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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 27. 2018

One year ago today: November 27, 2017, airplanes, quiche.
Five years ago today: November 27, 2013, remember the geek gene.
Nine years ago today: November 27, 2009, in the far background.
Random years ago today: November 27, 2015, Pegasus, codecs. millennials.

           Chilly indeed, but I still got my bicycle ride to Wal*Mart for memory sticks. The front bedroom is shifted around making room for the rehearsal space. The new guy keeps saying he plays everything already, almost a sure sign of a comper, but I would settle for that just to be in a group. It’s been too long messing around trying to find somebody who will just shut up and play. The chill was enough to have me put on some bean soup, shown here with some carrots steaming on top.. Because beans take so long to cook, why waste the steam, right?
           I like a hint of curry with my bean soup and my supply has disappeared. I mean, how long was I away. I have two storage locations, one atop the fridge and another for spices that can clump in the Florida humidity. The carrots are destined for a ginger sauce. Last week a friend of mine let me sample some ginger, a spice I normally associate with candy. The effect was like wow, clearing up the sinuses. I get the sniffles all the time in cold weather, or maybe it’s her? Anyway, is this my destiny, when bean soup becomes a top story of the day? Then again, it eventually has to happen to us all, dunnit?

           For a change today, I took my one-speed [bicycle]. That’s my emergency back-up transportation. It looks like Sony has once again screwed up with a set of priceless photos. They seem to know when I’m recording once-in-a-lifetime events. The files simply disappeared off the stick and don’t appear even to file recover operations. When will I learn to not trust Sony? Around 1985, that’s when, but this time I took the chance on my own. I just can’t figure out how they know which pictures are the ones I really need. I’m getting somewhere with the missing video files anyway.
           It seems to view the files, you need to have a setting called dual record enabled. If not, the files are there but can’t be seen. Up yours, Sony. However, they can be played back, which means if I had the right connection, I could get them off the camera. Now just you watch what a pain in the ass that is going to be with Sony. This is for my own reference later: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240 9.2 Megapixels Still Image Recording.

Picture of the day.
Virginia creeper vine.
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           While I was away, the birdfeeder fell down. Did I already say that? Anyway, here is a photo and either the rope finally frayed or them squirrels figured out how to chew through it. There it is, lying on the ground. I found it when I went looking after Mr. Red spent the morning scolding me for his late breakfast. I hope he knows I’ve got some other priorities happening.
           One of them is figuring how I put on 3.4 lb since I Saturday morning. My weight or my scale is going off kilter again. My caloric intake during the four days has been around 2,400 but the gain has been steady and the first one matched when I left Tennessee. Maybe Florida joins television cameras in adding ten pounds. The fact I’ve been famished for the entire time doesn’t enter the equation.

           Coffee today was at BK, the WiFi at Dunkin is OOS (out of service). So I took the opportunity to get some tabs for a few of the tunes our latest guitarist is plugging. The problem is, they are semi-rock tunes. That usually means the guy has aspirations of forming a larger group so he can showcase. I’ve not met the guy yet, but recognize the symptoms. I hope he understands my bands are collaboration, not subordination.
           The music I concentrated on was “Copperhead Road”, which has a simplistic bass line, and Haggart’s “Working Man Blues”, which may be adaptable on bass playing that characteristic guitar riff. “Blue Eyes Cryin” is also on the list, but I know I can do a far more interesting bass line that the original. Either way means working in the back room in the cold. It is freezing for some reason, enough that I have both heaters operating in the same room. Each year I meant to buy a 20 Amp unit, there is a dedicated outlet for it in each room. But when I do, there won’t be a cold spell until the year after I croak. The planned units are $240 apiece, which I just finished plowing into a car repair out in Wyoming somewhere.

Last Laugh

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