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Sunday, May 21, 2023

May 21, 2023

One year ago today: May 21, 2022, getting laid is easy.
Five years ago today: May 21, 2018, an hour of ads.
Nine years ago today: May 21, 2014, old SONY soldering.
Random years ago today: May 21, 2009, the real zero.

Thirteen hours on the road.
Arrived safe & sound 8:35PM.
Went for a beer at Shooters.

           So, I get home at 9:39PM and the lights are out. The dogs don't even bother to bark. I told the Reb later I could have been the Saratoga Safeway Slasher and the dogs slept through. She patted me on the head. The dogs got jealous. But return and read what happened in the morning. Nothing happened, but that's my point.

           Here's what I have for you so far:

           I made Nashville in 11-1/2 hours driving time, taking 13-1/2 hours to do so. Thanks to a lead in the kitchen drain, I was 3 hours late getting away. Plus, I got 12 miles and realized I'd forgotten my Rx, so I had to double back. Other than getting millenialized in Cartersville, the trip was uneventful along a stretch I've seen kind of too many times already. The time went faster listening to an excellent audiobook, "Last Words". The plot moves well, there are no glaring mistakes and you get to learn something of caves and people to explore them.
           The biggest surprise is the story involves the Innocence Project, which I first read up on in Colorado back in 2012. By that, I mean I've read 600 - 800 pages. I've always been a critic of how the court system has evolved to be procedure-based rather than fact-based. Procedure is regularly used to override fact and that is just plain wrong. It also seems to me the accused should be able to present anything in his own defense. And the jury should be told they can allow anything they want to hear. Once you hear, "the jury will disregard . . ." as far as I am concerned, that is tampering.

           Here's the movie:

Free obscenities included.

           I breezed around Lakeland in record time, I have the travel log below, but how did I get millennialized? Cartersville, I thought, how friggen original, but there is a Smithville in Tennessee, so what the heck, I ignored my rule and pulled off the freeway without seeing the station. I was 60 miles short off Dalton, where I usually tank up. Ah, there is the station, a Circle K. I pull in to notice all the left-hand pumps have the yellow out-of-order bag over the handles. So I try to turn around and the angle of the pumps against a embankment is too narrow for the turning radius of my van.
           I go to back out and some Black lady has pulled in behind me and keeps saying "gibs me faw". Later I find out she wants five dollars either for gas to to get out of my way. I wiggled five or six times and finally backed into one of the stalls. The store is long and narrow, the only till open is way at the back. I pay $60, and forgetting gas is quite cheap in Georgia, have some money coming back. I walk to the back of the store and the sign says back in ten minutes. The only person behind the counter isn't authorized to work the till.
           So I figure I'll dust off, but guess who is barricaded in the men's room. Anyway, a quick stop for gas in Cartersville set me back 41 minutes and I had to drive the last 90 minutes in the dark.

Last Laugh