And properly proof-read. They did a good job. I can’t imagine having to boss around one crew, much less 90 ships. There are alos revelations of details I would leave alone. Like the captain’s liquor ration, who their daughter’s are poinking, and I am not surprised when their wives go insane.

Picture of the day.
Mexican hoodoos.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I stopped by the library to check the mail and found this interesting amplifier diagram. (Send a copy to Agt. M.) We have the parts and this time rather than follow the specs, the plan is to find out the calculations that goes into every resistor. We’ve determined that is where the failures or poor performance of the amps we have built lies. The resistors need to be expertly matched. Each is a simple calculation but what the text and tutorials are not giving is the time and place to apply them.
           This diagram has the values written in and I know enough of the formulas to figure the bias current. I also see the decoupler, which I pretty much now consider standard. The Chinese are marketing a small 20W amplifier, I plan to check the repair shop on Hickory for a second had unit tomorrow. I want to connect it to a bass speaker and see if I really can get a 20W bass sound. If not, a cheap enough alternative is to accept a thin bass sound because one of the aspects of my playing is that I am not playing what a guitarist would consider to be just bass.

           I got the old panels down, maybe 10% of them can be used again. The remainder had to be transported here from the lumberyard. No, I did not get any help or offers of help. The economical way to do this was to string my little compressor all the way to the back. So, who remembers the dandy little compressor I keep in the van? Best mini I’ve owned, it has two small piston instead of one big (I think) but it easily powers a stapler or nail punch. And that ridiculously long 100 foot extension cord I cut into to 50s just reached that back fence. But as always other people never have enough short cables or the right screwdrivers, etc. I must have spent 20% of my time walking back and forth. I was rather happy I could keep up the pace, slow as it was compared to what I’d like to think I could do. I managed about a sixth of the pickets before the scramble to save the tools.
           Then I went inside, made a coffee, grabbed a book and fell asleep sitting up until after dark. Next thing I know it is midnight and the Reb is home. I’m not complaining, anything beats wasting time doing anything else. The company has the TV on all day, but I’m used to people like that. All the stations are anti-Trump, pounding out the false and misleading. The thrust seems to be they are trying their darndest to convince the most gullible that the ONLY points important enough to make at tomorrow’s fake debate are abortion and climate change.

           This has hackles raised everywhere. As I find out more, such as the no-audience rule insisted on by the Democrats, it gets worse. They also insist on the right to cut off Trump’s mic if he strays from these two topics. The Internet has exposed these tactics and they do not seem to be aware they are making much too obvious a big tactical error over this.
           One of the guests here is a Democrat, a bit put off that neither the Reb or I will talk politics, in particular. TV politics. I don’t know the guy much, but such people will always revert to personal examples if caught on any point. For instance I think the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill is a farce. The Democrat areas squandered the money earmarked for roads and spent it on welfare and credit cards for illegal immigrants. It is shameful they let things get so bas it costs a trillion to fix, but all the guest sees is the roads near his parent’s place in California is getting resurfaced. Duh. They don't seem to realize they are being bought dinner with their own money.

Last Laugh