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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16, 2020

One year ago today: June 16, 2019, their desperate world.
Five years ago today: June 16, 2015, on pulse width modulation.
Nine years ago today: June 16, 2011, a punishable offense.
Random years ago today: June 16, 2004, early “technical” blog post.

           Is there an upswing in nothing days? Aftermath of the virus? And I’ve got a sore throat, with a cough. The only person I’ve been near was the owner of the club for this weekend, and she has no symptoms. I found a goldmine of music cables at the Fubar. Somebody found it beside the road and donated it, a large tray of almost-new XLR cables. She says they’ve been there for years, my guess is around $500 worth. This may cancel most of my weekend plans, or give me time to work on my thesis, “The Psychosomatic Benefits of Diet Ginger Ale”.
           What is a peacock bass? If you peer into this photo, it is a fish that lives in Snapper Creek. There are two of them, they are black and dead center. This is why I would make a rule that animals cannot be named after other animals. I looked it up and I think he’s got it wrong. They are a South American predatory species unrelated to real bass and have been found even in Australia. They eat all the local small fish.

           My lawyer has contacted me to begin seeing a specialist about my shoulder, but I had to sign a document saying if surgery is recommended, I will agree. This is the one event that really scares me, a loss of sensation in my bass picking arm. It’s not some idle concern, my long-term plan is that if I live to be 91, I will play bass the entire time. Today was average, I played for two hours. With that in mind, I’ve reactivated a separate bank account, since doctor’s these days slip in a credit agreement in with the “required medical form”. Last time I made that mistake, I lost a Cadillac. And more than once I’ve been denied treatment for not signing.
           It’s basically a form saying if the doctor does anything at all that is not covered by insurance, you are stuck with the tab. It frees the doctor up from doing his job of finding out what is paid and what isn’t by sloughing the problem onto the patient. No, no, doc. If I have to pay myself, I want a price quote first.

           I’ll tell you what’s become expensive. That kitchen three-way switch. I was going to make it four-way but time has shown nobody ever uses that front door. The installation requires three-wire cable, which has doubled in price. And because I need slightly over 15 feet, I have to buy the 25-foot roll. I have not mentioned food in a bit, these days I’m trying some new recipes with avocado, my replacement for mayonnaise. Ground turkey, boiled eggs, and soon I will try an avocado and radish. I did not get my new planter underway for lack of potting mix, so the weeds took it over. This, folks, is how domesticated I’ve become.
           When done, that single kitchen light switch will have set me back around $48 in materials. That does not count the hours dragging wire through the attic or trips to the lumber yard. Add that up and I’m likely to soon be owner of my very own $75 kitchen light.
           The correspondence took hours, including a long report to Tennessee about the Forex trading. I feel that there may be others out there doing the same, but without the MLM component. There is another company that the Reb finds alluring, which is okay because on my own I would never touch any type of scheme based on recruitment. That is actually a form of taking on a partner and I know how hard it is to find a guitar player who will toe the line. Fat chance I’d risk any money on a partner these days. Ah, some say, what if the Reb takes the money? Why would she take something she can have any time she wants?

Picture of the day.
Mayflower self-driving ship.
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           By noon, I’ve got a general feeling of something wrong, a fatigue that doesn’t happen simultaneously when you are younger. I doubt it’s the virus and there are still regular colds making the rounds. The laser reading on my forehead shows no fever. What a handy toy that laser thermometer is for the naturally curious. The dash in my car in the hot sun hits 177°F. My A/C full blast hits 48°F, And an ice cold beer is 38°F which slowly climbs to 57ۦF if you don’t hold it in your hand. It begins warning very quickly, in a minute or two after set-down, it is up to 48°F.
           Contacting my west coast people, several have had this condition already. They say it is mild and passes quickly. That means, due to interferon, I’m immune to the Covid in the interim. Here is the yard damage in Punta Gorda. That’s Alaine on the sea wall, pointing to the part of the yard that is sinking. It’s been filled with coral debris and limestone pieces repeatedly but something isn’t working right. She suspects the material used to seal the slabs. I don’t know a thing about seawalls.

           The leftists have learned nothing. They are blasting headlines that supporting Trump is futile because the polls are down. Yeah. The same polls that showed right up to quitting time that he could not possibly win? We’ve seen this before, it’s a setup for another round of pro-left debates with their hosts talking over the answers. Boston Dynamics has finally put a price tag on their robotic dog. It will set you back $75,000. Expect novelty crimes to follow. And watch how many big corporations are using the Covid scare to downsize. AT&T just canned 3,400 clerical and tech workers. By now, few people expect the economy to return to where it was.
           This is what mystifies me about the far left. They know communism does not work, yet they are bent on destroying democracy. I heard it put as “social nationalism”, which I presume is a play on national socialism. Far from failing, Trump has done an admiral job stemming the slide into oblivion. Sure, a few capitalists reign supreme, but the overall quality of life, even for the poor, is far beyond what any other system has provided. Show me an American without a microwave or a cell phone. Yet, I fear for this country, what will happen to it in forty years. White European Americans pay 90% of the taxes, once that is gone, look out. New Zealand can only take so many people.

Last Laugh