One year ago today: March 21, 2024, only 27,024.
Five years ago today: March 21, 2020, not a medical treatment.
Nine years ago today: March 21, 2016, I hate hotels.
Random years ago today: March 21, 2005, Washington Mutual sucks.
Heathrow is on fire, reported as an outbreak at the power station. The reality is the government forced the plant to remove its diesel generators and replaced them with batteries charged by wind turbines. That is what is on fire, but it’s a secret so don’t tell anybody. Top rated Republican candidate (12%) for California Governor is Mel Gibson. Who isn’t running. But a tough athlete is a candidate for the Irish President. Good luck, he’s in a country with a population of just over 5 million and 2 million of them are invaders. It’s too late, unless there is war. But I suspect that might be the idea. He decided to run after talking to Trump.

Here is a thistle with no history. It sprang, grew, blossomed, and went to seed within the last 48 hours. It’s in the front yard and I would not have seen it but for the joist repairs. By 9:00AM it is still below 50°F so I’m crawling back under the covers to read a chapter on LOP, the line of position. I’ve done lots of them, I’d just like more in depth knowledge. As COVID vaccine revenue is declining, there is news of a “cancer vaccine”. Some people never learn. As for myself, I’m planned to re-read the book on Assembler, despite its bad teaching style.
Slow morning mean slow news. I watched some videos on special effects. I prefer older “mechanical” styles that can be cheaply duplicated, though these days I have such limited opportunities. There is nobody in this entire county with even slight interest in anything but CGI. And you can tell how fake that is if you know what to look for. On the other hand, the older effects in some way have to actually happen on some scale. What got me thinking of this is the fine powdery dust found under the floor, it has not seen daylight in decades.
And this just in. New York’s highest court has ruled that only US citizens can vote. This cancels out 800,000 illegals in New York City alone. The Democrats may never win another election in that State. In another curious change, the people who set fire to Tesla’s are Democrats who switched from praising the car to torching it are paid agitators—and apparently the law is now able to go after those who paid them. That would be fun to watch, because up to now they’ve been above the law.
Hmmm, between the flooring, lack of gigs, leftovers, and hobby, I’m way below budget this month. While I’m still spending three times as much on gas and food, thanks to Biden, there is still some cash left for a small day trip. The jaunt over to Palm City cost less than $80 and I’m allowed to dip into unspent entertainment money. Wow, we have $160. What to do?
What’s this, Trump is talking of funding the American Academy. Free, world-class education for anybody who meets the standards. Gee, I always wanted a Doctorate in something.
ZeroHedgereports that Harvard is now offering remedial math courses.
In good news, Trump has cancelled the visas of 530,000 Cubans, Haitians, and Venezuelans that Biden brought in, claiming the admissions would “lower illegal border crossings”. Instead they took American jobs, crime went up, and oddly this was the first time many civil servants spoke up that they were being required to support programs they knew were harming the US. They have about a month to get out or be thrown out. There is also an issue with the 240,000 Ukrainians here because Biden declared them refugees from a war he started.
A lot of them settled in Michigan, an area surprisingly similar to the Ukraine. Employers in the area eagerly snapped up this pool of labor willing to work for less than $20 per hour, which for that same reason are “jobs Americans won’t do”. This is not cruelty, every one of these people know that visas were temporary until the war was over.
MicroSoft is miffed. Despite pressure and constant e-mails, only slightly over a third of users have switched to Win 11. I use Win 11 only on this computer, which is primarily this blog, a couple innocuous spreadsheets, and a few thousand memes. Everything private is on my XP units and that is not likely to change.
For distraction, I’ve been reading the German side of Operation Bagration (the Soviet attack that most people mispronounce) during 1944. The ratios are fantastic, with battle after battle of 60 or 70 German tanks destroying 400 to 500, where I include self-propelled guns in the count. The other documentaries avoid mentioning these numbers, but you know the old saying, every major battle in history has been won by the good guys.
Around this same time, a German weapon was appearing in Normandy. The six-barreled Nebelwerfer was designed for chemical warheads which were never used. Instead, the Germans got a taste of high explosive rounds from the Soviet Katyusha and adapted their own launcher. Six weeks after D-Day, these rockets were causing almost three-quarters of the Allied casualties.
Picture of the day.
Winter in Finland.
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I moved lumber for ten minutes, that’s today’s big effort. I zipped over to the lumber yard in the south end because they have the best in cull carts. With very few exceptions other than the new fence panels and items like the joists, all project lumber comes from this source. Today should have been just another day, I went to pick up more 2x6”s because I know I will have to rip up the floor part I hesitated over y’day. What luck, I got a 5/8” sheet of plywood for nine bucks. I guess the flooring under the new stove and fridge might/will be 1/8th of an inch thinner than spec. Here it is being transported on the mini-SUV. I had the yard slice it in half.

Full sheets won’t fit in the Hyundai and I cannot reach the roof rack easily. Sorry to report this minor effort caused exhaustion and blog rules say I must document this kind of thing. I moved the planks myself and helped the store guy cut the plywood. All I did then was load up the van and drive the lumber home. There, I put the four new planks under the house and moved the plywood to the back yard.
This left me fatigued and famished. I had an excellent breakfast earlier, and a full eight hours of sack time. Is something wrong? I finished two helpings of chicken fried jasmine rice, three coffees, a soda, and fell asleep for 6-1/2 hours. Sure, I deserve it but this is not me. Let’s catch up. The new guitar player showed a lack of motivation but you work with what you got. The Prez & I decided for a Sunday practice without him. That’s provided he doesn’t have an open house crop up, he’s had several already. Actually, it would not matter, we can practice anywhere. He has embraced the lessons of arranging music and has shown a remarkable talent at it.
How are things with Elsinore in the California depression? It’s now a tale of capitalism gone awry. While the audiobook has changed plots to about unionization of disadvantaged workers, I avoid taking sides for a simple reason. In my life I worked my way out of hopeless miserable poverty. And took notes along the way, knowing full well what I was up against. A large part of the problem is that you cannot “get rich” in isolation in this country. The moment you get ahead, even the slightest, you are assailed from all sides by factions that demand an undeserved share.
The welfare cases, the tax department, City Hall, and the legal system become your enemies. There is nothing you can invest in that is both legally safe where they don’t have their finger in the pie. To stay rich, you must take on a defensive posture that not only protects what you have, but the means of producing it and storing it. The American system means you must seek the support of said enemies while simultaneously slapping down anybody who tries to grab anything—hence the exploitation of the workers. Elsinore represents an extreme case.
The book is well-researched. I did not know that just before the Okies began arriving in California, the government had deported 90% of the Mexican farm laborers. The growers saw the destitute newcomers as replacements for that workforce. They forgot that the new people were Americans themselves with their own ideas about rightness and fairness. However much I see the conflict, I do not believer that communism is the only answer, in fact, it is a bad answer. History is full of examples where workers united for change without staging a violent revolution or confiscating wealth.
I understand the workers plight. The landowners think the workers want money for free and the workers think the landowners want labor for free. They can’t compromise because either side’s gain is the other’s loss. It is complicated, worsened by the realization that if the system were fair, there would be more than enough to go around. But it cannot be fair, as soon as you give the worker a dollar, he’ll demand two. On the other hand, if an employer loses, it is very rare for them to survive and start another successful business unless they have profiteering capital to fall back on.
That reminds me, I’ve never seen the definitive movie of that era, “The Grapes of Wrath”. The director was John Ford, so there will be lots of corny acting. It must be in the public domain by now. Check with me tomorrow. I heard was welcomed in the Soviet Union to demonstrate the excesses of capitalism, then banned when it showed that even poor Americans had automobiles.
Y’day’s GP (geographic position of the Sun) was off the coast of Africa again. Nearest easy to find land spot is a town called San Pedro, in Ivory Coast. Wiki says it is a fishing town, known for its night life, and lists the elevation as three feet. A mention of iron ore nearby and one famous soccer player, French is spoken along with 77 other languages.. Beyond hotel listings the only abundant information on-line is their weather report. The city map shows they have a bus line and there is one house for sale at $38,000. Real estate in the capital city, Abidjan,is similar in price to Tallahassee.
The claims the place is stable and prosperous are plainly meant in comparison to the surrounding countries. There have been riots and revolutions in the past twenty years. The place was last safe when the French were in charge. I could not locate a list of ten things to do in San Pedro. The military has ten old Russian T-55 tanks and a few helicopters but the word is they are “unserviceable” meaning nobody knows how to keep them running. As is normal, the country is owned and operated by a tiny European-educated elite.
Last Laugh
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