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Saturday, December 7, 2024

December 7, 2024

One year ago today: December 7, 2023, a monstrous profit.
Five years ago today: December 7, 2019, I bought a van instead.
Nine years ago today: December 7, 2015, blindly trusting.
Random years ago today: December 7, 2007, and the jets disappeared.

           Happy birthday, Eatmore. I still think about you after all these years. I occasionally ponder how different life might have been. I never did make that million or win first prize, but I definitely did not take what the world threw at me sitting down. Maybe I'm adopting turtles and regretting I did not hook up the overhead heater when it was warmer in October. Taylor still has not realized how much she needs me. The van needs a new transmission, and I've lost my taste for Swiss cheese. Conclusion: there is zero guarantee I would not have wound up exactly the same had anything been different. Most people whom the world would call contented are just resigned to their fates.
           The recorder said it went down to 59ºF, which is borderline for JeePee, the turtle. That means today he gets both a heat lamp and a basking lamp. Later, here he is under the basking lamp on his new private basking brick. He loves it; time and temperature permitting, he gets a second story for his cottage, with staircase. Turtles are amazing climbers. He quickly took to the small cave I build so it gets replaced with a 20% roomier structure. JeePee, who loves guitar music, may get my CD player that I use in the van. It's okay, but it's a millennia design. The spring to open the lid is so tight, you have to hold it by the fold-up handle except one the handle is folded up, the lid will not open. It means changing the disk requires two hands, so you have to pull over. Since you have to fold the handle down, you can't use it, meaning you have to cradle the player in the crook of your elbow with your other hand and pry the lid open.

           And how about the Hyundai door alarm. ? It took pure millennial genius to build it so that the alarm rings when you try to open the doors from the iinterior. Got that? And alarm that rings when you try to open the door from the INSIDE. Talk about millennial brain-farts. I said “try” because the door will not open. These millennials are either sick or evil-minded. The only door that will open is the driver's. So when you are camping, you cannot exit the van unless you crawl out between the front seats. This is always fun on a chilly winter days or if you want to pee in the night. Figure these people out and try to tell me that's our greatest generation. I think I have it partially understood. If you don't study history, it causes the mistaken idea that anything you've never seen before, which is most of it, is somehow new if you put it on a computer. The snag is most of these people are same as ever, simpletons to begin with. And they wonder why they never get a break and why they can't have nice things.
           I'm not saying names, but there is a Christmas festival in a town not far from here that was famous for its turnout. Last year, City Hall renamed it to exclude any mention of Christmas and gave it a really dumb title. A title that insinuated that non-Whites were behind the tradition. The result? The news this morning reported only four people showed up. Way to go, woketards.

           This town is sold out of clip-on utility lamp shades. JeePee needs his sun lamp. I've got him the basking bulb but had to borrow the neighbors shade. They are around ten bucks each, but the nearly identical units in the reptile section tagged at $26. Screw them, I'll make my before that. I had to take my new phone to the shop to get the voice-to-text enabled and get all the Google junk deleted. I slept like a log but still zonked so check in later. JeePee can crash under the lamp, I'm stuck with an electric blanket.
           I finally asked a stranger who occasionally looks at my Bandmix ad to contact the two ladies who are advertising for a band to join. They are still seeking after many months, which should give you some idea how tough the local circuit is. We've had no gigs since Labor Day and we are handily the cheapest duo for the money in the county. I've picked two of the ladies, the third is just past 30 and is looking for stardom. The other two are asking for a full band and I'm banking that is not going to happen.

           One report says the owners of the squirrel “P-nut” (Peanut is wrong) are suing the city. As always, the stormtroopers who did the deed get away scott-free while the taxpayer picks up the tab. A Canadian Judge rules yelling you hate White people and punching them is not a crime. If you don't know what “whole language learning” is, you may be one of millions of college students who cannot read books. The concept is that rather than learning to actually read, students could “extract” information from context. The reason it's blogged here is because of home-schooling.
           When parents could see the ineffectiveness of whole language learning, they reverted to teaching their kids by the standard phonetic methods. Har-har, the smartass woketards get another overdue punishment. You see, in the five years since COVID, there are now ten-year olds who can completely out-perform the whole generation of arrogant entitled GenXYZers who thought they could vote their way through life.

Picture of the day.
Portuguese fado.
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           What's going on in the news? The CEO killer is a popular guy. A survey of 86,000 comments show 73,000 approved of the killing. This is plainly the result of the health insurance practice of capping the amount paid out. People's expectations is that life should be saved at any cost, particularly when it is a relative. Rumor has it the CEO was about to testify against Pelosi for insider trading. And the MSM managed to get through December 7th without any one of them even mentioning Pearl Harbor. It is now confirmed the members of the World Economic Forum (the globalists) will only allow non-vaxxed pilot to fly their private jets.
           I won't like to X, but that's the primary source of a video showing most of the world leaders standing up and in line to greet Trump, who is not the President yet. This was at the reopening of the Nortre Damen.You can hear the libtard blood boiling as the views since around noon today soar toward the million mark. All of the faces are polite and smiling, but make no mistake about it. The globalists know they have lost not just a round, but a war. Trump is living proof they can be beat at their own game and some of those smiles were creaky at best.

           My much-required siesta put me out until dusk, so what to report today? I entered a week of old journal entries from 2001. Many of those are redacted from one or two words on a pocket calendar. Before I left last month, I had two boxes which I took extra care on the finish. The wood is conditioned and the stain was applied in several thin layers with full drying time between coats. And each coat was sanded with 180 grit and wiped down with mineral spirits. I did the best I could. The pieces were properly stacked to dry. I just got in from the shed and the results are disappointing.
           If you see any pics, it is because I braved the mosquitoes. The stain, despite such careful application, is uneven and reveals brush strokes. There are pale spots and variances in the pieces, even though I carefully chose them from a single plank that measured exactly 11% moisture. I am aware the recommended ideal is 9% but I don't have a wood oven and was more concerned that the moisture readings be consistent. I will look again with some magnification. For the effort expended, I am not happy with the results. If I'm doing something wrong, it is not mentioned on-line. I suspect the wood has to be planed, another piece of gear I don't have.

           The Atlantic (no link) reports a sting of “middle” restaurant closures. Outfits like TGIF and Red Lobster are bankrupt. Applebee's and Denny's are closing the dog locations by the hundreds. I'm the last one to cry if these franchises die off, though I am a fan of the traditional Denny's. They put the mom & pops out of business and I say it is only right their own success bites them. You see, bulk buying and other economies of scale meant they could undercut the small operators but did so by narrowing many of the margins and likely killed the spirit that drove mom & pops in favor of corporate concerns.
           Another factor is pricing. This affects the whole industry, with Big Macs now averaging over $5. With the overpriced drinks, that brings a meal up to the $8 mark which is my cut-off. Beyond that and I'll opt for a sandwich from a deli, a bigger and more healthful meal. As for a drink, I prefer my own coffee, but admit to a fondness for cola. At home, I drink Sam's cola. That's after a taste test shows I cannot tell it from Coke, which is $1.50 per six-pack more expensive. As for dining out, I plain don't perceive menu prices in the $10 to $12 range as worth spending, I'll likely skip over that and take the Reb to a $25 sushi place, which is about as upscale as I care for on a regular basis, I said, Elliott, on a regular basis.

           The public seems still unaware of the extent to which they are spied on, per this article in Grock. People don't seem to recognize either the activity or the threat until too late. Just ask th eJ6 people. I know long ago that one could not stay under the radar, but that one could spoof the system and simply learn how to “code-talk” when using cell phones or e-mail. If they want to get you, they will, but why make their job any easier. I mention some things in this blog by operation name, such as my trips. It's just a wise habit and they are never talked about until the trips are complete. See how that works? Read the link if you are still unconvinced about taking at least some basic measures. The people who call you paranoid are really stupid, you know.

           A list of 65 things to start a conversation to pick up women caught my attention. The list, not the women. I had to check it out and it was a disgusting list of amateur pick-up lines. “What food best describes your personality?” I guess if your shtick is to convince some gal you are a totally manipulable moron she wants as a husband, that would work well. Meanwhile Taylor's Eras tour has passed the $2 billion mark, making her richer than half the countries on the planet. I told you she was the one for me so long ago it might be illegal. Total ticket sales are likely in the area of 10 million. Can I pick 'em, or what!
           If you look at pictures of her concert-goers, it is all women. Some may spot the odd dweeby soi-boi in the crowd, but they hardly count for much in any venue. Taylor is saving the best for last, but she better not try using any of those cheesy pickup lines on me. If she does show up here, I'm prepared with a cover story for the media. It was my handsome yet boyish good looks and now I can claim I sent her the vibes via my pet turtle. Hey, in our troubled times, you have to cover all the bases.
           I did not win the $230 million. Neither did anyone else.

Last Laugh