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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 9, 2020

One year ago today: December 9, 2019, the delete system = cumbersome.
Five years ago today: December 9, 2015, Auburndale music store.
Nine years ago today: December 9, 2011, Ft. Lauderdale library day.
Random years ago today: December 9, 2012, a bluegrass date?

           Once in a while I check the top sites, today I checked podcasts and looked at Techmeme, the Apple offering. It was disgusting. Every product was cast with a “pandemic” theme, as if you must believe the COVID lockdown is real, or at least as real as climate change. Sorry, but when somebody is trying to hawk me a $600 wristwatch, his pathetic ideological malfunctions mean nothing to me. Apple is also prone to unrealistic pictures of over-groomed adults posing as carefree teens in unrealistic “just friends” poses. As ever, it is always one single white woman surrounded by everything else. Okay, Apple, we get it. And it is worse than pathetic.
           Say good morning to Grumpy. I can’t seem to get kick-started. I was cheered by the news that and independent group has “seized 22 of the Dominion voting machines “that the Democrats have gone nuclear to prevent. I know, it is suspicious beyond comprehension why they don’t want the machines to be looked at, but under some obscure connection to the recent marijuana vote a room full of the “raw” machines have been spirited away. Of course, the Democrats will allege the investigators are Trump operatives. They have no real choice. And by now, the so-called will have declared nothing is out of order.
           These are some birds in Mulberry, Florida. They are omnivores and this is a usual gathering. One of the birds has a leg missing from the ankle down, so he is HB or “Hurt Bird”. My mechanic feeds them making sure HB, who has to hobble, gets his fair share.

           Bet you ten bucks the MSM will announce that the findings, unless they are pro-Biden, are debunked. But how about that episode last week when CNN got their timing wrong and announced findings were debunked before they were even released. Ooops! These 22 machines are from the Michigan country (Antrim) which switched 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, which the county has subsequently blamed on human error. Yeah, right. I’m not the only one who has noted the MSM has dropped the “president-elect” label, demoting it to “projected winner”, and this morning’s “presidential hopeful”.
           There is another development, which got my ear because according to the media this was not supposed to happen. Texas filed a lawsuit that the last minute changes to mail-in ballot rules by four of the states accused of fraud has place the rest of the states at a disadvantage. The Democrat party faithful were quick to decry that the changes were not “interstate” but seventeen other states agreed with Texas with possibly more on the way. That opens a path for the US Supreme Court to compel the states in question to appoint new electors (people who certify the vote count) and all four legislatures are soiid Republican.
           For clarity, the new electors could either certify the vote count, which they won’t do without proper ballot validation or simply not certify, meaning 62 electoral votes cause neither candidate to have the required 270 to declare a winner. At that point the US Supreme Court, not to be confused with the various State Supreme Courts (which CNN loves to do), will avoid getting involved by turning the issue over to the House (of Representatives) who are overwhemlingly Republican.

           The Mulberry free paper I’ve alluded to is now charging 50 cents a copy. It is dry material, composed by mostly one author, and lacks all entertainment value. Not even the odd cartoon and no crossword, which would be my department. The main article this issue was a double murder. The problem I have with that is the way it was presented as the victims failing to lock their door while the husband went to pick up some food. What the hell?
           That’s correct. Some 36 year old mental case went in through a patio door. When the husband returned he forced them to write him some $5,000 checks and shot them. Nobody mentioned he was black. If it was up to me, I would print the names and home addresses of the people who put this criminal out on the streets. He had a lifetime history of violence and announced he was going to get rich. These so-called social service people are not doing their job. Their primary concern is to avoid responsibiity for such incidents.

Picture of the day.
Laminate flooring press.
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           We have another back-and-forth going with my leftist pal, Elliott, except he does not see himself as biased at all. This is common, seeing oneself as middle of the road. Anyway, his point of view is that if Biden gets in, it automatically means that all the allegations of fraud and misconduct are instantly bogus. That’s the mainstream position, it’s all over, go home because we said so, nothing to see here. He’s convinced the evidence is all fake because the applications for lawsuits are rejected by the courts, who are blatantly loathe to get involved in politics Elliott does understand a rejected application is not the same as a trial that examines and overturns evidence.
           I say if Biden gets in, he will rule over the most devisive nation since the Civil War. Plus, Trump has learned about the lawsuits. He should keep filing them, forcing the Democrats to borrow ever more from their corporate masters to defend themselves. There is a radical left rumor that Trump is milking his fans, but not explaining how. If Trump wants money, all he has to do is ask. Or charge admissions to his rallies. I think the rumor is a ploy to divert attention from the corruption rampant in the Biden camp.

           Sadly I report that my drum box doesn’t work. I’ve connected bench power supply to it and it will not turn on. I could attempt a fix but i’d rather bite the bullet and get a new one. This time I don’t have to go for the cheapest model on the market. While looking I found an Ace ToneRhythm, one of the nicest units I’ve used during the 1990s but. It did not have a digital speed control and the range of acceptable tempos on the dial was super-touchy. The rest of the band was always complaining it was faster or slower than last time, and that’s probably so.
           One of the items I investigated was the latest BeatBuddy foot pedal. Be damned if that guy I talked to back in 2014 did not wind up incorporating three of the features I told him about. First, he allows songs to be downloaded to a memory card. My idea was to sell these beats in a group, but the concept he got from me. The second is he allowed the title of the song to be user defined, so instead of Beat 46 Track 2, you could display “Folsom” or some readable title. Now, I had pursued this concept as early as August 13, 2009. The software was called Red Devil Groove Box.

           The third concept he got from me was the ability to store song lists in memory, so one could use the switches to access lists without bending down to change the pedal settings. It seems a small thing, but it is a huge savings on stage. I held back my two main ideas, which are not present on the pedal.
           My concept went a bit further, that people could use any popular drum machine to create a drum beat, then sell it. I thought of selling them in batches to machines that were coded to only play purchased items, or to buy these drum beats from the creators and sell them in batches of 80. So you might have to buy several batches to get a good set. Anyway, due to lack of resources none of theses ideas flew. I’ll check out a Beat Buddy within the next few days.
           The Beat Buddy currently sells new for $299, which toes not include the extra foot switch, although that looks like nothing more than two regular foot switches combined. I have box of those single switches around here somewhere.

           Bradford is serious about how badly all his guitar-jam pals let him down, but I’m not swaying from my solo act again until I have something i can use. it’s baffling, the way Bradford describes the situation, as if he does not recall word-for-word that’s what I said four years ago. In addition, it reflects that playing music for fun was not an end-goal after all, he regularly says he knows little about playing overs. The angle there is that he knows exactly the role that playing covers means when you intend to play out.
           With him, learning the ropes there would be teaching an old dog new tricks. He’s now jammed in his life four times longer than I did, but played out less than twenty gigs, most of them free showcases That and a number of smaller items are not adding up here. He knows I have definite goals set or gigging, the primary one is money—not because I need it but because I know bands that don’t make money either break up or waste time. For that matter, I recall how for years I banked my paycheck because I made enough gigging, but now I would bank my gigging because I make enough doing nothing. (That’s a metaphor, it takes strong management and other skills to get by on limited investment and pension funds.)

Last Laugh
(Let ‘er rip!)