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Monday, May 23, 2022

May 24, 2022

One year ago today: May 24, 2021, e-Banking = zero control.
Five years ago today: May 24, 2017, a very big distinction.
Nine years ago today: May 24, 2013, multiple choice question.
Random years ago today: May 24, 2012, “Wildwood Flower” bores me.

           A one-mile dog walk to the far end of the cul-de-sac had me talking to the lawnmower guy. We have a tentative agreement to collaborate for a few weeks next trip to see if I can pick up any skills. This is very important to me, I know that most small engine problems are that carburetor. Next, I found an auto frame shop that says then can sometimes, depending on the damage, straighten car frames. If you recall, the frame on the Taurus was never impacted. It was a sideswipe. The point is, this shop charges as little as $500. That’s quite a drop from the prices quoted in Florida. Tomorrow, I may check this out.
           Blustery weather kept us indoors, where I looked at an on-line magazine site. They want a flat $40 monthly fee to publish. Ah, we’ve seen this before. Maybe one in 10,000 makes it past maybe five issues and we also know why. Same as blogging, most people run out of material, related to starting on too narrow a topic. You car can only have so many kittens, but even a bland magazine that keeps updated will eventually have a following. I know I kept buying PopSci long after it turned into a comic book.

           Here’s my tools on the back porch last dayI lack most mechanical tools other than a few wrenches. Even those are used for woodworking. How will I fare with motors? I have a couple carburetors around the yard to see if I could learn on my own. No luck with that. The new guy programmed fire alarm circuits, it’s a language I don’t know except that it can be used on Rasperberry Pi controllers. It’s like ForTran, one of those languages you learn in school and never see again.
           He has a box of the old fire-boxes. You know, the red metal boxes you yank when you see a fire or get too drunk at college. I never gave a thought to how they worked. A bell rings at the fire station. Ah, but how does the fire station know which box? These are the old mechanical boxes, no flashing lights. Inside the box is a toothed metal strip. Pulling the handle cocks this strip, which is then drawn by springs across a relay.. The arrangement of teeth causes a distinct pattern of rings at the station. A trained operator can determine which box is rigning. You learn something every day.

Picture of the day.
Nathaniel Morris house, Newfoundland.
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           Looking further at the magazine site gives clues to what other people are selling. What a disgusting number of self-help publications. It’s not just the simplicity of the advice, but the realization there must be so many millions out there that need to be told this basic shit. “Water the seeds of health, generosity, and non-destruction in your path.” For crying out loud, these are adult-oriented posts that read like baby books. Here’s a picture purported to be part of the 450 busloads of illegal immigrants that Texas is sending to DC. Dump the immigrants there, as DC has tried dumping them on the border states. Not that DC is really going to notice an extra 25,000 non-white, illegal, foreign-speaking criminals in their midst.
           Lightwave electronics, most have never heard of it. This technology uses a laser to trigger a flow of electrons. By designing nano-size “antennas”, MIT and Hamburg (German University) have been able to knock electrons around in a predictable and measurable fashion. In plain talk, they can operate logic gates a million times faster than today’s computer “clocks”. Right now, this requires a room full of equipment, but shall we not forget how little long ago that was true of early computers. In is own strange way, this kind of capability has two opposite effects on artificial intelligence. Such fast computers won’t need A.I. for years, but first to the prize becomes beyond wealthy. Lightwave gates are to transistors what transistors were to mechanical relays.
           As for shameless hypocrisy, the Democrats are now objecting to the digital tracking they’ve been using on their enemies. They say it should be banned before it can be used to track women who get abortions. Today New York City took down its last payphone, to be placed in a museum. These phones have not made money for a long time, but were installed and operated by the city, not the phone company. The first commercial electric plane has flown, a tiny two-seater with the same Sony scam—the weight is measured without the bulky DC charger. As ever, no new technology and all depends on battery life. And since you can’t take the charger with you, another charger where you land or it’s back to base.

           The Democrat panic level notches up daily as America First Republican candidates win again and again in the primaries. TMOR, primaries are the elections where a group of voters chose who will represent them. She ran against five other Republican challengers and still got 71% of the vote. To represent the district, she still has to win against whomever the Democrats back in the mid-terms. Such solid voting for one Republican is not good news to the Democrats. But it does tip them off how much they need to cheat by.
           I do not place too much faith in primaries if the race is too close. For example, if there were ten candidates, it is possible for someone to “win” with say, only 11% of the total votes. That creates bullshit governments like you get in Canada. (They form coalition governments when this happens, but it is theoretically possible to win with 89% of the population voting against you.)

Last Laugh