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Friday, August 9, 2024

August 9, 2024

One year ago today: August 9, 2023, the driest cedar yet.
Five years ago today: August 9, 2019, rest & recovery.
Nine years ago today: August 9, 2015, the real epidemic.
Random years ago today: August 9, 2020, I felt that!

           Retirement, my eye. This is the most active time of my life, including when I worked for a living. By that, I mean always something on the go, always something to do, and considering a few inhibiting conditions, active all the time. This morning I will fix the neighbors flashing (storm damage), put up another shelf, pile some merch on the shelves, and if you see pictures, remember this blog doesn’t write itself. What’s this? The Democrats know their spinning takes time, so they often pre-record breaking news announcements. Thus, they base a lot on their version hitting the waves first.The problem is, sometimes those get released before the event. Like the choice for VP. Oops, again.
           Now, I won’t be the first to tell you this level of activity comes at a cost, and it is fatigue. That is, tiredness that cannot be overcome by any amount of rest, and the effect is cumulative. At least it is not total (yet) and this morning I have an example. After a hearty breakfast (that gets my food mention out of the way), I thought I’d nap. Hey, it’s Friday. But as I laid back, I noticed one of my several navigation books (great sleeping aids) was beside the pillow, open to diagram.

           How about this fake A.I. picture that the Harris campaign people are circulating as proof of her new popularity. Three weeks ago she was a hated nobody, now they want you to believe she is loved by 46% of US voters. You can enlarge this photo or find it on-line. Dozens of people with duplicate hands, all cell phones with the same scene, people in red shirts up front that must be 30 feet tall, and worse, too many of the people are surrounded by a faint white halo. The Democrat desperation is getting disgusting.

           The thought hit me what person would see if he were able to stand on that spot in the ocean. Ker-pow! I knew I was close, but now I completely understand Sight Reduction tables, I could even tell you if a reading was wrong. I base a lot on this ability to “check for reasonableness” and it suddenly clicked. I would still need to conduct dozens of examples but over the years, I know this leads to a secondary benefit. It means I can go back over passages I’ve read before that were a bit blurry and they will now make good sense.
           Allow me to jot down a few notes while this realization is fresh. The most confusing aspect has always been the AP, or assigned point. There was never an adequate description of why and how it fit the picture. I memorized the rules and understood the shallow descriptions given. It was not my imagination, they are not good enough. I’ve done several complete examples of the whole process, blindly trusting the AP was correct. This time, I know exactly what it has to be. Funny it is that the subject is just complicated enough that I don’t dare try to make a better approach to teaching it.

           How about a recommendation instead, how to prepare for the leaning process? Review your trigonometry but this time imagine what all the triangles would do if the corners can move around and if the triangle was lying on a curved surface. Because now I see the relationship. I’d guessed before that navigation involved two triangles perpendicular to each other. Now I can visualize the complete structure. One triangle is “flat” on the Earth’s surface with one corner fixed on the North Pole. The other is a triangle pointing upward with one corner fixed on the Sun at the moment you took the sextant reading. These triangles intersect and one of those intersections gives you some idea of where you are. (You’ll need more that one reading to actually fix your position.)
           Part of what threw me is the second triangle is really a cone, with the Sun at the top. You could be anywhere around the base of that code and still see the Sun at the same height over the horizon. It only turns into a triangle when you pick which spot you are interested in. Don’t try to follow this, I’m still turning it over. This got me wide awake. I’m familiar with my learning curve and cancel the nap. I may be yawning but my brain gears are engaged and sleep is out of the question for a while. This is what, over ten years of study (part time of course) and that means twenty times longer than it should have taken if I’d had a mentor. As it is, I got not a lick of help from anyone.
           In other news, Disney releases four “new” movies, all sequels, in a desperate stab at recapturing market share. I will not be watching Zootopia 2. The weirdo lady ex-CEO of youTube has croaked to few people’s regret. She’s the one banning everything, the one who once tried to have laws passed so she could not be sued for censorship. When the details are missing, it's another vax death. These libtards always find a way to avoid accountability.

Picture of the day.
East Village, after immigration.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The neighbor’s siding is reparable without buying new materials. One strip is damaged on both ends but I happen to have some same-colored formica that can be trimmed to the correct dimensions. It is hot, check back how far I get. Later, it’s done, well mostly. I ran out of white caulking. Like most his place has settled and the siding got slightly warped as in it would not snap back into place. So I used 12 strategically placed screws and daubed the exposed heads. It will have to do until I make another trip to Winter Haven which likely won’t be soon.
           Next, two more shelves filled in and some older stock thrown out. I’ll finish that tomorrow and that is half the remaining work. What’s left can be done at a more leisurely pace. A load of laundry and a trip to the library to get you some pictures, these tell me how mundane my life is goingo to become, so make sure you read all this stuff in context. If there were any exciting thing to do, I’d go do them. But at some point you realize just once in a while you wish somebody else somewhere could, for a change, provide a little input.

           Prior to the gig, I got most of the logistics ready, we plan to have some guests on stage tonight. The Prez was initially hesitant about all the chick music, but no more. That’s who you fire up, which resulted in another shift of ballast on the song list. I remind you this blog is not the place to keep tabs on the gigs. If I talk music here, it is generally song lists, organization, hurdles, and personalities. And the song list is the focus here. It has shifted back toward my vocals. Why? Either because I’m such a fantastic singer, or because I have dominating experience playing chick music. When we played downtown, we had almost a 50/50 split on the vocals, but with the Legion, I do 29 numbers, the Prez has dropped to 19. (The expected guests never showed.)
           This has little to do with the show, it is just some stats that reflect the nature of what we do, and I also feel when this blog is famous in 2124 A.D., the statistics will delight anybody left smart enough to grasp them—probably a robot. Now before I go set up [equipment], let me shave extra close in case this is the night Tay-Tay walks in. I e-mailed the Prez some promo pics, you know, in case she shows while I’m away. He’s to ask if she needs any papaya.

           Fast forward to end of the gig. It was so-so for an all-too-familiar circumstance. A finicky and unpredictable payday crowd. The city employee and mine workers collect on a Thursday, so we missed the Mardis Gras. It was a decent gig and we honed some new music, but that’s it. Two bucks in the tip jar, more people playing darts than dancing, and our guest mandolin player did not show. I talked to the staff a bit, we don’t like playing to an empty house either. But we all know there is very little can be done to influence the situation. Once a crowd settles, they don’t move much. We decided the gigs go on hold until the snowbirds return. Same as the other Legion, that’s mid-September. Maybe we’ll do something for Labor Day. Here’s half a picture that slipped passed the Internet censor. It sure displays a more coordinated stage presence. And we are burning up our material too fast--a sure sign I am too busy on stage to banter with the audience.

           Cheer up, this last two weeks show a real uptick in cash flow. We got gigs, tubes, and a siding job, making this already the highest income month this year. While the totals are nothing to write home about (I won’t write them here either), they display a trend. Not bad for the dullest, slowest month of the Florida year. I got a hour's footage before my Panasonic went dead. The sound quality is terrible. Fine, we got off to a shaky start, I’ve found increasingly that the more highly arranged duo numbers tax me to the limit. It reveals in missed notes, forgotten words, and the odd wrong chord. Things that never used to be.

           This is curious, a law that I have never seen enforced on it’s basis. I understand you can be cut off certain government benefits if you are in prison, an institution, or leave the country for very long. But did you know you are supposed to inform them if you land in the hospital for more than 30 days? Hospitals are, if you read the fine print, another form of institution in their regards. To the bureau mindset I guess it makes sense. Few people enter these places voluntarily, the food is lousy, the staff are sadists, and the only entertainment is Spanish TV. Just kidding. The golf tournaments are in English.
           One more thing. Gab is slowly returning to an excellent source of memes, and there is a new prick on there lambasting everyone. The thing is, I know that guy. Bob Rosicki. He must be in his late 70s by now. What a red-ass, always was. A libtard, he’s the one who tried to get the university residence to pass a bylaw that I could not take females into my room. That Bob Rosicki. That’s him, now old and bald and wrinkled—just more so than when he was a 28 year old jock still taking second year courses. Used to wear his shoulder pads into the dining center, creep. One of many jealous bastards around at the time. Let's see how long he lasts.

Last Laugh

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