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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020

One year ago today: June 30, 2019, electricity terrifies them.
Five years ago today: June 30, 2015, they lent money to WHO?
Nine years ago today: June 30, 2011, two-bit pestering.
Random years ago today: June 30, 2018, a sturdy, confident manner.

           Top story, Forex trading. The software is still operating only on the pound-kiwi but as of this morning we have over 4% for the week. Since I’m housebound, the mode is changed to trailing equity. This not only means checking the trade notification very often (they have to be individually approved, it is a US law), but the faster you get them the better. You want a laugh? Okay, but since I can’t demonstrate this, use your imagination. The Reb & I have not done business together in a long time and certainly not a business that involves MLM. She is a more social person, I’m picky who I will even stand nearby. Ha, the opposite is taking place in business. Exclusive insights from the blog that dares to feature fenceposts.
           Like many people, she experiences the “fear of loss hope of gain” angst, doesn’t like downturns, tends to be risk adverse, you know what I mean. But myself, I have no fear of losses, downturns are accepted as tuition, and I will push the parameters. It’s a stretch but can you spot the analogy? Thus, we have a new balance being struck. Where I won’t go out of my way to meet people, she can rely on me too seek out the 4th decimal point in business. Where she has a manner and vocabulary that stresses social operations, I’ve a similar application to business matters. It’s a vague thing. For now.

           The morning was too hot for work, I spent the time reviewing settings and reading the fine print with Auvoria. They lack a training manual. I quickly noticed the software follows much the same patterns as the market—which I never did understand all that well, I’ll explain. No matter how many times I read the chapter, I still get baffled by how one can sell things one doesn’t own, and make money buying in a falling market. I get it, then I forget it, repeatedly. I may be forced to get a smart phone as the alternative is to stay near this computer and I have things to do.
           By later, we had some cloud cover and I got in a couple of hours. I surprised myself, putting in three fenceposts. This involved removing a fence panel and uprooting another fencepost. Think of trying to work in a sauna. Shown here you can see the three major posts, one of which is a 12-footer. The two in the center were the difficult chores, both involved a lot of root cuts. The posts will be camouflaged by tomorrow, once I finished this work, I put in another two hours of puttering. We’re getting there.

Picture of the day.
Makgadikgadi National Park.
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           Then I hear of yet another round of youTube censorship—but only of “white” sites. These libtards are in a panic over this, trying to blot out anything except an extreme left bent. The truth or fact of a statement has no meaning, it is either left or it is racist. Have I missed something big? Usually there isn’t such widespread liberal ballistics without some incident they can blow up, but I’ve heard nothing. They are labeling mild-mannered Stefan Molyneaux as promoting scientific racism and white supremacy. Who are they kidding? I used to watch Molyneaux so I could get the unvarnished facts, to get conclusions without some liberal-ass spin. It was only recently I learned he came from a bad family,, so admire the guy even more. Few "successful" people in our society have ever met those odds.
           The only time I recall him ever being “censored” was the time he quoted the Cambridge study. This was a well-funded group of pro-left intellectuals who were handsome paid to bring back real, hard scientific evidence that all races were equal. I heard one of the things they did was gather the raw data from 173 other studies that had the same purpose. And what they found was significant differences in the races. They were prevented from publishing, threatened with termination, they got the gag order along with the media, and the results were buried far from prying eyes. All Molyneaux did was quote the few statistics that came out before the censors moved in. One stat was that all 173 studies came up with the same conclusions. Put it this way.

           Time after time, these liberal groups gets major funding to prove the races are equal, they conduct a huge and expensive study with full fanfare, and when the time comes to announce the findings, there is silence. They cannot be reached for comment, the press does a smoke and mirrors campaign, all copies of the study is quietly swept under the carpet. This is data paid for by the public and they are not allowed to see it. All Molyneaux asked was what did they find? (Don’t quote me on the 173 studies, it’s just the number I remember from the video a few years ago.)
           Once more, I’m not taking sides, but I want the facts. And few things will make me accept a fact quicker than some white-hating group trying to suppress it. All of these publishers just move over to BitChute, but I harp on BitChute for making specific videos hard to find. Their search algorithm is Google-like in returning a ton of other crap they think you should watch. You people really need to let go.

           By siesta time, it was wicked hot, so I watch some repeat videos. I dunno, I very rarely watch the same movie twice. All this while, keeping an eye on the Forex notifications. The July transactions from Sydney are beginning to appear. By evening here, our return for the week is 5.474% and I’m slowly beginning to spot the relationship between pip trading and the 1:100 ratio the Auvoria Prime software is using. It seems based on chart patterns and I agree there are patterns, but not so much that you bet on them.
           My take on the charts is similar to the way I view horoscopes. Who here remembers that? Well, then I’ll repeat it. I don’t believe in horoscopes, but I know a lot of women who do. And I don’t believe charts show any “resistance” levels, but I bet on the fact there are a lot of suckers who believe like blazes. There is another 24 hours of trading left this week, I feel this was an exceptionally three days so far. I’ve learned to check the notifications ten to and ten after the hour, around enough time for a coffee and to watch a Mr. Bean video. So bad it is good.

Last Laugh