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Monday, November 28, 2022

November 28, 2022

One year ago today: November 28, 2021, tribal chanting
Five years ago today: November 28, 2017, Denny’s has morphed.
Nine years ago today: November 28, 2013, Ural parts.
Random years ago today: November 28, 2012, makes my scooter look fat.

           What’s this, people addicted to smartphones have lower self-control and cognitive abilities? Here I thought those were the phone selling points. Socially gimped? Can’t score? Buy a smart phone and nobody will notice. Plus, it turns out most threats to the millennials are “existential”. Only other people have theories, the millennial’s concerns are so real you can pound a nail with them. Guilt-free flying is a step closer as Rolls-Royce tests a hydrogen get with fuel produced by wind and tidal power. This morning’s project was to install Nero Express on a Win 7 computer. This is the disk burning software I prefer over all the years for simple creation of files that will work on a DVD player. I believe Win 7 is rigged to not accept the install.
           It was nearly noon, but Agt. R got the cart over here, dragging it by the safety chains. He only has the big 2” tow ball. The cart is not safely behind the new blind and cannot be seen from the road unless you stand in the neighbor’s yard. Look in the addendum for a pic of the view from the street. I still have to go downtown and get some nice tarp to cover it. I see the last guy did not do such a good job and I may wind up having to replace some wooden parts. It must be parked slightly uphill so any water that does get inside will not collect anywhere.

           Why does it take nearly two hours to go downtown and buy some tarps? Because this is Florida, that’s why. The cart is now covered up and tied down fine unless there is a hurricane. I bought a new small compressor for the van and checked out the vitals for a trip I know is pending. I stopped at Wal*mart hoping to find another RCA tablet, but it looks like the supply has finally dried up. I know if something does not sell for three months, most Wal*mart stores will stop carrying it. RCA is marketing a device called a tablet DVD, but I find no listing of what software it carries. And the “tablet” may just be referring to the shape. I’ve learned to avoid anything that has Google Kids Space.
           Then back to trying to get Win 7 to allow the installation of Nero. I’ve gone through all the procedures I normally try with no luck. What I’m doing now is rare, trying to get it to boot directly from DOS. No promises, since what you see on Windows these days isn’t real DOS any more. Odd, because it will run PowerDVD which uses all the same libraries and resources. Or whatever they are calling them these days, think the latest term for what happened is bricking. We once used that term along with cratered to describe anything that just quit working after an update. I’ve never trusted DemoShield, but that will be my final stab at this. Why risk overwriting something?

Picture of the day.
Fall fashions 1985.
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           Some airlines can’t get their pilots back at any price. JetBlue has resorted to hiring a convicted felon who is probation until the middle of the 2040s. I boycott JetBlue as they were the initial ringleader of forced vaccines, claiming as a Federal contractor, they had to follow orders. Nonsense, the mandate was never enforced and at the time JetBlue blamed Biden, they knew most other airlines were not complying. No mercy.
           What’s happening with Caltier. The first transaction has gone through This took one week, but it’s duly noted they back-dated it to the first day. We now own the minimum number of shares and I placed a second electronic order. I’m more inclined to report the financial results, but at this stage I’ll review the process. First off, the screens and instructions are not clear unless you have a computer background. That’s fine when all your clientele are millennials but there should still be an effort to make the task easier.

           I set up three tests and one option. The first test was the initial investment, and as I’ve said, the screens are not user-friendly to the average person. Second is recurring monthly addition. On the 15th of each month, the minimum investment amount is transferred from the bank account. Electronic transfers may seem normal to some, myself I like to put them through the paces and watch—closely. Third, I tested the addition of funds, again from the bank. It takes a few hoops including some government snooping, but this is part of what I’m here to learn. And last, the roll-over, that’s taking any distributions and plowing them back into the systems as additional investment. I won’t much describe this, but can tell you the most advanced and intense spreadsheets I’ve created are dedicated to monitoring to the third decimal point.
           An Arizona politician has stated that he was told to vote “Aye” on certification or he would be arrested and charged with a felony. But he forgot to name the person making the threat, so it’s posturing. Whatever happened to good old bravery under fire? An unusual report about Epson, the printer people I’ve boycotted for so long I don’t remember why. I think they were in on the ink cartridge scam, if one color went dry the whole printer would stop working., or something like that. They are going to quit making laser printers for obscure reasons such as carbon dioxide levels.

           Here is your “no hotdog cart” view from the street. Can you see it? It’s right there. The rig showed up just before noon, too late for me to tie it town and leave today. I’m going to buy tarps and I just happen to have a lot of pieces of lumber to weigh it down till I get back. The path to back it in is just a few inches wide than the cart itself, adding to the illusion it could not be parked behind that fence. And Nero would not install, so if I get this cart battened down before 2:00PM, I may build up a computer from x386 pieces I have around. A good, functioning Win XP unit that does what it is supposed to.
           Another 30-something lady posted on Reddit where to find single men. The answers were amusing. In the basement playing 1998 video games. Learning to play the ocarina. Crying in the shower. My favorite, attending medical school so I don’t have to date old ladies. What is it with this upswing in single older women everywhere? I thought it was the feminists of my generation who wound up cat-ladies. Now it appears that didn’t happen until the follow-on generation—which necessarily had to come from the non-feminists who got married. Either way, I have no use for women whose real problem is they thought they’d be young and pretty forever. Or thought they could shame older men into dating them. It simply has to be women over 28 who come up with shit like “age appropriate dating”. I didn’t say it was wrong. I said I didn’t like it.
           Never short on advice, however, I could recommend how unmarried people, both sexes, could meet up. Get off the phone and out of the house. Even an extrovert like myself with no fear of rejection is not going to meet anyone sitting at home. What I do see is women husband hunting in what would be a good spot—if they first learned a little about the subject material. Too often you see a Tootsie at the Maker Faire who thinks selenium rectifier is a brand of laxative.

           It is mostly a game of numbers. The five women in my life who made any difference, I met at a walk-a-thon, a Halloween gig, a laundromat, a barbeque, and somebody’s back yard. That’s misleading but accurate. Misleading because, if I must say so myself, my scoring average amongst a given number of women is far, far higher than people like my brothers. Meeting women isn’t enough but it’s a place to start—keeping in mind single women rarely go anywhere except for groceries without a motive, and even then.

           These older women must think wrongly about why men have hobbies, if you ask me. While men’s clubs have a definite social aspect, they are usually grounded on something more substantial than baking or quilts. I mean, have you ever seen a girl’s rocketry club? If there was such a thing, I’d join it, just to meet Becky Stern. It takes no brain-power to gossip, so even if men do talk idly, that is not the usually the biggest reason for being there. How many times have I joked to women that I’d designing that chicken coop? Twenty? Thirty? Somewhere in there. Why? Because not one has come over and said the right thing. Not one in six years in this county. If even one of them had come over and said something like, “If you need somebody who knows the square root of 289 off by heart, I’m sitting right over there.” Ladies, when you see a man who knows what he is doing, the shallow approach is not generally the best strategy. He likely already knows he has nice hand-writing, great powers of concentration, and noticed you glancing at him a half-hour earlier.

Last Laugh